“70% of people age and decrepit just for this reason! We reject disease because of...
Dr. Edward F. Group is the founder of the Global Healing Center, a bestselling author and frequent guest on radio and television. He became world famous for his research on the root cause of disease.
He claims that the cause of all diseases and health problems is the accumulation of toxins in the body. This problem is exacerbated by the toxic environment. The doctor recommends regular cleaning of the body of toxins, because completely avoid their influence will not work.
He states: “Internal cleaning is the first important step towards achieving maximum health and vitality. If you cleanse your body regularly and avoid toxins, your body will heal itself, prevent disease and become stronger than you can imagine!
To cleanse the body - it is correct and very useful, but in addition, you can help the body to cope with the accumulated toxins and remove them from the body. How? Of course, the right foods in the diet. And "Site" will tell you most usefulWhich Dr. Group recommends to add to your diet.
Healthy foods
Regular cleaning of the body from toxins and toxins - health and longevity. And this small list of products will help you maintain your body in excellent shape and for many years to forget about diseases, fatigue and pain. Add these foods to the diet, lead an active lifestyle and be healthy!
What do you think of the Doctor Group theory? Are toxins really to blame? Share with us in the comments, we will be glad to hear your opinion!
He claims that the cause of all diseases and health problems is the accumulation of toxins in the body. This problem is exacerbated by the toxic environment. The doctor recommends regular cleaning of the body of toxins, because completely avoid their influence will not work.

He states: “Internal cleaning is the first important step towards achieving maximum health and vitality. If you cleanse your body regularly and avoid toxins, your body will heal itself, prevent disease and become stronger than you can imagine!

To cleanse the body - it is correct and very useful, but in addition, you can help the body to cope with the accumulated toxins and remove them from the body. How? Of course, the right foods in the diet. And "Site" will tell you most usefulWhich Dr. Group recommends to add to your diet.
Healthy foods
- Fruit
They contain large amounts of water, which helps flush toxins out of the body. Fruits are a storehouse of antioxidants, nutrients, fiber and vitamins. They are easily absorbed and help improve digestion.
DepositPhotos - Green products
Cabbage, spinach, arugula, celery, parsley and other green leafy vegetables are a source of chlorophyll, which is necessary for our body and is most easily absorbed from these products. Chlorophyll cleanses the body of toxic metals, herbicides and pesticides. And it contributes to the normal functioning of the liver and helps in its detoxification.
DepositPhotos - Citrus
They help our body to flush out toxins. They also improve the work of the digestive tract, and also contribute to the cleansing processes of the liver and kidneys. The effect of warm water with lemon on our body is difficult to overestimate.
DepositPhotos - Garlic
No matter how you are confused by the smell or taste of this product - it should be in the diet. At least one clove a day! Garlic is one of the best products for detoxification, it stimulates the production of liver enzymes that filter toxins.
DepositPhotos - Broccoli sprouts
Broccoli has no equal in stimulating enzymes that promote detoxification at the cellular level. A grown vegetable is also useful, but sprouts are much more effective in detox.
DepositPhotos - Green tea
It perfectly flushes toxins from the body, and also contains a large amount of antioxidants that effectively improve liver function.
DepositPhotos - Legume
The beneficial properties of legumes for the body have been known for thousands of years. It is proved that they effectively cleanse the intestines from toxic residues.
DepositPhotos - Raw vegetables
Onions, carrots, cabbage, squash, pumpkin and many other vegetables are the basis of a healthy diet. They're essential in the diet. Regular consumption of these foods will help your liver effectively cope with toxins. The high sulfur content of vegetables contributes to the elimination of harmful chemicals.
DepositPhotos - Seeds and nuts
Just an indispensable item in the diet. Flax seeds, pumpkins, sesame, chia, walnuts, almonds - all this is perfect.
DepositPhotos - Oils.
Olive and flaxseed oil or avocado oil should be present in the diet. They allow you to absorb toxins and remove them from the body due to the fact that they lubricate the intestinal walls.
Regular cleaning of the body from toxins and toxins - health and longevity. And this small list of products will help you maintain your body in excellent shape and for many years to forget about diseases, fatigue and pain. Add these foods to the diet, lead an active lifestyle and be healthy!
What do you think of the Doctor Group theory? Are toxins really to blame? Share with us in the comments, we will be glad to hear your opinion!