Only true smarts will be able to pass the dolphin test for attentiveness, counting all the hidden individuals.
We all know that movement is beneficial. Not for nothing, many people use every opportunity to see at least 10,000 steps on the screen of a fantasy tracker. But do we often think about brain training? Puzzles, logical puzzles, scowls and intricate tests... Anything can be useful in this case. And we suggest you count how many dolphins are hidden in our drawing.
How many dolphins does our brain like to play games with us? Sometimes we catch familiar landscapes in a chaotic pattern of cracks on the wall, see figures in clouds or a vaguely distinguishable face on a cheese sandwich. Scientists call this phenomenon pareidolia.
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Posted by nikibest (@nikibest)
We inherited it from a time when the survival of the clan depended on seeing someone’s predatory eyes in time among the wobbleing foliage in the deceptive moonlight. In this case, the brain tends to create a whole picture of insufficient information, supplementing the visible image with expectations.
But sometimes the opposite happens. This is a picture, it's got everything. And the brain stubbornly refuses to perceive what, it would seem, should perfectly see the eyes.
Do you consider yourself attentive and sure that you notice everything around you? Look at our picture. Let’s just say: it’s not as simple as it might seem at first.
Can you count the exact number of dolphins? Take a good look! Think before you answer.
So here's a picture of 17 dolphins. After all, in addition to the funny little dolphin cubs in the picture there are dolphins that have double fins, which means there may be 2 or even 3 dolphins.

How many dolphins does our brain like to play games with us? Sometimes we catch familiar landscapes in a chaotic pattern of cracks on the wall, see figures in clouds or a vaguely distinguishable face on a cheese sandwich. Scientists call this phenomenon pareidolia.
View this post on Instagram
Posted by nikibest (@nikibest)
We inherited it from a time when the survival of the clan depended on seeing someone’s predatory eyes in time among the wobbleing foliage in the deceptive moonlight. In this case, the brain tends to create a whole picture of insufficient information, supplementing the visible image with expectations.

But sometimes the opposite happens. This is a picture, it's got everything. And the brain stubbornly refuses to perceive what, it would seem, should perfectly see the eyes.

Do you consider yourself attentive and sure that you notice everything around you? Look at our picture. Let’s just say: it’s not as simple as it might seem at first.

Can you count the exact number of dolphins? Take a good look! Think before you answer.

So here's a picture of 17 dolphins. After all, in addition to the funny little dolphin cubs in the picture there are dolphins that have double fins, which means there may be 2 or even 3 dolphins.
My grandmother came to visit when she saw me cooking, scolded me and pointed out the cooking mistakes I had made for years.
I'm afraid to admit to a foreign wife that you should go to your parents' home country, smearing, not a man.