Vision-impaired mom cheated by cashier, but her reaction made me cry

I often notice. neglect from other younger citizens. Old people are written off as soon as they no longer do any good to our society. They can be scammed, cheated or even corny calculated in the store. It is easy to offend the weak, because they rarely can fight back. But is that really what we all want?

With today’s touching story, I want to remind everyone what respect and compassion, help and mutual assistance are. I would like this article to bring you only the brightest feelings!

A few years ago, my mother began to lose sight. Despite the prompt intervention of specialists, the problem could not be solved. And now Mommy can hardly see anything. One eye is completely squinted, and the second, defenseless, is able to see only the largest objects at arm's length.

I admire Ma. She still handles all household chores alone, always refuses help. Of course, I bring her food, and I can clean the apartment. But often mother does everything herself. She says that her lack of vision does not prevent her from living fully: “If life is a game, then I have reached a new level!” ?

It changed my mother a lot. If I were in a situation like this, I would probably just give up. I lost faith in myself. But not my mom. She had amazed me before with her prudence, but now I saw in her real wisdom. To what happened to her, mommy relates with understanding: “So it was necessary, that’s all.”

I blame myself for not doing enough for her. It’s especially hard when mom gets into trouble. This often happens when Ma goes shopping. Then she will get the change wrong, then she will just forget something at the checkout, and the cashier will pretend that he did not notice. This attitude towards the elderly just amazes me!

For example, a similar story happened recently. My mother came to visit me and asked me to check the check. She did not immediately realize that she paid much more than, according to her estimates, she should have. It turned out that my mother was cheated at the grocery store by punching 3 packets of cheese in a check instead of two.

I was outraged to find out what happened. My mom was really upset. There was a desire for vendetta in my soul. But when I angrily began to comment on this unkind act, my mother’s reaction made me shut up and cry.

She took my hand and said, Shura, people do different things, you're right. I don’t want to think about it in a bad way. Maybe that cashier had a hard day, something happened. So he didn't notice he was wrong. But even if it happened with malicious intent, God judge him, daughter!

I wanted to object to my mother, but she was ahead of me: "Yes, yes, I know what you're going to say." I need to go back to the store and stand up for me in the name of justice. I understand you because I was the same, remember? But will it make anyone feel better? You'll waste your nerves and your time, come home in a bad mood. And the cashier will feel guilty, although perhaps mistaken by accident. You will also get a kick from your boss!

My mother said the same wisdom I was talking about. I looked into her sky-blue eyes, which could no longer enjoy the beauty of the world, and I realized one important thing. Ceasing to see what is on the outside, mother even more strongly learned to look at what is inside. She only increased her humanity.

I want to one day be like my beloved mother.

Life Wisdom: What This Story Teach Us
  1. Sad as it may be, we must recognize that the attitudes towards older people in our society want to be better. The mother of the heroine repeatedly got into tricky situations because of poor vision. In its place could be any pensioner. Our duty is care for adults and treat them with respect.

As long as our parents are alive, we have a unique opportunity. Learn their wisdom and learn from their experiences.. It is often thanks to the wise word of the mother that we can look at any problem in a completely different way. It's expensive!

Try to help your parents as often as possible, even if they don’t ask for it. Take care of yourself and your loved ones!


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