I decided to congratulate my father on his birthday, came uninvited, and his new wife quickly sent me away.
The father-daughter relationship can become very difficult if a new wife is next to the parent. Mary has long been accustomed to the divorce of her parents. However, now between her and her father stood her stepmother, which prevents all communication of relatives.
The relationship between father and daughter Maria and her family Maria was not a teenager for a long time. But life turned out so that by the age of 30 she could not boast of having a family or a home of her own. Due to the health of her mother, she had to return home to the village immediately after university. Constant care and work in the garden take all the time. It is no wonder that Mary is lonely.
Mary's mother raised her alone. When she was 6 years old, her parents divorced and her father moved to the city. Fortunately, Maria has maintained her relationship with him. They used to call a lot. And when she studied in the city, her father constantly invited her to visit him. Sometimes he could even come to the village and help around the house. All you had to do was ask.
It so happened that a couple of years ago, Maria’s father found a woman and married her. Mary was not negative about her stepmother. She was glad that someone could find love. However, over time, it turned out that the new relative did not share the friendliness of the stepdaughter.
She was a very important and proud woman who seemed to think of herself as much superior to Mary and her mother. It became immediately obvious that without its influence there was not enough. After marriage, the father became less sociable. He could only call once a month when he used to call 1-2 times a week. I have never been invited to visit, and in general became somewhat closed. There was nothing to ask for help around the house or to sit with my mother.
Peels Last time Maria met him in a cafe near the station. In front of her stepmother. And when her mother became ill and she told her father about it, he just waved his hand saying that everything would be fine. Like he wasn't talking at all. He never asked about his ex-wife’s condition. Maria was very saddened by this, but she did not give up hope that the relationship could be repaired.
Peels Father-Daughter Relationship Just had a birthday soon. She already knew that the invitation to him and his mother could not wait. So Maria decided to visit the birthday boy herself. She packed a bag of homemade groceries, bought a gift and some candy for the sweet table.
“Surprise!” cried Maria into the phone, while waving her father’s hand through the window of his apartment. I wanted to congratulate you personally. Can I see you?
- Yes, of course, said the father, looking at Mary standing at the entrance with bags. - Why did you score so much...
Peels Maria was allowed in and allowed to lay out groceries. She presented a gift to her father, who listened to congratulations and invited her daughter to the table. Mary put a cup of black tea and poured her own sweets in the saucer.
- Sorry, we didn't cook anything, the father said.
- We're actually visiting tonight. Therefore, it would be great if you had warned in advance, the stepmother said not without irritation in her voice. We don't even have anything to do with you.
- Thank you for the hotel and the gift, the father added. - It was a pleasure.
An hour later, Maria was driving home. She was very sad that her own father did this to her. That some strange woman has such a big impact on their relationship. And now, you could say, Maria no longer had the person she knew. But she was even more upset that her father allowed himself to be manipulated. Does that mean he really treats his family like that? And everything that came before was just a fake?
How can we help in this situation? Does a stepmother have the right to interfere in the relationship between father and daughter? What should Mary do to get her father’s attention?

The relationship between father and daughter Maria and her family Maria was not a teenager for a long time. But life turned out so that by the age of 30 she could not boast of having a family or a home of her own. Due to the health of her mother, she had to return home to the village immediately after university. Constant care and work in the garden take all the time. It is no wonder that Mary is lonely.
Mary's mother raised her alone. When she was 6 years old, her parents divorced and her father moved to the city. Fortunately, Maria has maintained her relationship with him. They used to call a lot. And when she studied in the city, her father constantly invited her to visit him. Sometimes he could even come to the village and help around the house. All you had to do was ask.

It so happened that a couple of years ago, Maria’s father found a woman and married her. Mary was not negative about her stepmother. She was glad that someone could find love. However, over time, it turned out that the new relative did not share the friendliness of the stepdaughter.
She was a very important and proud woman who seemed to think of herself as much superior to Mary and her mother. It became immediately obvious that without its influence there was not enough. After marriage, the father became less sociable. He could only call once a month when he used to call 1-2 times a week. I have never been invited to visit, and in general became somewhat closed. There was nothing to ask for help around the house or to sit with my mother.

Peels Last time Maria met him in a cafe near the station. In front of her stepmother. And when her mother became ill and she told her father about it, he just waved his hand saying that everything would be fine. Like he wasn't talking at all. He never asked about his ex-wife’s condition. Maria was very saddened by this, but she did not give up hope that the relationship could be repaired.

Peels Father-Daughter Relationship Just had a birthday soon. She already knew that the invitation to him and his mother could not wait. So Maria decided to visit the birthday boy herself. She packed a bag of homemade groceries, bought a gift and some candy for the sweet table.
“Surprise!” cried Maria into the phone, while waving her father’s hand through the window of his apartment. I wanted to congratulate you personally. Can I see you?
- Yes, of course, said the father, looking at Mary standing at the entrance with bags. - Why did you score so much...

Peels Maria was allowed in and allowed to lay out groceries. She presented a gift to her father, who listened to congratulations and invited her daughter to the table. Mary put a cup of black tea and poured her own sweets in the saucer.
- Sorry, we didn't cook anything, the father said.
- We're actually visiting tonight. Therefore, it would be great if you had warned in advance, the stepmother said not without irritation in her voice. We don't even have anything to do with you.
- Thank you for the hotel and the gift, the father added. - It was a pleasure.

An hour later, Maria was driving home. She was very sad that her own father did this to her. That some strange woman has such a big impact on their relationship. And now, you could say, Maria no longer had the person she knew. But she was even more upset that her father allowed himself to be manipulated. Does that mean he really treats his family like that? And everything that came before was just a fake?
How can we help in this situation? Does a stepmother have the right to interfere in the relationship between father and daughter? What should Mary do to get her father’s attention?
Why our parents celebrate a golden wedding together, and our generation can not settle down
The smell of the quartz lamp "Sun" is impossible to forget, it is a pity that now there are few such devices.