Why grind honey, lemon and feijoa
First time I tried. feijoa 10 years ago, a friend brought a strange fruit from the market with the words: “I barely found!” I fell in love with the first berry! And not surprisingly, a light strawberry taste with notes of pineapple and a pleasant sour taste will appeal to everyone.
Today it is already a familiar product that can be easily found in stores, from November to January. The housewives boldly cook jam from it, roll up compotes, and for good reason, feijoa is a real vitamin bomb! It contains all vitamins of group B, C, PP and, of course, iodine. According to the content of iodine, feijoa is not inferior to seafood and seaweed.
One kilogram of feijoa contains about 4 mg of iodine, and the daily requirement for a person is only 0.15 mg. In the berry, it is in a water-soluble form, so it is completely absorbed by the body. The fruit will bring great benefits to people with disorders in the thyroid gland, children, as well as everyone who has an iodine deficiency.
This fruit helps in the treatment and prevention of a number of diseases, see the list of useful vitamins in it!
Feijoa contains easily digestible proteins, so this product is used in dietary nutrition, the main thing is not to abuse. Optimally 5 or 6 berries a day. The flowers of the tree are dried and brewed from them tea, added to compotes, pastries and meat dishes.
Never peel the fruit from the skin! That's exactly what it is. How useful is feijoa for women anti-aging. The peel contains many antioxidants, cachetine and leukoanthocin, which resist the formation of cancer cells.
The easiest way to prepare a delicious medicine is to grind the fruits through a meat grinder and add honey or sugar. It is stored in the refrigerator for several weeks, can be frozen in portion containers or bags.
For one kilogram of feijoa you need to take 0.5 kilograms of sugar. Three teaspoons a day will completely relieve you of iodine deficiency in the body. Make ice cream from this mixture, children will love it!
The spectrum of feijoa is very large, it is good to add to fruit salads, cook compote, make fruit smoothies, pastries or jam.
Berries are stored for a very short time: after collection - only 10 days, including transportation, if they are fully ripe. It is better to store in a ventilated container or a single layer on a tray.
Know that fruits are harvested in a state of incomplete maturity, but they can reach home. If the flesh is transparent or white - the berry is high-quality, if turbid, beige or brown - it is a spoiled product and it is better not to buy.
Now you know, What is useful feijoa for the body. Never ignore this valuable source of vitamins, berries will support your health and help in the prevention of various diseases.
Show your friends this article, they will surely taste this sweet exotic fruit!

Today it is already a familiar product that can be easily found in stores, from November to January. The housewives boldly cook jam from it, roll up compotes, and for good reason, feijoa is a real vitamin bomb! It contains all vitamins of group B, C, PP and, of course, iodine. According to the content of iodine, feijoa is not inferior to seafood and seaweed.

One kilogram of feijoa contains about 4 mg of iodine, and the daily requirement for a person is only 0.15 mg. In the berry, it is in a water-soluble form, so it is completely absorbed by the body. The fruit will bring great benefits to people with disorders in the thyroid gland, children, as well as everyone who has an iodine deficiency.

This fruit helps in the treatment and prevention of a number of diseases, see the list of useful vitamins in it!
- Vitamin C is involved in the treatment and prevention of colds and SARS.
- Metabolism is normalized with the help of vitamin B1, it also supports the work of the heart muscle, brain.
- Vitamin B2 helps maintain normal hormone levels, breaks down fats, participates in hematopoiesis.
- To regulate the work of the digestive system is possible vitamin B3. It also reduces pressure and suppresses the growth of cancer cells in the body.
- Most involved in the metabolism of vitamin B5, it is effective in bronchitis, allergies and lung diseases.
- Vitamin B6 plays an important role in the construction of food enzymes. It is prescribed to people with disorders of the nervous system, with convulsions and numbness of the hands or feet.
- To cope with depression and cardiovascular disease helps vitamin PP, which also takes part in protein metabolism.

Feijoa contains easily digestible proteins, so this product is used in dietary nutrition, the main thing is not to abuse. Optimally 5 or 6 berries a day. The flowers of the tree are dried and brewed from them tea, added to compotes, pastries and meat dishes.

Never peel the fruit from the skin! That's exactly what it is. How useful is feijoa for women anti-aging. The peel contains many antioxidants, cachetine and leukoanthocin, which resist the formation of cancer cells.
The easiest way to prepare a delicious medicine is to grind the fruits through a meat grinder and add honey or sugar. It is stored in the refrigerator for several weeks, can be frozen in portion containers or bags.
For one kilogram of feijoa you need to take 0.5 kilograms of sugar. Three teaspoons a day will completely relieve you of iodine deficiency in the body. Make ice cream from this mixture, children will love it!

The spectrum of feijoa is very large, it is good to add to fruit salads, cook compote, make fruit smoothies, pastries or jam.
Berries are stored for a very short time: after collection - only 10 days, including transportation, if they are fully ripe. It is better to store in a ventilated container or a single layer on a tray.
Know that fruits are harvested in a state of incomplete maturity, but they can reach home. If the flesh is transparent or white - the berry is high-quality, if turbid, beige or brown - it is a spoiled product and it is better not to buy.

Now you know, What is useful feijoa for the body. Never ignore this valuable source of vitamins, berries will support your health and help in the prevention of various diseases.
Show your friends this article, they will surely taste this sweet exotic fruit!
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