A powerful ritual on the Full Moon that will fulfill your every wish if it is good.
The night when the full moon flaunts in the sky has always been considered special by people. Rituals on the Full Moon have been held since ancient times. Today, October 20, 2021The full moon reaches its peak, and therefore its energy becomes especially powerful. At this time, you need to make wishes that concern you personally. Today we will teach you how to do it correctly.
The energy of the moon is especially strong with 19 to 24 October. It is during these days that one must be spiritually ready to perform the ritual. It is advisable to choose a night when the sky is cloudless. The more clearly the moon is seen, the higher the chance of wish fulfillment.
A prerequisite for the ritual is loneliness. Items required: candle, glass or ceramics, salt and a sheet of paper. Prepare all this in advance, and start the ritual late at night:
Remember, it’s not just the physical conditions of the ritual that matter. It is much more important to have the right attitude and Think only about what you want.. It is advisable that in your thoughts you frame your dream as if it has already come true. And, of course, don’t forget the words of gratitude. They will have a huge impact on you and everything. universe.
By the way, it is in this Full Moon that the Earth's satellite will pass through the constellation Aries. You know how difficult this sign is. Therefore, be prepared that in late October and early November there may be a large number of controversy. Try to be patient and stay calm.
It is important to analyze yourself well during this period and try to control all your emotions. You do not need to hide them or push them deeper, but it is important to express them as softly and without violence as possible. If you angerIt is better to express them to your personal diary, not to the person with whom they are associated. Remember that the negative impact of Aries may last only a couple of weeks, but its consequences can haunt you for months.
The Full Moon is a good time to rethink. Your view of the world, priorities and values. When communicating and making decisions at this time, I advise you to be guided not by intuition, the basis for which is our emotions, but by rational logic. Various risks should also be avoided. This is not only about money, but also about driving.
Expensive travel and major expenses It is best to postpone it until the next lunar cycle. You can save yourself and your family from bankruptcy. During the period of power, Aries should focus on stability and economy. This will bring significant benefits for a long time. Trust me, you'll thank yourself.
The energy of the moon is especially strong with 19 to 24 October. It is during these days that one must be spiritually ready to perform the ritual. It is advisable to choose a night when the sky is cloudless. The more clearly the moon is seen, the higher the chance of wish fulfillment.

A prerequisite for the ritual is loneliness. Items required: candle, glass or ceramics, salt and a sheet of paper. Prepare all this in advance, and start the ritual late at night:
- Write your wish on a piece of paper. Write very carefully and remember that the desire should be good, without evil intentions and concern only you. No love spells! At the very end, you need to write a few important words: "Thank you for the performance."
- Put a glass of water on a piece of paper. This can be the most ordinary water from the tap.
- Sprinkle salt around the glass to form a circle.
- Light a candle next to a circle and say the following words 3 times: Mother Moon, give me what I want most.
I will not tell anyone this secret, I will hide it from myself and from others.
I believe that you will fulfill all my cherished desires,
Thank you for your hope for a speedy execution! - Now put out the candle, go to bed and don't talk to anyone. In the morning you will need to pour water from the glass, and burn the leaves over the same candle. Let it burn to the very end and spread the ashes in the wind.

Remember, it’s not just the physical conditions of the ritual that matter. It is much more important to have the right attitude and Think only about what you want.. It is advisable that in your thoughts you frame your dream as if it has already come true. And, of course, don’t forget the words of gratitude. They will have a huge impact on you and everything. universe.

By the way, it is in this Full Moon that the Earth's satellite will pass through the constellation Aries. You know how difficult this sign is. Therefore, be prepared that in late October and early November there may be a large number of controversy. Try to be patient and stay calm.

It is important to analyze yourself well during this period and try to control all your emotions. You do not need to hide them or push them deeper, but it is important to express them as softly and without violence as possible. If you angerIt is better to express them to your personal diary, not to the person with whom they are associated. Remember that the negative impact of Aries may last only a couple of weeks, but its consequences can haunt you for months.

The Full Moon is a good time to rethink. Your view of the world, priorities and values. When communicating and making decisions at this time, I advise you to be guided not by intuition, the basis for which is our emotions, but by rational logic. Various risks should also be avoided. This is not only about money, but also about driving.

Expensive travel and major expenses It is best to postpone it until the next lunar cycle. You can save yourself and your family from bankruptcy. During the period of power, Aries should focus on stability and economy. This will bring significant benefits for a long time. Trust me, you'll thank yourself.
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