The cat got used to climbing into the basement and brought home fleas, it is good that they immediately turned to a sensible veterinarian, instantly brought out the evil spirits.
Warm autumn and winter, unfortunately, are as hectic times for pets as the summer months. Basements and technical rooms give shelter to fleas that “travel” on human clothes and can annoy even quite domestic cats and their owners. How to protect your family from parasites and How to get rid of fleas quicklyAccording to the Ukrainian brand SUPERIUM.
How to quickly get rid of fleas How to protect a cat from fleas, tips from SUPERIUM Symptoms of flea infection are very easy to notice. A cat suffering from parasites often itches or licks, sleeps restlessly. When fleas become a lot, wounds may appear on the skin, and black dried grains on the wool. If the pet is not healed in time, it can lose fur, get allergic dermatitis or weaken from exhaustion.
How to check if a cat has fleas? If the fleas are small, the symptoms may not appear. However, regular pet checks can detect a problem when it can be easily eliminated.
If fleas are still found, you need not only to treat your pet, but also make sure that all possible places in the house are also safe. To do this, you need to conduct disinsection, either calling the service, or yourself.
Fleas live where the animal spends most of its time: on furniture, litter or window sills. Be sure to check the warm places: under the bathroom, behind the battery, in the corners and carpets of the rooms where the “warm floor” is installed.
Unfortunately, a vaccine that will make the animal “untasteful” for fleas has not yet been invented. This is the first and most important step of protection. Insidious parasites can tolerate ailments: from dermatitis, which pester the animal, but do not carry a terrible threat, to formidable leptospirosis. Therefore, before choosing a flea remedy, you should find out what diseases fleas carry in your region, and get vaccinated. From the fleas themselves, it will not protect, but can prevent the possible consequences of bites.
Shampoos are relatively simple, but not the most effective means of protection. It is better to use it as an auxiliary or treat pet cats and small dogs from accidentally introduced parasites. Shampoo can not be used constantly (because washing a cat is usually a great moral test with the risk of drying the skin). Unlike sprays and drops, carefully washed shampoo will not harm the licking animal. However, getting into the eyes or mucous membranes while washing can still cause a reaction.
Sprays for animals are of two types: the first act in the same way as remedies for humans, repelling fleas, and the second is insecticides that directly destroy pests. Drops, as a rule, all belong to the second type. The active substance is rapidly absorbed, and the fleas biting the animal are poisoned and disappear. Sprays and drops are one of the most effective means for acute cases. However, later parasites may develop resistance to them, and even the best remedies cease to work.
The effectiveness of sprays comes alongside their potential threat. These remedies are not recommended for small animals, nursing females, unhealthy or weakened pets. It is also worth considering another option if there are small children at home. They may forget to wash their hands while playing with their pet, start touching their face, take food, and may become allergic or even poisoned.
It is important not to forget to resume the effect of the spray or drops after rain or bathing the animal: the active substance can be washed away.
Collar collars also have two types of action. They are safer than drops and sprays (if only because without the need of a collar you can not touch), but can be uncomfortable for animals. Not every pet will agree to wear a collar all year round without removing, and this is the main condition for the effectiveness of protection. However, it happens that the collar is still fit, and fleas have begun to appear again. This may indicate that the parasites developed insensitivity to the drug. In this case, you should change the collar to another with a new active substance. Like drops, collars can have a specific smell, so you should check if it suits you and your pet.
Ultrasonic repellers are a relatively new and safe method of fighting fleas. Ultrasonic repellers worn on a collar can be used for all ages and weights of pets: they are quite safe.
The main disadvantage of ultrasonic repellents is that they do not destroy parasites. The repellent is a wonderful preventive tool, but before its use, you should cure your pet from fleas. Otherwise, there is a risk that the parasites will just jump off and lurk somewhere in your home, waiting for the ultrasound to turn off. Also, repellents do not help to cope with dermatitis and other problems caused by bites.
Flea pills are a balance between efficacy and safety. Depending on the active ingredient, they can protect pets from four to twelve weeks. This is enough time to get rid of both fleas and their eggs and larvae.
An important caveat is the choice of active substance. For large dogs, it is usually a synthetic permethrin insecticide. Even in small doses, it can harm small dogs and cats. For them, a weaker version of permethrin is often used - pyrethrin. However, even pyrethrin can cause vomiting, weakness and dizziness immediately after ingestion.
A new generation of tablets is moving from synthetic insecticides to natural ones, such as spinosad, a product of the life of the bacterium Saccharopolyspora spinosa. Due to its natural origin, it is safe for cats and small dogs, as well as for their young from 4 months and weighing 1.3 kg.
Drugs with spinosad are actively sold in the United States. And in Ukraine recently appeared the first pill for fleas in cats SUPERIUM Spinosad. The drug, developed by Chernihiv’s COLLAR Company, contains spinosades and sorbents that help fight itching and flea dermatitis and give pets protection for up to one month.
The main rules of protection against fleas are regularity and moderation. It is advisable to remember when it comes time to update the protective agent (for most tablets it is a month, for collars - several months, and ultrasonic repellers can work up to a year).
Do not without the need to use several funds at once, especially quickly absorbed. This can harm your pet more than parasites. If the situation with fleas is critical, it is better to combine one direct and one prophylactic, for example, tablets and a repellent or shampoo. If you have the slightest doubt, you should consult a veterinarian! A well-chosen tool will work long and reliably, and most importantly - safe for your pet.
How to quickly get rid of fleas How to protect a cat from fleas, tips from SUPERIUM Symptoms of flea infection are very easy to notice. A cat suffering from parasites often itches or licks, sleeps restlessly. When fleas become a lot, wounds may appear on the skin, and black dried grains on the wool. If the pet is not healed in time, it can lose fur, get allergic dermatitis or weaken from exhaustion.

