The magical power of the mirror date 11.11 will help bring abundance to life
Number 1 in numerology has a special energy. So today, 11.11.2021, when there are 5 units in the date, it is very important to spend the day in a special way. Numerologists believe in magic. It will help a person to bring what he started to the end and make an important fateful decision in life.
Editorial "Site" I know what is and should not be done today. We hasten to tell you about all the subtleties of the next mirror date of 2021. It'll be interesting!
Number 1 in numerology The first 4 units of today's date in folded form will turn into 2 deuces. In numerology, the number 2 means perseverance and ambition, which attract money energy. It is believed that today your desires can become reality. However, you should not rely on luck. It is important to make every effort for this.
First of all, try to spend this day in a favorable atmosphere. Do not waste your energy on quarrels and conflicts, Avoid any stressful situations. If you find yourself in a stream of negative energy, it will overwhelm you.
November 11, 2021 is the perfect day to clean up. Maybe you want to quit your job or start a business. Sit down and write a plan of action, whatever it may be. Visualize your desires so that they come true.
In addition, on this day it is important to finish the work started and exhale easily. Today, you will be able to perform any tasks you set. If you have long planned to make a large purchase, for example, cars or apartments, mirror date is the best for this.
Those who have been in a relationship for a long time can get lucky today. For example, a loved one will decide to propose to you. Also on this day, numerologists advise to take part in some charity project. Or do it yourself. Helping other people or animals, you will certainly attract good luck and prosperity into your life.
Devoted supporters of numerology know that any mirror date is suitable for making a wish. But you have to do it right. First, it is important to think carefully before you want something. See if you really want to.
Secondly, under no circumstances should anyone wish harm. To vengeful persons it will return to a hundredfold and will harm even more. Also, want something concrete, not abstract. If you send a message into space asking you to be a happy person, there is no miracle. I need specifics.
To be sure, it is best to make it exactly at 11:11 or 23:11. Desire is important to say out loud. But it can also be recorded. This will require a whole ritual to be performed.
Write your cherished wish 11 times on a leaflet, each time starting with a new line. Try not to write the words I want and wish. For example, you can use the expression I need or I dream.
Cut the sheet to make 11 pieces. Before bed, hide each of them in an apartment in different places. In the morning, all the papers must be collected and burned when the next mirror date comes.
There is also a belief that if all the papers with the desire to put under the pillow, at night you can see a prophetic dream. He will tell you when exactly the desire will come true and what to expect in the near future.
And before going to bed, you can light a fragrant candle and watch its bright flame for exactly 11 minutes. At this time, it is very important to think about your desires and dreams, imagine your best life.
Especially romantic people are advised to write a letter, where it is enough in one sentence to tell about your desire. Put your mailing address on the envelope. And when you send a letter, be sure to say: "My wish will come true, it will not be delayed on the way." As the envelope comes back to me, the dream will come true.”
Who is lucky in this day Number 1 in numerology personifies vitality. Thanks to this, today’s mirror date attracts good luck. Anyone can be lucky, but this is especially true for Sagittarius, Gemini and Aquarius.
Sagittarius will be able to start their own business, which has long dreamed of. Twins are waiting for good news at work, perhaps even a promotion. Aquarius can find happiness in their personal lives. What could be better?
We hope that you will spend your day enjoying it as much as possible. Even if you do not believe in the power of a mirror date, let November 11, 2021 please you!

Editorial "Site" I know what is and should not be done today. We hasten to tell you about all the subtleties of the next mirror date of 2021. It'll be interesting!
Number 1 in numerology The first 4 units of today's date in folded form will turn into 2 deuces. In numerology, the number 2 means perseverance and ambition, which attract money energy. It is believed that today your desires can become reality. However, you should not rely on luck. It is important to make every effort for this.
First of all, try to spend this day in a favorable atmosphere. Do not waste your energy on quarrels and conflicts, Avoid any stressful situations. If you find yourself in a stream of negative energy, it will overwhelm you.
November 11, 2021 is the perfect day to clean up. Maybe you want to quit your job or start a business. Sit down and write a plan of action, whatever it may be. Visualize your desires so that they come true.

In addition, on this day it is important to finish the work started and exhale easily. Today, you will be able to perform any tasks you set. If you have long planned to make a large purchase, for example, cars or apartments, mirror date is the best for this.
Those who have been in a relationship for a long time can get lucky today. For example, a loved one will decide to propose to you. Also on this day, numerologists advise to take part in some charity project. Or do it yourself. Helping other people or animals, you will certainly attract good luck and prosperity into your life.
Devoted supporters of numerology know that any mirror date is suitable for making a wish. But you have to do it right. First, it is important to think carefully before you want something. See if you really want to.

Secondly, under no circumstances should anyone wish harm. To vengeful persons it will return to a hundredfold and will harm even more. Also, want something concrete, not abstract. If you send a message into space asking you to be a happy person, there is no miracle. I need specifics.
To be sure, it is best to make it exactly at 11:11 or 23:11. Desire is important to say out loud. But it can also be recorded. This will require a whole ritual to be performed.
Write your cherished wish 11 times on a leaflet, each time starting with a new line. Try not to write the words I want and wish. For example, you can use the expression I need or I dream.
Cut the sheet to make 11 pieces. Before bed, hide each of them in an apartment in different places. In the morning, all the papers must be collected and burned when the next mirror date comes.
There is also a belief that if all the papers with the desire to put under the pillow, at night you can see a prophetic dream. He will tell you when exactly the desire will come true and what to expect in the near future.

And before going to bed, you can light a fragrant candle and watch its bright flame for exactly 11 minutes. At this time, it is very important to think about your desires and dreams, imagine your best life.
Especially romantic people are advised to write a letter, where it is enough in one sentence to tell about your desire. Put your mailing address on the envelope. And when you send a letter, be sure to say: "My wish will come true, it will not be delayed on the way." As the envelope comes back to me, the dream will come true.”
Who is lucky in this day Number 1 in numerology personifies vitality. Thanks to this, today’s mirror date attracts good luck. Anyone can be lucky, but this is especially true for Sagittarius, Gemini and Aquarius.

Sagittarius will be able to start their own business, which has long dreamed of. Twins are waiting for good news at work, perhaps even a promotion. Aquarius can find happiness in their personal lives. What could be better?
We hope that you will spend your day enjoying it as much as possible. Even if you do not believe in the power of a mirror date, let November 11, 2021 please you!
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