Frosya Burlakova flew to the sky very early, but left her son her acting talent

Andrei Tashkov An actor who rarely appears on the screen today. Perhaps his best roles have already been played, or maybe he will be able to express himself loudly in new projects. Although the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Andrei Evgenyevich received back in 1994.

And today's edition. "Site" wants to acquaint readers with the life path of this wonderful actor, who was remembered by viewers on the films “Sleuth”, “Sashka”, “Teenage”. And why was he always pestered by questions about parents who were also closely related to the acting environment?

Andrey Tashkov was born Andrei Tashkov July 30, 1954 in the creative capital family. His father was a Soviet actor, screenwriter and film director Yevgeny Tashkov. It was Evgeny Ivanovich who shot the three-part film “Major Whirlwind”, as well as the 5-part television film “Adjutant of His Excellency”. By the way, these projects in popularity at one time were not much inferior even to the TV movie “Seventeen Moments of Spring”.

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Posted by Seraphim Calendar (@kalendar_serafima)

Mother Ekaterina Savinova was an actress, for her short career managed to star in three dozen films. And remember her main role in the extremely successful film “Come tomorrow...”, where Ekaterina Fedorovna played Frosya Burlakova. And by the nature of Savinov in life really resembled Burlakov. Simple, talkative, cheerful...

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Publication by PSYCHDISPANSER (@psidispanser_2.0)

Interestingly, Andrei Tashkov’s parents met in VGIK, when they were one-year-olds and studied together. And the acquaintance happened due to the fact that the future director simply did not find a place in the dormitory when he first entered the institute. As a result, Evgeny Ivanovich had to look for a place to spend the night in one of the girls’ rooms.

And only he found a free bed, lay down, turned to the wall and began to fall asleep when the girls came. He heard the deep and piercing voice of one of them, and wanted to see what beauty that voice was. So began their acquaintance, which turned into a serious relationship.

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Posted by ludyam_o_ludya (@ludyam_o_ludya)

Memories of the actor about his mother Andrei Tashkov himself has few memories of his mother. He remembered that Ekaterina Fedorovna loved to sing for herself. She could have stopped in the street and played the song. At the same time, she was not embarrassed by those around her.

But then trouble came. Savinova suddenly had a fever, and doctors failed to recognize a serious disease in time. Problems began with the nervous system, with the psyche. Since the actress was worried that she could infect someone, she tried to distance herself from loved ones, especially from her young son. At the age of 43, on the background of another exacerbation, Savinova rushed under the train.

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Posted by Nina Udaleva (@ninaudaleva)

For a while, Andrew’s father was helped by a housekeeper. Then Yevgeny Ivanovich married again, because he believed that there should be a woman in the house. Later, Andrei had a brother Alexei.

Despite all the problems, loved ones tried to invest in Andrew the maximum good. He was hired by teachers, sent to a music school, took to various sports sections. Instead of the first grade of a regular school, he ended up in an English special school.

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Publication by Sputnikkinozritelya (@sputnikkinozritelya)

Surprisingly, the guy did not like sports at all, which very upset his father. But, having chosen the acting path, Andrei Tashkov managed to achieve considerable success, and more than a hundred roles in films and TV series only prove his relevance.

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Publication by Sputnikkinozritelya (@sputnikkinozritelya)

Nowadays, Andrei Tashkov lives a quiet and secluded life. He doesn’t buy a car because he thinks it only adds a headache if he lives in Moscow. Do not use social networks, because computers and smartphones are sources of unnecessary information.

But he reads a lot and tries to treat life philosophically and the problems that have happened and happen on his life path.


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