Feijoas will save your thyroid
In November, the stores appear unsightly to look at, but extremely tasty and fragrant feijoa fruit.
Feijoa reminds of both pineapple and strawberry. However, contrary to popular belief, the taste got feijoas from nature, and did not appear thanks to the scientists-breeders. Homeland feijoa – South America. And the unusual name of the plant was in honor of its discoverer, scientist Silva Feijo. It was he who discovered hitherto unknown shrub in the forests of Brazil and feijoa was brought to Europe. The Europeans immediately called pineapple guava strawberry tree, then the plant has spread almost all over the planet.
It turned out that feijoa feels great in the Caucasus, it grows in Georgia and Armenia, but the best are the fruits from New Zealand. This country strongly holds a world leader in the cultivation and export feijoas. Kiwi fruits are larger than their counterparts, besides for the continent of no threat to feijoa pests, so the farmers no need to water the plants chemistry. However, any profit the fruit of the strawberry tree, doubts about their usefulness there.
The main advantage of feijoa – the abundance of iodine. The content of this trace element overseas fruit can compete even with seafood. Only 2-3 berries feijoa satisfy the daily requirement of iodine for the organism. Moreover, the iodine in feijoa fruit is contained in a water-soluble, not associated with other elements so it's easy to digest. Due to the high content of iodine feijoa indispensable on the tables of those who have problems with the thyroid gland, and very useful to knowledge workers, pupils and students during exams.
However, iodine is not the only value of tropical plants. Vitamin C in guava is not much smaller than the citrus, and because green fruits can be a wonderful preventive tool in the autumn colds and the flu epidemic. Moreover, in addition to the tongue in the fruit feijoa is quite rare a lot of vitamin e, without which a large part of vitamin C is simply not absorbed by the body.
Gotta love feijoas and those who have problems with heart and blood vessels. Due to its abundance of pectin in this berry reduces the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood, cleans blood vessels from plaque build-up and protects against atherosclerosis. In addition, the feijoa fruit have the ability to reduce blood pressure. In folk medicine, the fruits of feijoa is used for prevention of kidney diseases, gastritis, varicose veins.
Feijoa is indispensable in the menu of the inhabitants of large cities and those who are often forced to suffer from stress. Tropical berry is full of antioxidants which help the body to resist the adverse environment. And the number of substances that can elevate moods, feijoas can compete with such "recognized antidepressant" as bitter chocolate.
Source: /users/147

Feijoa reminds of both pineapple and strawberry. However, contrary to popular belief, the taste got feijoas from nature, and did not appear thanks to the scientists-breeders. Homeland feijoa – South America. And the unusual name of the plant was in honor of its discoverer, scientist Silva Feijo. It was he who discovered hitherto unknown shrub in the forests of Brazil and feijoa was brought to Europe. The Europeans immediately called pineapple guava strawberry tree, then the plant has spread almost all over the planet.

It turned out that feijoa feels great in the Caucasus, it grows in Georgia and Armenia, but the best are the fruits from New Zealand. This country strongly holds a world leader in the cultivation and export feijoas. Kiwi fruits are larger than their counterparts, besides for the continent of no threat to feijoa pests, so the farmers no need to water the plants chemistry. However, any profit the fruit of the strawberry tree, doubts about their usefulness there.

The main advantage of feijoa – the abundance of iodine. The content of this trace element overseas fruit can compete even with seafood. Only 2-3 berries feijoa satisfy the daily requirement of iodine for the organism. Moreover, the iodine in feijoa fruit is contained in a water-soluble, not associated with other elements so it's easy to digest. Due to the high content of iodine feijoa indispensable on the tables of those who have problems with the thyroid gland, and very useful to knowledge workers, pupils and students during exams.

However, iodine is not the only value of tropical plants. Vitamin C in guava is not much smaller than the citrus, and because green fruits can be a wonderful preventive tool in the autumn colds and the flu epidemic. Moreover, in addition to the tongue in the fruit feijoa is quite rare a lot of vitamin e, without which a large part of vitamin C is simply not absorbed by the body.

Gotta love feijoas and those who have problems with heart and blood vessels. Due to its abundance of pectin in this berry reduces the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood, cleans blood vessels from plaque build-up and protects against atherosclerosis. In addition, the feijoa fruit have the ability to reduce blood pressure. In folk medicine, the fruits of feijoa is used for prevention of kidney diseases, gastritis, varicose veins.

Feijoa is indispensable in the menu of the inhabitants of large cities and those who are often forced to suffer from stress. Tropical berry is full of antioxidants which help the body to resist the adverse environment. And the number of substances that can elevate moods, feijoas can compete with such "recognized antidepressant" as bitter chocolate.
Source: /users/147