Logical problems that make the gyrus move frantically, 83% of adults can not solve them
Many of you have probably heard the names of the scientists who deciphered the ancient manuscripts. This is the founder of Egyptology Jean-François Champollion, who discovered the mystery of Egyptian hieroglyphics. And the Soviet scientist Yuri Knorozov, who managed to unravel the secret of Mayan writing. Our logical problems with answers are for those who are also attracted to complex puzzles. In them, you will have to guess encrypted words and find hidden logic where it at first glance does not exist.
GettyImages Logical Problems with Answers
That's the kind of collection we got. Solving these mysteries on the go is almost impossible. After all, to solve them, you have to think creatively and analytically, using both hemispheres of the brain. In everyday life, we don’t have to do that very often.
The article and the preview used photos.

GettyImages Logical Problems with Answers
- Encrypted T-shirts T-shirts with the names of the masters of the leather ball encrypted the name of another famous footballer. Name him.
- Sequence of paintings You still don't distinguish Monet from Manet and confuse Picasso with Dali? Sadly, of course, but the solution of our task will not affect. Find logic in the encrypted sequence of paintings to determine the value of the latest masterpiece.
- Perimeter of figure All angles in the figure are straight. The length of some sides is indicated. At first glance, data is not enough. But try to calculate the perimeter.
- The cipher in the clock On the three dials below is encrypted the name of one of the European capitals. In order to avoid discrepancies, we will clarify the depicted time. The first dial - 02:05, the second - 18:12, the third - 09:14.
- Mysterious island Read the list of countries in the picture. Find out which island is encrypted. P.S. Knowledge of geography is welcome.
- The largest part This is, as they say, the asterisk problem. So, the picture shows the correct square. Three lines divide it into equal parts three times. For example, a horizontal line divides a square into two halves: EAB and DGV plus a small piece. Question: Which of the letters is the largest?
- Each T-shirt has the value of the letter, the serial number of which corresponds to the number of the player. For example, on the first T-shirt the name Becham and number 2. So we write an "E." As a result, we get the name of the former forward “Benfica” eusebio.
GettyImages - The cost of each painting in millions of dollars is equal to the number of the first letter of the author’s surname in the Russian alphabet. Indeed, "M" is in 14th place. Hence $14,000,000. The serial number of the letter "T" is 20. The price of the last painting will be equal. 20 million.
- Side lengths 2 and 7 are only for distraction. If you look closely, it becomes clear that you can easily do without them. The length of all small horizontal segments is equal to a large straight line (15). The same goes for short vertical lines. From here we find the perimeter of the figure 15 + 15 + 11 + 11 = 52..
- Remember the condition. The first dial - 02:05, the second - 18:12, the third - 09:14. Now find the letters of the English alphabet with numbers 2, 5, 18, 12, 9, 14. It is easy to see that they form the word Berlin.
That's the kind of collection we got. Solving these mysteries on the go is almost impossible. After all, to solve them, you have to think creatively and analytically, using both hemispheres of the brain. In everyday life, we don’t have to do that very often.
The article and the preview used photos.
To prevent weevils and moths from getting in the flour, the grandmother kept it in a special way.
I started having heart problems when I found out my brother wanted me out of the apartment.