What we are warned about in the dreams of relatives who flew to heaven
Scientists have not yet fully understood the most mysterious organ of the human body – the brain. While we are awake, he behaves in a certain way. When we sleep, we may see familiar images or even recall long-forgotten events. But On what days do we dream things??
Yeah, that happens. Official science associates such examples with chance, involuntary coincidence with real life. But how to explain the fact that some people see such “messages” much more often than others? They do not fit into the usual statistics. That's really a mystery.
It is believed that on Monday dreams are usually empty. Incoherent images created by the resting mind. Tuesday is more suitable for prophetic dreams. They are usually carried out within one or two weeks. Wednesday, too, will not please any signs seen. But dreams from Thursday to Friday are prophetic. More on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, there is no point in expecting something interesting. That's what experts say.
Katya's dream was suppressed. I didn't want to work at all. On the monitor, all sorts of pictures crumbled in different colors. The profession of a designer was not physically difficult, but completely took away attention. Clients constantly wrote about unfulfilled deadlines and a colossal penalty. Whatever. I will when the inspiration comes.
Katya's grandmother died. She lived in the same apartment with her since childhood. When she was four, her mother brought her by the hand and left her here. After that they saw each other once or twice. Katya remembered her face, but vaguely. And there were few reasons for that. Now she has her own family, children, a loving and wealthy husband.
But it's not about envy. So, Catherine hasn't slept for about two days. Just lay there, staring at the ceiling. Sometimes I looked at the messages, went out to drink water. I didn't feel like eating at all. There was a full moon outside, but she wasn’t interested in a single girl. The cat quietly jumped out on the table and began to purr.
Piabay got a phone call. At such and such a time. Mom called. I couldn't even come. That's interesting.
- Hello, daughter. It's Mom. How are you? I know everything about Grandma. I'm so sorry I decided to call. Discuss some issues. Did you say good-bye, enough money?
- Yeah, hey. The neighbors helped, and I had some savings. Are you coming? I'll show you the place. You can say goodbye.
- Good. No, I can't come. Lots of work right now. Victor has a business, I have to fly to Bulgaria. Listen. There's something else... You know, it was my mom who left. And, by conscience, we have to share the apartment. Right? To be honest. You and me equally. I have a lot of money now...
- Mom, are you crazy? Where am I going? You have more money than I will make in 100 years. I don’t have anything else, the apartment is my only property. My grandmother copied it to me. My apartment is a cat, that's it!
- Oh, you're miserable. All in my dad. He was always moaning about himself and his problems. Where he is now, you know? I'm not. Apparently, sitting on a bench with the same losers, changing experiences. Anyway, I'll come back later. And we'll talk. You're an adult, find yourself a man. Bye, Katya. See you soon.
The girl hung up the phone and cried. Not the mother, but the collection agency. Why would she want to live here? Where should she go? The court cannot win without a decent lawyer. It costs money. Oh, my God, this is crazy.
The heart began to beat more slowly, the eyelids became heavier, some weight fell on the body. Katya fell asleep in a sound sleep of a very tired man. She had some strange nightmares, not even images, but just a feeling of anxiety. And then she ended up at home. Same apartment. The cat slept on the chair and the grandmother sat at the table.
- Katya, why are you so pale? Calm down. I'm here. Listen to me carefully: don't sell the apartment. It's yours, no one will take it from you. Don’t worry, your mother has made her choice. And don't take her to me. Watch the cat sleep. Good, right? Okay? No, look closely. She's sleeping and she's fine. Take a look, Katya. She's beautiful.
Watching the cat, the girl felt as if she was drowning in something soft. She started to get sick and she woke up. The shirt was wet through. My face is in tears. It was like a typhoon on my head. I'm tired of it. She looked at the chair: the cat was sleeping with no hind legs. No wonder this is her favorite place. What a dream.
But curiosity took its toll, and Katya got up and came to the chair. Nothing unusual. Old furniture, with a case and wooden armrests. I wish I could open it, and there are diamonds. But my grandmother didn't look like Ostap Bender, so it's unlikely. All right. What's with the case...
Under a heavy patch of cloth lay the usual inhabited notebook grandmother. Katya has seen her many times. There were recipes and stuff. She never looked inside, and why? All interesting information is available on the Internet. Ask, they'll answer. Katya decided to flip through the notebook, just out of nostalgia. Maybe there's something interesting there.
A moment later, a photo fell out of her. Old, black and white. It had three people on it. Mother, Catherine at a very early age, almost a baby. And another man. The traits were completely indistinguishable, but Katya realized: it was Dad. On the back of the card was an inscription made by my grandmother. Gene P. And phone number, mobile.
It turns out that all this time, Grandma was aware of where her dad was. But why didn't she tell her and keep quiet all this time? Let it. I can't stand it any longer. In his hands was a mobile phone and naughty with excitement fingers began to dial the number.
- Hello there. Excuse me, who am I talking to?
- Who do you want, girl?
- My name is Catherine. Ekaterina P. I just found out about this phone number.
- Katya? Katya, honey, is that you? It's Dad. Finally, how long I've been waiting for this day. How are you, let's meet, where are you?
Then the father talked for a long time about his life, about the betrayal of Katina’s mother, about the breakup. They agreed to meet on the same day. But what was waiting for the girl at this meeting? A joyful reunion with a parent or bitter disappointment? She didn't know that. There is only a strong desire to know the truth. She went into the kitchen and made herself a coffee. What a strange dream. What's all this about? Maybe we should go to church.

