Today I will light a candle, and tomorrow I will go to the forest. The most powerful tool of karmic purification on New Year’s Eve!

New Year is a new happiness! But do not rush to fill fresh life with new happiness until you get rid of old troubles. Believe it or not, there is a power that affects our destiny in some magical way. God’s provision is not a punishment for what he has done. This is a great opportunity to rethink past mistakes and step into a new life with good thoughts.

The best thing you can do for your future is to cleanse your karma today. For redemption It is not necessary to wait for a favorable coincidence of circumstances or to resort to the help of strangers. The main thing is to perceive life as a gift, not a test.

"Site" tell you, How to cleanse karma New Year's Eve. It's very important!

It is advisable to start an effective complex for purification of karma a week before the New Year celebration. The incomparable energy of the New Year’s Days will help to clear karma from the mistakes of the past, which impudently depress life in the present. New Year is the perfect time for spiritual renewal!

  1. December 25 - Repentance
    Sincere repentance is one of the most powerful tools of spiritual purification. Be honest with yourself, realize past mistakes and ask forgiveness from loved ones.

  2. December 26 - Air purification
    On this day, light incense in the house. The aromas of myrrh, incense, cinnamon or apples will charge with energy and new forces. Before filling the house with fragrances, let fresh air into the house, opening a window with the words: “I take away the sins of my ancestors, I let go free to the wind.” I don’t like them and I don’t live with them.

  3. December 27 – Water Purification
    On this day, go to the temple and bring holy water. Water every corner of the house, saying three times, “I wash away your sins from myself.” Forever. Forever. So be it.

  4. December 28 – Cleansing by Fire
    Buy a candle in the temple, bring it to the house, light it and say, “I drive away the remnants of evil.” The one whose name I do not name will be afraid of fire.

  5. December 29 – Cleansing of land
    Bring untouched earth into the house and a mound in the corner by the front door. The earth is able to absorb the energy of the sins of past generations. Do not remove such land before the New Year, and after New Year's Eve wash it with a wet cloth.

  6. December 30 - Purification of the Good
    There must be harmony in everything. And if evil outweighs karma on the scales, they can only be balanced by good deeds. It does not matter what your good intentions are: charity, help to the poor or animals. The main thing is that good deeds are done consciously, honestly and for those who really need it.

  7. December 31 – the time of purification and renewal of the energy of the kind
    New Year’s Eve is the most important day. Gather at one table all relatives and relatives. Have a party full of love for everything! Take the hands of the people who have been invited to the New Year’s table, sincerely thank everyone for the kindness and trials they gave you. I'm sorry and be forgiven. Leaving grievances in the outgoing year, you will surely happily step into a new, successful year!

To rectify karma is to rid oneself of disease, unhappiness and unjust fate. Karma, or higher divine justiceIt does not punish or destroy, it creates, helping the soul to develop. Instead of complaining, “What am I doing all this for?” realize, forgive and be clean. Be happy in the new year!

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