Why 86-year-old Igor Guberman is so cheerful and young at heart
Guberman Igor Mironovich is a Russian poet and prose writer, who became widely known due to his aphoristic and satirical - "garikam", in which he sometimes uses profanity. On July 7, he celebrated his 86th birthday. He looks and feels at least 15 years younger.
Today's edition. "Site" He'll tell you why. 86-year-old Igor Huberman So cheerful and young at heart. Mazal tov! Live to 120 in perfect health! Happiness and joy of being.
One morning Igor Guberman went looking for his glasses around the house. As soon as he found it, he realized he had forgotten why he needed it. Then the writer wondered if it was old age. Then I came to disappointing conclusions.
But then he thought again, but came to the same conclusions, but to consolation. Namely: old age is a time when the claims to life are narrowed, due to which the remaining pleasures are sharply exacerbated.
Instagram / @svetlana.as70 After that, poet and writer Huberman smiled and started writing "The Art of Ageing"He dedicated it to his peers with compassion. And do not count how many new “gariks” were born on this fertile, all exciting topic.
“You will laugh, but for many years I have written almost exclusively about old age. I want to record the different manifestations of old age, the smallest details of it. I try to describe my inner feelings. I come to the conclusion that old age is a terribly interesting period, living it is very exciting! – Igor Huberman writes in his book.
The author approaches the concept of old age philosophically and with humor. How about without him? There is always room for laughter in life. Even where it would seem...
Instagram / @olia.arina I am sure that this approach to life is worth borrowing. Humor and optimism It reduces stress and improves well-being!
Igor Huberman was born in Kharkov, where he graduated from school. The family in which the boy was born belonged to the category of intelligentsia. Father Miron Davydovich was an economist, mother Emilia Abramovna was a musician with a conservative education.
Instagram / @obovseminiochemm In Moscow, Huberman entered the Moscow Institute of Railway Engineers (MIIT). Upon graduation he received a diploma of electrical engineer. He worked in the specialty for a couple of years, but at the same time he was engaged in literature.
Maybe another one. Huberman's secret He was able to realize his natural talent as a writer and poet. In Soviet times, he wrote popular science books. And novels for the Writers' Union. He became more and more active as a dissident poet.
Instagram / @kevgeniy330 Refused to rat the KGB on dissident friends and was jailed for it. According to another version, the director of the museum in Dmitrov really liked its collection of icons. “It could have been confiscated only by giving me such a long sentence!” said Huberman.
In Siberian exile he stayed about 5 years. Then he couldn't get a job for a long time. He was then forced to leave the country. Which, fortunately, he did when he moved to Israel.
So there were circumstances that Igor Guberman had to try many different professions: a builder, a locksmith and, finally, apply his university diploma - to find a job as an engineer. In solving many domestic issues, a language barrier arose, which has not been overcome even today.
The poet jokes that he can ask the simplest questions in Hebrew, but always expects an answer with horror, because he does not understand most of what is said.
In Israel, Huberman continued to collect his collection of paintings, icons and sculptures. He also published books there, but gained more popularity among the Russian-speaking population. The poet is often invited to concerts in the post-Soviet countries.
Regarding his personal life, the writer says that he is happy in marriage all his life. “I don’t know about my wife, but she has no choice.” His wife, Tatiana Huberman, supports all the endeavors of the writer. Together they brought up 2 children and now rejoice 6 granddaughters and 2 grandchildren.
Instagram / @paradise__events Here are a couple of his quatrains:
Sometimes you wake up like a bird.
with a winged spring on the platoon,
And I want to live and work.
But it passes by breakfast.”
“I communicate with God without whining.
and without causing concern;
complain to the author of the device.”
“I am neither a lark nor an owl,
And my lot is pathetic in this sense:
I've had my head full of crap in the morning.
It is full of nonsense by evening.”
I also suggest you find out what you should not talk about to others to keep calm in your heart. Wisdom from Igor Guberman!
Today's edition. "Site" He'll tell you why. 86-year-old Igor Huberman So cheerful and young at heart. Mazal tov! Live to 120 in perfect health! Happiness and joy of being.

One morning Igor Guberman went looking for his glasses around the house. As soon as he found it, he realized he had forgotten why he needed it. Then the writer wondered if it was old age. Then I came to disappointing conclusions.
But then he thought again, but came to the same conclusions, but to consolation. Namely: old age is a time when the claims to life are narrowed, due to which the remaining pleasures are sharply exacerbated.

Instagram / @svetlana.as70 After that, poet and writer Huberman smiled and started writing "The Art of Ageing"He dedicated it to his peers with compassion. And do not count how many new “gariks” were born on this fertile, all exciting topic.
“You will laugh, but for many years I have written almost exclusively about old age. I want to record the different manifestations of old age, the smallest details of it. I try to describe my inner feelings. I come to the conclusion that old age is a terribly interesting period, living it is very exciting! – Igor Huberman writes in his book.
The author approaches the concept of old age philosophically and with humor. How about without him? There is always room for laughter in life. Even where it would seem...

Instagram / @olia.arina I am sure that this approach to life is worth borrowing. Humor and optimism It reduces stress and improves well-being!
Igor Huberman was born in Kharkov, where he graduated from school. The family in which the boy was born belonged to the category of intelligentsia. Father Miron Davydovich was an economist, mother Emilia Abramovna was a musician with a conservative education.

Instagram / @obovseminiochemm In Moscow, Huberman entered the Moscow Institute of Railway Engineers (MIIT). Upon graduation he received a diploma of electrical engineer. He worked in the specialty for a couple of years, but at the same time he was engaged in literature.
Maybe another one. Huberman's secret He was able to realize his natural talent as a writer and poet. In Soviet times, he wrote popular science books. And novels for the Writers' Union. He became more and more active as a dissident poet.

Instagram / @kevgeniy330 Refused to rat the KGB on dissident friends and was jailed for it. According to another version, the director of the museum in Dmitrov really liked its collection of icons. “It could have been confiscated only by giving me such a long sentence!” said Huberman.
In Siberian exile he stayed about 5 years. Then he couldn't get a job for a long time. He was then forced to leave the country. Which, fortunately, he did when he moved to Israel.

So there were circumstances that Igor Guberman had to try many different professions: a builder, a locksmith and, finally, apply his university diploma - to find a job as an engineer. In solving many domestic issues, a language barrier arose, which has not been overcome even today.
The poet jokes that he can ask the simplest questions in Hebrew, but always expects an answer with horror, because he does not understand most of what is said.

In Israel, Huberman continued to collect his collection of paintings, icons and sculptures. He also published books there, but gained more popularity among the Russian-speaking population. The poet is often invited to concerts in the post-Soviet countries.
Regarding his personal life, the writer says that he is happy in marriage all his life. “I don’t know about my wife, but she has no choice.” His wife, Tatiana Huberman, supports all the endeavors of the writer. Together they brought up 2 children and now rejoice 6 granddaughters and 2 grandchildren.

Instagram / @paradise__events Here are a couple of his quatrains:
Sometimes you wake up like a bird.
with a winged spring on the platoon,
And I want to live and work.
But it passes by breakfast.”
“I communicate with God without whining.
and without causing concern;
complain to the author of the device.”

“I am neither a lark nor an owl,
And my lot is pathetic in this sense:
I've had my head full of crap in the morning.
It is full of nonsense by evening.”
I also suggest you find out what you should not talk about to others to keep calm in your heart. Wisdom from Igor Guberman!
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Rich grandfather took away his grandson’s mobile phone and left in the village, and a month later returned and stunned.