Yeah, that happens. Official science associates such examples with chance, involuntary coincidence with real life. But how to explain the fact that some people see such “messages” much more often than others? They do not fit into the usual statistics. That's really a mystery.
It is believed that on Monday dreams are usually empty. Incoherent images created by the resting mind. Tuesday is more suitable for prophetic dreams. They are usually carried out within one or two weeks. Wednesday, too, will not please any signs seen. But dreams from Thursday to Friday are prophetic. More on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, there is no point in expecting something interesting. That's what experts say.
Katya's dream was suppressed. I didn't want to work at all. On the monitor, all sorts of pictures crumbled in different colors. The profession of a designer was not physically difficult, but completely took away attention. Clients constantly wrote about unfulfilled deadlines and a colossal penalty. Whatever. I will when the inspiration comes.

Katya's grandmother died. She lived in the same apartment with her since childhood. When she was four, her mother brought her by the hand and left her here. After that they saw each other once or twice. Katya remembered her face, but vaguely. And there were few reasons for that. Now she has her own family, children, a loving and wealthy husband.
But it's not about envy. So, Catherine hasn't slept for about two days. Just lay there, staring at the ceiling. Sometimes I looked at the messages, went out to drink water. I didn't feel like eating at all. There was a full moon outside, but she wasn’t interested in a single girl. The cat quietly jumped out on the table and began to purr.

Piabay got a phone call. At such and such a time. Mom called. I couldn't even come. That's interesting.
- Hello, daughter. It's Mom. How are you? I know everything about Grandma. I'm so sorry I decided to call. Discuss some issues. Did you say good-bye, enough money?
- Yeah, hey. The neighbors helped, and I had some savings. Are you coming? I'll show you the place. You can say goodbye.
- Good. No, I can't come. Lots of work right now. Victor has a business, I have to fly to Bulgaria. Listen. There's something else... You know, it was my mom who left. And, by conscience, we have to share the apartment. Right? To be honest. You and me equally. I have a lot of money now...
- Mom, are you crazy? Where am I going? You have more money than I will make in 100 years. I don’t have anything else, the apartment is my only property. My grandmother copied it to me. My apartment is a cat, that's it!
- Oh, you're miserable. All in my dad. He was always moaning about himself and his problems. Where he is now, you know? I'm not. Apparently, sitting on a bench with the same losers, changing experiences. Anyway, I'll come back later. And we'll talk. You're an adult, find yourself a man. Bye, Katya. See you soon.
The girl hung up the phone and cried. Not the mother, but the collection agency. Why would she want to live here? Where should she go? The court cannot win without a decent lawyer. It costs money. Oh, my God, this is crazy.

The heart began to beat more slowly, the eyelids became heavier, some weight fell on the body. Katya fell asleep in a sound sleep of a very tired man. She had some strange nightmares, not even images, but just a feeling of anxiety. And then she ended up at home. Same apartment. The cat slept on the chair and the grandmother sat at the table.
- Katya, why are you so pale? Calm down. I'm here. Listen to me carefully: don't sell the apartment. It's yours, no one will take it from you. Don’t worry, your mother has made her choice. And don't take her to me. Watch the cat sleep. Good, right? Okay? No, look closely. She's sleeping and she's fine. Take a look, Katya. She's beautiful.
Watching the cat, the girl felt as if she was drowning in something soft. She started to get sick and she woke up. The shirt was wet through. My face is in tears. It was like a typhoon on my head. I'm tired of it. She looked at the chair: the cat was sleeping with no hind legs. No wonder this is her favorite place. What a dream.

But curiosity took its toll, and Katya got up and came to the chair. Nothing unusual. Old furniture, with a case and wooden armrests. I wish I could open it, and there are diamonds. But my grandmother didn't look like Ostap Bender, so it's unlikely. All right. What's with the case...
Under a heavy patch of cloth lay the usual inhabited notebook grandmother. Katya has seen her many times. There were recipes and stuff. She never looked inside, and why? All interesting information is available on the Internet. Ask, they'll answer. Katya decided to flip through the notebook, just out of nostalgia. Maybe there's something interesting there.
A moment later, a photo fell out of her. Old, black and white. It had three people on it. Mother, Catherine at a very early age, almost a baby. And another man. The traits were completely indistinguishable, but Katya realized: it was Dad. On the back of the card was an inscription made by my grandmother. Gene P. And phone number, mobile.
It turns out that all this time, Grandma was aware of where her dad was. But why didn't she tell her and keep quiet all this time? Let it. I can't stand it any longer. In his hands was a mobile phone and naughty with excitement fingers began to dial the number.

- Hello there. Excuse me, who am I talking to?
- Who do you want, girl?
- My name is Catherine. Ekaterina P. I just found out about this phone number.
- Katya? Katya, honey, is that you? It's Dad. Finally, how long I've been waiting for this day. How are you, let's meet, where are you?
Then the father talked for a long time about his life, about the betrayal of Katina’s mother, about the breakup. They agreed to meet on the same day. But what was waiting for the girl at this meeting? A joyful reunion with a parent or bitter disappointment? She didn't know that. There is only a strong desire to know the truth. She went into the kitchen and made herself a coffee. What a strange dream. What's all this about? Maybe we should go to church.
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