All the Dutch open the car door in this strange way! Here's why.
All Dutch drivers know this! The amazing thing is that just one little conscious movement can save someone’s life.
In the Netherlands, cyclists are thriving: almost every resident of the country has this convenient transport. Where there is active movement of bicycles and cars, the risk of accidents increases. The worst dream of a cyclist – abruptly car-door on his way. It's deadly. To eliminate the threat, the brilliant Dutch came up with a simple but working trick.
Avoiding an accident is easy if you open the door not with your left, but with your right hand. Opening the car door in this way, the driver unwittingly looks back and controls the situation on the road. He doesn't have a chance to hit a cyclist with a door! And The driver got outYou need to see that the road is clear.
In a short video, the guy will demonstrate how to open the car door to minimize the risk of a disaster. Opening the doors of the car It usually happens reflexively, we used to do it with the left hand, but after watching the video you will want to change this habit!
Editorial Board
All drivers in the Netherlands are taught to open the door with their right hand. This rule should be adopted by us too! Who knows, maybe this trick will save you from an accident and save the life of some cyclist.
Please give this information to your friends! Drivers should be aware of this to prevent a fatal mistake.
In the Netherlands, cyclists are thriving: almost every resident of the country has this convenient transport. Where there is active movement of bicycles and cars, the risk of accidents increases. The worst dream of a cyclist – abruptly car-door on his way. It's deadly. To eliminate the threat, the brilliant Dutch came up with a simple but working trick.

Avoiding an accident is easy if you open the door not with your left, but with your right hand. Opening the car door in this way, the driver unwittingly looks back and controls the situation on the road. He doesn't have a chance to hit a cyclist with a door! And The driver got outYou need to see that the road is clear.

In a short video, the guy will demonstrate how to open the car door to minimize the risk of a disaster. Opening the doors of the car It usually happens reflexively, we used to do it with the left hand, but after watching the video you will want to change this habit!
Editorial Board
All drivers in the Netherlands are taught to open the door with their right hand. This rule should be adopted by us too! Who knows, maybe this trick will save you from an accident and save the life of some cyclist.

Please give this information to your friends! Drivers should be aware of this to prevent a fatal mistake.
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