5 foods that should not be washed and 5 that should be washed.

As a child, we know we need to wash everything we eat. However, not everyone knows that sometimes this habit can cause harm to health. Washing some foods leads to the spread of bacteria and a number of other negative effects, which you will learn from this article.


The preparation of any dish begins with the primary processing of products. It involves defrosting, removing inedible parts and contaminants. It would seem wash But why do we make the same mistakes every day?

Foods that should not be washed before cooking
  1. Eggs.
    The U.S. Department of Agriculture does not recommend washing chicken eggs before storage, so as not to wash off the shell protective film, which nature invented to protect the egg from bacteria and germs.

    Perhaps this is correct, but just before cooking the egg is better to wash. It won't let salmonella from the shell get into the dish when you break the egg.

    It is very important to pay attention to the water temperature. You cannot use cold water. It is recommended to wash eggs with warm water at least 45 degrees. Such water, unlike cold water, creates pressure inside the egg and prevents bacteria from entering it.

  2. Chicken.
    You, like 92% of people, wash chicken before cooking and think you're getting rid of harmful bacteria? No way! This is a mistake that could cost you your health. And here's why.

    In raw chicken meat there are dangerous bacteria - Salmonella and Campylobacter. These bacteria are the main culprits of food poisoning. That’s just washing raw chicken does not destroy the bacteria, but on the contrary – contributes to their spread to all objects on the table, in the sink and kitchen, with which you later come into contact!

  3. Meat.
    As in the case of chicken, you can not wash raw meat (beef, pork, veal, lamb), because this bacteria will spread to the sink and kitchen surface. You will get rid of them immediately after the heat treatment. Before cooking, remove the juice of the meat itself and moisture residues from its surface using paper towels or napkins. Wash your hands with soap under hot water.


  4. Macaron
    It is difficult to say who decided to wash pasta. Chefs consider this procedure a crime, because because of water, the product will lose starch, and thanks to it, the sauce is better absorbed. You can wash this product only after cooking and if you make a salad or Asian noodles from it using the stir fry technique.


  5. Fungi
    For a long time to keep mushrooms under water or soak it is impossible: they absorb water very well. Better rinse them and dry them with a paper towel. Do this only before cooking. Otherwise, the product will deteriorate and will not be so elastic.


You have to wash.
  1. Fruits and vegetables with edible skin
    If you see that fruits and vegetables with edible skin are clean and shiny, this does not mean that they do not need to be washed at home. This should be mandatory. Do not use soap: it is better to wipe the product with a paper napkin after a cold shower.


    In supermarkets there are means for washing fruits and vegetables. They are expensive and supposedly guarantee getting rid of wax and pesticides. Experts are skeptical of such products and recommend washing fruits in the old-fashioned way: under a stream of running water.

    If apples or tomatoes are too glossy, hold them for 10-15 minutes in a weak solution of citric acid. And citrus be sure to pour boiling water first and only then mine.

  2. Canned banks
    Bacteria don't get in because of the lid, but they're going to be there if you don't wash the tin can thoroughly before the autopsy.

  3. Fruits and vegetables with inedible skin
    No matter how diligently we clean these products, bacteria from the skin will still get to the edible part. Therefore, mandatory should be washedMelons, watermelons and other fruits and vegetables with inedible skin before eating them.


  4. Nuts.
    Always wash nuts, even peeled ones. We don’t know exactly where they were stored or what they were transported. In addition, “water treatments” will help get rid of phytic acid, which is contained in raw nuts. With its help, the plant is protected from pests, but it can harm human health.


  5. Dry fruits
    These products are considered to be among the dirtiest. This is especially true for those that are sold by grocery. But even if you bought them in a beautiful package, you need to wash the dried fruits, or better even soak for a few hours.

To avoid health problems, keep clean. Wash your hands and work surfaces in the kitchen as often as possible. Do not let meat and raw poultry come into contact with other foods. Put the meat and poultry in the refrigerator.

It is important to always keep the refrigerator clean. In this place, microbes and bacteria multiply very quickly and can easily spread to food. "Site" I have prepared for you some tips that will help to bring cleanliness and order to the refrigerator.


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