To prevent weevils and moths from getting in the flour, the grandmother kept it in a special way.

In times of crisis, people panic and try to stock up on the essentials. But any reserves must also be properly stored so that they do not become unusable. And today's edition. "Site" will tell how to store flourSo that it does not become damp and so that there are no bugs in it. So it doesn't go bad at all.

Our readers probably know that meat products should be kept in the refrigerator, and cereals should be stored in closed cans. But what about the flour? Does this important product need a special approach? And what life hacks are used by those housewives who successfully store flour for years?

Note that flour of the highest grade in the right conditions is easily stored even ten years. If we talk about flour of the lower grade, it is stored slightly less. Although, of course, in reality, there is rarely a need to store flour for such a long time.

First of all, you need to remember that flour is best preserved at temperatures up to +20 ° C. And the room should be dry, well ventilated. It is also necessary that there are no foreign smells, because flour easily absorbs any smells.

It should be remembered that dampness will soon spoil the flour, regardless of the variety. Harmful for this product and sharp fluctuations in temperature, because they accumulate moisture, which quickly makes flour unsuitable for the creation of any culinary masterpieces.

If we talk about packaging, then fabric or paper bags are most suitable for home storage of wheat or rye flour. Experts advise buying flour in paper packages, which are sent closed to a plastic bag. Such a double container will allow the product to be stored for a particularly long time.

If the package with flour has already been opened, then the contents should be poured into glass jars, linen bags or even metal boxes. But pouring flour immediately into plastic bags is not advised.

It is equally important to protect the product from pests. After all, all these unpleasant bugs and flour worms, moths and weevils will not only eat part of the flour, but also spoil the remaining reserves with their traces of vital activity.

Therefore, it is recommended to send several unpeeled cloves of garlic in a container with flour. This versatile home assistant will scare away many pests from your stock.

If you know for sure that you will not store flour for a couple of months, but much longer, then you can put kilogram containers with flour in a wooden box. And all this is a sprinkle of thyme, cardamom, wormwood, calendula. As a result, flour is stored for a long time, pests do not start, and the culinary products themselves subsequently smell pleasant.

What tricks do you use to keep flour for a long time? Tell me in the comments.


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