Lena Miro told how she divides people into “friends” and “aliens”! All points.

Lena Miro became famous for her scandalous blog, where she shares her thoughts about people, among whom there are stars of show business and politicians, and also talks about life in general. But the real scandal is not her, but her readers. The emotions that her opinion evokes in people can lead to a whole war. In any case, she has already become a recognizable person who some hate, others fear, and others admire her.

Once Elena Miro She said that she always divides people into “friends” and “others.” She has a list of 10 items for that purpose that strangers fall under. Editorial "Site" I'll tell you more about Lena's signs of weeding out unnecessary people.

Even a person who illuminates this world with a radiant smile and wishes all people well, subconsciously divides them into necessary and unnecessary. It is impossible for everyone to like and especially to love everyone around. That's human nature. We're different, and it's stupid to argue with that.

But how categorical Lena Miro is in the question of identifying strangers in her environment is really surprising. If a person falls under at least one of the items on her list, she does not want to see him in her life.

“I divide people into strangers and mine. Even though we are unfamiliar with ours, I have common ground. With strangers, I am not at all on the way, Lena writes. Here's the list. It is, of course, much longer, but this is the first, and therefore the main thing that came to mind the girl.

Signs of strangers
  1. I don't watch Game of Thrones.
  2. Drinks sweet soda, such as Coca-Cola.
  3. He doesn't do fitness.
  4. It has the word "shit" in its lexicon.
  5. Smoking.

  6. It has nothing against circuses, zoos and other establishments in which animals are used for the amusement of people.
  7. He is someone’s fan or hater.
  8. He loves Soviet cinema.
  9. Respect Stalin.
  10. He complains of a lack of willpower.

Council of Reaction
In our opinion, one cannot be too demanding of people. The discrepancy in the choice of series does not mean that a person can harm you. On the contrary, life shows that opposites attract.
Do you have any criteria by which you spread out Yours and others? Tell us about them in the comments and share the opinion of the scandalous blogger with your friends on social networks!


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