How to check if a cat has fleas? If the fleas are small, the symptoms may not appear. However, regular pet checks can detect a problem when it can be easily eliminated.
- Put the cat on a white cloth - so all combed fleas, their eggs or waste products will be visible.
- Take a frequent comb and carefully comb the animal in the direction from head to tail.
- To distinguish the waste products of fleas from dirt and dust, you can drop water on them. If the drop turns brown or pink, unfortunately, this is a product that fleas eat.

If fleas are still found, you need not only to treat your pet, but also make sure that all possible places in the house are also safe. To do this, you need to conduct disinsection, either calling the service, or yourself.

Fleas live where the animal spends most of its time: on furniture, litter or window sills. Be sure to check the warm places: under the bathroom, behind the battery, in the corners and carpets of the rooms where the “warm floor” is installed.
- Wash the floor and windowsill with a solution of chlorine or special flaking agents. Be sure to use gloves and a respirator and ventilate the room after cleaning! Be especially careful if there are small children, elderly people or allergies and asthmatics in the house.
- Walk the vacuum cleaner (if there is a hot steam cleaning system, then with it) throughout the carpets and upholstered furniture. Especially carefully clean the folds and gaps between the pillows. Treat them with an anti-missing agent.
- Boil the litter or couch on which the cat sleeps, and soft toys, or replace them with new ones.
- Wash bedding and cover on beds and sofas.

Unfortunately, a vaccine that will make the animal “untasteful” for fleas has not yet been invented. This is the first and most important step of protection. Insidious parasites can tolerate ailments: from dermatitis, which pester the animal, but do not carry a terrible threat, to formidable leptospirosis. Therefore, before choosing a flea remedy, you should find out what diseases fleas carry in your region, and get vaccinated. From the fleas themselves, it will not protect, but can prevent the possible consequences of bites.

Shampoos are relatively simple, but not the most effective means of protection. It is better to use it as an auxiliary or treat pet cats and small dogs from accidentally introduced parasites. Shampoo can not be used constantly (because washing a cat is usually a great moral test with the risk of drying the skin). Unlike sprays and drops, carefully washed shampoo will not harm the licking animal. However, getting into the eyes or mucous membranes while washing can still cause a reaction.
Sprays for animals are of two types: the first act in the same way as remedies for humans, repelling fleas, and the second is insecticides that directly destroy pests. Drops, as a rule, all belong to the second type. The active substance is rapidly absorbed, and the fleas biting the animal are poisoned and disappear. Sprays and drops are one of the most effective means for acute cases. However, later parasites may develop resistance to them, and even the best remedies cease to work.

The effectiveness of sprays comes alongside their potential threat. These remedies are not recommended for small animals, nursing females, unhealthy or weakened pets. It is also worth considering another option if there are small children at home. They may forget to wash their hands while playing with their pet, start touching their face, take food, and may become allergic or even poisoned.
It is important not to forget to resume the effect of the spray or drops after rain or bathing the animal: the active substance can be washed away.
Collar collars also have two types of action. They are safer than drops and sprays (if only because without the need of a collar you can not touch), but can be uncomfortable for animals. Not every pet will agree to wear a collar all year round without removing, and this is the main condition for the effectiveness of protection. However, it happens that the collar is still fit, and fleas have begun to appear again. This may indicate that the parasites developed insensitivity to the drug. In this case, you should change the collar to another with a new active substance. Like drops, collars can have a specific smell, so you should check if it suits you and your pet.

Ultrasonic repellers are a relatively new and safe method of fighting fleas. Ultrasonic repellers worn on a collar can be used for all ages and weights of pets: they are quite safe.
The main disadvantage of ultrasonic repellents is that they do not destroy parasites. The repellent is a wonderful preventive tool, but before its use, you should cure your pet from fleas. Otherwise, there is a risk that the parasites will just jump off and lurk somewhere in your home, waiting for the ultrasound to turn off. Also, repellents do not help to cope with dermatitis and other problems caused by bites.
Flea pills are a balance between efficacy and safety. Depending on the active ingredient, they can protect pets from four to twelve weeks. This is enough time to get rid of both fleas and their eggs and larvae.
An important caveat is the choice of active substance. For large dogs, it is usually a synthetic permethrin insecticide. Even in small doses, it can harm small dogs and cats. For them, a weaker version of permethrin is often used - pyrethrin. However, even pyrethrin can cause vomiting, weakness and dizziness immediately after ingestion.

A new generation of tablets is moving from synthetic insecticides to natural ones, such as spinosad, a product of the life of the bacterium Saccharopolyspora spinosa. Due to its natural origin, it is safe for cats and small dogs, as well as for their young from 4 months and weighing 1.3 kg.
Drugs with spinosad are actively sold in the United States. And in Ukraine recently appeared the first pill for fleas in cats SUPERIUM Spinosad. The drug, developed by Chernihiv’s COLLAR Company, contains spinosades and sorbents that help fight itching and flea dermatitis and give pets protection for up to one month.
The main rules of protection against fleas are regularity and moderation. It is advisable to remember when it comes time to update the protective agent (for most tablets it is a month, for collars - several months, and ultrasonic repellers can work up to a year).
Do not without the need to use several funds at once, especially quickly absorbed. This can harm your pet more than parasites. If the situation with fleas is critical, it is better to combine one direct and one prophylactic, for example, tablets and a repellent or shampoo. If you have the slightest doubt, you should consult a veterinarian! A well-chosen tool will work long and reliably, and most importantly - safe for your pet.
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