Money for a rainy day put aside with a reserve for a nurse, because children never have time, but have debts.
Deferred rain-day An important help if the future is uncertain and there are no other sources of funds. Any, even the most frivolous amount can save at some not very good time. Young people do not understand this, but the older generation, which faced adversity, still remembers.
Everyone needs a financial cushion. The reasons for this can be different: the birth of a child, a change of work, illness or something more serious. Without outside help, it is difficult to live, not without reason the phrase “so that you live all your life on one salary!” was once considered a curse. But where do you get those extra ways to make money? Maybe relatives can help.
Six months ago, I sold my house out of town. My children are not accustomed to the village, manual labor is alien to them. The son went to the capital, and the daughter remained in the city. She got married, gave birth and even got divorced. And that's 32! Since I was old and the customers were generous, there was no time to think. But I'm totally happy with the deal.
So, they paid me in currency, I did not change it. And why? And now you're looking at gold. This is what my beloved daughter remembered. He says he wants to borrow part of the money to improve his living situation. Her apartment is one-bedroom, old. He wants to either exchange for two or make repairs. Well, hints, they say, on the birthday of the granddaughter it would be a great gift.
I understand that everyone wants to live better. But actually... I liked Alexei. Handsome tall guy. He had a good job and never fought with me. When she and my daughter got married, everything was fine. He worked at the factory, she sat at home. Like everybody else. But then she got bored, or I don't know, but rumors began to circulate that her daughter began to lead men to her.
But that's the rumor. This is the case, especially the city is small, envious a lot. Have a daughter. And then all of a sudden it collapsed. Alexei filed for divorce and left. Quickly and without scandal. At least that's how they told me. He left the apartment to my daughter, even pays alimony. I don’t know if it’s possible to sell such a house.
Now my daughter, day and night, asks me to lend her money. That's what my blood needs. But, you see, I know very well that my daughter has never touched a finger in her entire life. Why? In a relationship, in a decree. It is clear that I will not get my money back. And it's pressing and it's annoying at the same time. Because I have some thoughts, too.
I want to leave my savings intact. And after some time, hopefully not very soon, spend it on a nurse. Don’t put them in the bank, they can burn. If I change it now, consider it already burned. And then maybe they will increase several times. Who knows him? They won't get cheaper. I will be able to pay for someone who will take care of me.
Do you think your daughter will be the nurse? I'll tell you yes! Now she'll do anything, just give her what she needs. But then it turns out that the old mother is better to give somewhere in the hospice, time and energy for her is not enough. I know that. What is it now? Well, they don't live well. So did I, actually. Nothing, they will. They'll be younger than me.
Freepik That's the decision I made. I love my kids, but I know they are cooler. A son who completely forgot about his mother because of his capital business. And a daughter who is in debt as in silk, but wants only to receive and give nothing in return. I would understand, for example, if she needed the money for some self-development courses. In short, these are the cakes, dear ones.

Everyone needs a financial cushion. The reasons for this can be different: the birth of a child, a change of work, illness or something more serious. Without outside help, it is difficult to live, not without reason the phrase “so that you live all your life on one salary!” was once considered a curse. But where do you get those extra ways to make money? Maybe relatives can help.
Six months ago, I sold my house out of town. My children are not accustomed to the village, manual labor is alien to them. The son went to the capital, and the daughter remained in the city. She got married, gave birth and even got divorced. And that's 32! Since I was old and the customers were generous, there was no time to think. But I'm totally happy with the deal.

So, they paid me in currency, I did not change it. And why? And now you're looking at gold. This is what my beloved daughter remembered. He says he wants to borrow part of the money to improve his living situation. Her apartment is one-bedroom, old. He wants to either exchange for two or make repairs. Well, hints, they say, on the birthday of the granddaughter it would be a great gift.

I understand that everyone wants to live better. But actually... I liked Alexei. Handsome tall guy. He had a good job and never fought with me. When she and my daughter got married, everything was fine. He worked at the factory, she sat at home. Like everybody else. But then she got bored, or I don't know, but rumors began to circulate that her daughter began to lead men to her.
But that's the rumor. This is the case, especially the city is small, envious a lot. Have a daughter. And then all of a sudden it collapsed. Alexei filed for divorce and left. Quickly and without scandal. At least that's how they told me. He left the apartment to my daughter, even pays alimony. I don’t know if it’s possible to sell such a house.

Now my daughter, day and night, asks me to lend her money. That's what my blood needs. But, you see, I know very well that my daughter has never touched a finger in her entire life. Why? In a relationship, in a decree. It is clear that I will not get my money back. And it's pressing and it's annoying at the same time. Because I have some thoughts, too.
I want to leave my savings intact. And after some time, hopefully not very soon, spend it on a nurse. Don’t put them in the bank, they can burn. If I change it now, consider it already burned. And then maybe they will increase several times. Who knows him? They won't get cheaper. I will be able to pay for someone who will take care of me.

Do you think your daughter will be the nurse? I'll tell you yes! Now she'll do anything, just give her what she needs. But then it turns out that the old mother is better to give somewhere in the hospice, time and energy for her is not enough. I know that. What is it now? Well, they don't live well. So did I, actually. Nothing, they will. They'll be younger than me.

Freepik That's the decision I made. I love my kids, but I know they are cooler. A son who completely forgot about his mother because of his capital business. And a daughter who is in debt as in silk, but wants only to receive and give nothing in return. I would understand, for example, if she needed the money for some self-development courses. In short, these are the cakes, dear ones.
What questions you need to answer to understand how broad your horizons are
Everyone who vacationed in Abkhazia warned me not to take dried persimmon at the market, it was in vain that I disobeyed.