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Yesterday, Valentine’s Day was celebrated, the day when highest sense He is exalted to the heavens, praised, and honored. Lovers hurry to give their soul mate flowers, sweets, gifts, attention. Isn't that beautiful? Of course, real feelings are magical. But where did this holiday come from and does it have a spiritual background?
The Highest Sense One of the Highest legend St. Valentine says that he worked as a priest in ancient Rome. And secretly married couples in love, as at that time the authorities forbade single men to marry. They thought it would be better to serve the country. Valentine could not stay away from the spiritual torment of people in love and went to meet them. He united their souls before God. Of course, the priest was made aware of his actions, and on February 14 he went to better worlds.
Another legend is no less heartfelt and sad. She can tell us about Valentine, who secretly served God, which in those centuries was not very revered. The authorities learned that Valentine crowns lovers in secret from everyone, and imprisoned his servants. Valentine himself was a rich person, but he wanted to accept his fate and save innocent people. He wrote them goodbye. thanksgiving On small pieces of paper, which will eventually be called valentines.
Discuss the highest feeling in its various manifestations can be very long. But there is no denying the fact that sales of flowers, gifts and sweets on Valentine’s Day just skyrocket. Valentines are bought by dozens, thematic festive paraphernalia too demandable. We are not talking about love in its most tender manifestations, but about the fact that it is on this day that it is necessary to demonstrate it.
It would be much better if couples didn’t forget each other’s feelings every day of the year, not just on holidays. Unfortunately, not everyone understands this and tries to support it. In part, this view can be interpreted by the fact that routine can spoil even the longest relationship. But this is just the case, if from time to time you do not recall these feelings.
The answers of the priests confirm that St. Valentine is indeed revered by the Church. However, we are talking about Valentine, who was a father and suffered for his faith. There are no secret weddings of lovers. It is important to remember the soul of a loved one. To understand that February 14 will end and all the festive euphoria will pass. Love will stay.
It's important to realize that Relationships are work. The work of two people who, for example, tied themselves in marriage. The highest feeling begins with a small spark, which then turns into a big family fire. It warms everyone who needs it. You just have to make sure that the fire doesn't go out. Constantly support and reinforce him.
How to maintain the highest sense of feeling for a loved one constantly. This should not depend on the day of the week or the time of year. And it’s not always about expensive gifts and hundreds of flowers. It is important to listen to the wishes of loved ones. Be interested in their experiences, share interests, spend time alone. For example, why not ask your other half on a date? It does not matter that the couple have been together for decades and raising children. This should in no way harm the romance.
What is the best way to show your highest feeling? What do you have to do to do that? What advice can you give to couples who feel cold in a relationship? Any advice on this subject? Be sure to express your opinion in the comments.

The Highest Sense One of the Highest legend St. Valentine says that he worked as a priest in ancient Rome. And secretly married couples in love, as at that time the authorities forbade single men to marry. They thought it would be better to serve the country. Valentine could not stay away from the spiritual torment of people in love and went to meet them. He united their souls before God. Of course, the priest was made aware of his actions, and on February 14 he went to better worlds.

Another legend is no less heartfelt and sad. She can tell us about Valentine, who secretly served God, which in those centuries was not very revered. The authorities learned that Valentine crowns lovers in secret from everyone, and imprisoned his servants. Valentine himself was a rich person, but he wanted to accept his fate and save innocent people. He wrote them goodbye. thanksgiving On small pieces of paper, which will eventually be called valentines.

Discuss the highest feeling in its various manifestations can be very long. But there is no denying the fact that sales of flowers, gifts and sweets on Valentine’s Day just skyrocket. Valentines are bought by dozens, thematic festive paraphernalia too demandable. We are not talking about love in its most tender manifestations, but about the fact that it is on this day that it is necessary to demonstrate it.
It would be much better if couples didn’t forget each other’s feelings every day of the year, not just on holidays. Unfortunately, not everyone understands this and tries to support it. In part, this view can be interpreted by the fact that routine can spoil even the longest relationship. But this is just the case, if from time to time you do not recall these feelings.

The answers of the priests confirm that St. Valentine is indeed revered by the Church. However, we are talking about Valentine, who was a father and suffered for his faith. There are no secret weddings of lovers. It is important to remember the soul of a loved one. To understand that February 14 will end and all the festive euphoria will pass. Love will stay.
It's important to realize that Relationships are work. The work of two people who, for example, tied themselves in marriage. The highest feeling begins with a small spark, which then turns into a big family fire. It warms everyone who needs it. You just have to make sure that the fire doesn't go out. Constantly support and reinforce him.

How to maintain the highest sense of feeling for a loved one constantly. This should not depend on the day of the week or the time of year. And it’s not always about expensive gifts and hundreds of flowers. It is important to listen to the wishes of loved ones. Be interested in their experiences, share interests, spend time alone. For example, why not ask your other half on a date? It does not matter that the couple have been together for decades and raising children. This should in no way harm the romance.

What is the best way to show your highest feeling? What do you have to do to do that? What advice can you give to couples who feel cold in a relationship? Any advice on this subject? Be sure to express your opinion in the comments.
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