How to make jam from feijoa

Feijoa fruit It is one of the few that has maintained a strong seasonality. On the shelves, they begin to appear from mid-September, and the season lasts until the end of January. But the best taste and the lowest price for these berries is in November. Don't miss it!


Feijoa fruit is an evergreen plant of the myrtle family, native to South America. The plant grows in the subtropical part of the Caucasus, in the south of Russia (in the Krasnodar Territory), as well as in the Crimea and Azerbaijan.

The ripe fruits of feijoa are rich green, and the taste resembles simultaneously pineapple, kiwi and strawberries. You can fully enjoy it if you cut the berry in half and have a juicy flesh with a spoon. Delicious!

Tight. feijoa slightly spoils the taste, but it is unusually fragrant and contains many phenolic antioxidant compounds that have anti-cancer properties. In order not to throw away such a treasure, it is wise to dry it and add it to tea!

The feijoa berry is unique in that it iodine It can be compared with seafood (up to 50 mg per 100 g of flesh).

Feijoa helps. strengthen and effectively resist colds.

Raw feijoa jam The best way to preserve the valuable composition of these fruits. Use the recipe from "Site"

The ingredients
  • 1kg feijo
  • 1 kg of sugar

Preparation and application
  1. Wash the fruit thoroughly, cut off the tails.
  2. Pass the berries along with the skin through the meat grinder, mix with sugar, spread out in sterilized cans. Raw jam is stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 months.
  3. To strengthen vitality, take 1 tbsp. l. funds in the morning and evening for 10 days. Then take a break for the same period.

During the season, I try to eat a few fresh berries daily, also dry them so that until spring I drink vitamin aromatic tea.


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