Is there a connection between a person’s life expectancy and the zodiac sign?
Stubborn astrologers believe that there is an invisible connection between a person’s life expectancy and his zodiac sign. Therefore, if there are relevant studies, you can find out, How long do zodiac signs live? What health distinguishes each of them.
How can the date of birth affect a person’s health and life expectancy? It is all about the location of the stars, which is observed exactly at the moment when a particular person is born. So how many years are each destined for, and what problems can this number reduce?
Signs that live less than others
These people live to an average of 78 years. However, they reach a solid figure only if they recognize serious diseases in time (and take care of them). But the habit of keeping everything to yourself and not complaining plays a cruel joke with the Lions. Most often there are problems with the back, cardiovascular system and vision. 718309
Life expectancy is 75-79 years. And to live longer, representatives of this sign need not start diseases of the respiratory tract, joints and skin. In addition, experts advise to be more often in the fresh air and get enough sleep. Libra
They live to 77-80 years, which is a lot, given the usually weak immunity. Often their diseases are associated with the lower back, kidneys or poor skin condition. It is important for these people to avoid freezing. In addition, high humidity can also become a health problem. Aries
Stars are not stingy in this case, because 80-82 years of life is quite solid. The main problems on the way in Aries are insomnia, migraine, heart disease. Therefore, it is better for these people not to fill their heads with resentments, experiences and other nonsense. After all, all this only takes away health and adds gray hair.
Long-lived signs Taurus.
The stars promise 82-86 years of life. However, a significant obstacle to life here can be problems with the genitourinary apparatus and joints. The problem often lies in gaining excess weight. These vulnerabilities should not be ignored.
They are 84-87 years old. These people often struggle with depression without success, which leads to other, more tangible problems. Therefore, we advise you to monitor your mental health, as well as eat right. Hunger strikes and overeating can be devastating for them. Capricorns
These people are predicted to live 85-88 years. Capricorns courageously fight any sores, know their weaknesses and try not to expose themselves to unnecessary danger. However, their joints, hearing, biliary tract and digestive system are particularly threatened. Virgos
The main problems of Virgo are often associated with the work of the digestive system. However, those representatives of this zodiac sign who take care of their health, live on average 85-90 years. In addition, experts advise to eat healthy food, not to overeat and not to starve. And in this case, the stars will give an additional couple of happy years of life.
Of course, every rule has both good exceptions and bad ones. Write how these descriptions from astrologers coincide with your life experience.

How can the date of birth affect a person’s health and life expectancy? It is all about the location of the stars, which is observed exactly at the moment when a particular person is born. So how many years are each destined for, and what problems can this number reduce?
Signs that live less than others
- Scorpios
Representatives of this zodiac sign live on average up to 70-72 years. However, experts explain such small indicators by the fact that Scorpios in every way avoid any medical care. These people do not care much about their health, reject any prevention and do not rush to undergo examinations. Although all this could save them from many problems and prolong life. - Aquarius
These people also rarely live to a very old age. The average life expectancy is about 72-74 years. Aquarius surprises doctors with their nonpermanent. They may not get sick all winter, even if they wander through the cold without a hat, but in the summer they manage to catch pneumonia. Most often they are pursued by problems with blood circulation, vision, gastrointestinal tract. Often nervous, which also becomes a significant source of many diseases that, of course, do not prolong life. - Sagittarius
They live up to 73-75 years and have poor health. Sagittarius should pay special attention to the state of the musculoskeletal system and the cardiovascular system. Chronic diseases ruin their lives. - Raki
Representatives of this sign live up to 75-77 years. The main problem is that they do not take their health seriously. They do not welcome a healthy lifestyle and try to avoid doctors, even when serious problems begin. Suspicion and obsession with disease (not recovery) are detrimental to Cancer. Especially frequent problems with the vascular system, gastrointestinal tract and vision.
These people live to an average of 78 years. However, they reach a solid figure only if they recognize serious diseases in time (and take care of them). But the habit of keeping everything to yourself and not complaining plays a cruel joke with the Lions. Most often there are problems with the back, cardiovascular system and vision. 718309
Life expectancy is 75-79 years. And to live longer, representatives of this sign need not start diseases of the respiratory tract, joints and skin. In addition, experts advise to be more often in the fresh air and get enough sleep. Libra
They live to 77-80 years, which is a lot, given the usually weak immunity. Often their diseases are associated with the lower back, kidneys or poor skin condition. It is important for these people to avoid freezing. In addition, high humidity can also become a health problem. Aries
Stars are not stingy in this case, because 80-82 years of life is quite solid. The main problems on the way in Aries are insomnia, migraine, heart disease. Therefore, it is better for these people not to fill their heads with resentments, experiences and other nonsense. After all, all this only takes away health and adds gray hair.

Long-lived signs Taurus.
The stars promise 82-86 years of life. However, a significant obstacle to life here can be problems with the genitourinary apparatus and joints. The problem often lies in gaining excess weight. These vulnerabilities should not be ignored.

They are 84-87 years old. These people often struggle with depression without success, which leads to other, more tangible problems. Therefore, we advise you to monitor your mental health, as well as eat right. Hunger strikes and overeating can be devastating for them. Capricorns
These people are predicted to live 85-88 years. Capricorns courageously fight any sores, know their weaknesses and try not to expose themselves to unnecessary danger. However, their joints, hearing, biliary tract and digestive system are particularly threatened. Virgos
The main problems of Virgo are often associated with the work of the digestive system. However, those representatives of this zodiac sign who take care of their health, live on average 85-90 years. In addition, experts advise to eat healthy food, not to overeat and not to starve. And in this case, the stars will give an additional couple of happy years of life.

Of course, every rule has both good exceptions and bad ones. Write how these descriptions from astrologers coincide with your life experience.
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