If you have a cat in your house, you should read it.
We all love our pets and try to take care of them as best we can. If you have petYou probably have a problem with parasites, especially fleas. These insects are extremely unpleasant and are carriers of many diseases, and their bites can cause terrible allergic reactions.
Pets often “reward” their owners with some parasites. But what do we do then? Saying goodbye to your favorite Murchik? Of course not, let’s look at alternative and less violent options.
Fleas take root very well on the body of pets, a large number of them can cause anemia in a cat or even lead to the death of the animal. Therefore, it is very important to learn how to fight fleas, because, unfortunately, if your pet is outdoors, it will have to be done often.
First of all, you need to remember a couple of important rules that will guide you when choosing drugs for parasites. First, for different animals – different drugs. Shampoos or dog sprays are not always suitable for cats because cats like to lick.
Secondly, you do not need to use everything at once, you need to do it in stages so as not to poison your pet. And most importantly, if you see that something is going wrong, if the cat’s reaction to the drug is negative, stop all actions and take it to the vet.
Here is a step-by-step guide to getting rid of your pet fleas!
Editorial Board
Since we are talking about pets, we need to talk about what diseases the animals themselves carry and how to protect themselves from this. Pets, including cats, are affected. toxoplasmosis. The disease is very insidious, may even occur without symptoms, but it is extremely dangerous for expectant mothers. After all, in an acute form, the infection gives complications, the fetus may have damage to the nervous system, brain, vision. Don’t panic, just take note of this information. If you have pets or you are not indifferent to stray cats, be sure to pass a test for the presence of TORCH infections to protect yourself and your baby.
Also, do not forget to take your pet to the veterinarian to prevent both your diseases and the diseases of your favorite animal. Getting rid of fleas is not as difficult as you can see. And there is no need for radical measures, just love your Murchik, take care of him, and everything will be fine!
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Pets often “reward” their owners with some parasites. But what do we do then? Saying goodbye to your favorite Murchik? Of course not, let’s look at alternative and less violent options.
Fleas take root very well on the body of pets, a large number of them can cause anemia in a cat or even lead to the death of the animal. Therefore, it is very important to learn how to fight fleas, because, unfortunately, if your pet is outdoors, it will have to be done often.

First of all, you need to remember a couple of important rules that will guide you when choosing drugs for parasites. First, for different animals – different drugs. Shampoos or dog sprays are not always suitable for cats because cats like to lick.
Secondly, you do not need to use everything at once, you need to do it in stages so as not to poison your pet. And most importantly, if you see that something is going wrong, if the cat’s reaction to the drug is negative, stop all actions and take it to the vet.
Here is a step-by-step guide to getting rid of your pet fleas!

- Washing
The first thing to do is wash the cat. To do this, in a veterinary pharmacy, buy a flea shampoo that will suit your pet. Here you need to be careful, because shampoos that are suitable for adult cats are not suitable for small kittens. Of course, we do not promise that bathing a cat will be easy (although it can be), but it is necessary. When swimming, you should not soap the face of the cat, especially avoid the eye and nose area. It is important to ensure that neither water nor shampoo gets into the animal’s ears. Soaped, waited a little, rinsed and wrapped in a towel - all according to the instructions.
This will help kill adult individuals and wash away the products of their vital activity from the animal’s body. It will not be superfluous small scallop to comb the fur of the animal to remove what is left.
DepositPhotos - Drops or spray
The next step is drops from fleas. They should be applied directly to the skin of the animal along the withers. It is important to do this not earlier than three days after bathing. This stage is much easier than the previous one, you will cope. Instead of drops, you can use a spray. It should be sprayed along the back and stomach of the cat. It is best to do this on the street, not at home.
DepositPhotos - Collar.
Buy a cat a collar that will protect it from fleas. As with shampoo, you have to be selective. The substance with which the collar is impregnated will spread within a few days to the skin and coat of the animal and will act as a repellent. This will help prevent the emergence of new parasites. The main thing, remember that the collar does not save from fleas that already live on the animal, most likely, they will move to live in your carpet or favorite blanket, so all the previous stages are simply necessary!
DepositPhotos - Apartment processing
If your favorite pet brought this “treasure” into the house, you will need it. flea-treating. This is perfectly handled by various sprays from the store. 4781.0247
Editorial Board
Since we are talking about pets, we need to talk about what diseases the animals themselves carry and how to protect themselves from this. Pets, including cats, are affected. toxoplasmosis. The disease is very insidious, may even occur without symptoms, but it is extremely dangerous for expectant mothers. After all, in an acute form, the infection gives complications, the fetus may have damage to the nervous system, brain, vision. Don’t panic, just take note of this information. If you have pets or you are not indifferent to stray cats, be sure to pass a test for the presence of TORCH infections to protect yourself and your baby.
Also, do not forget to take your pet to the veterinarian to prevent both your diseases and the diseases of your favorite animal. Getting rid of fleas is not as difficult as you can see. And there is no need for radical measures, just love your Murchik, take care of him, and everything will be fine!
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