7 useful ways to use chlorhexidine. The penny tool replaced half the first aid kit and in everyday life helped!
Aqueous solution of chlorhexidine A widely known and available antiseptic drug. It is simply indispensable in medicine, especially often used in surgery and cosmetology. It has no smell, it does not dry the skin, does not burn and does not leave greasy marks. But the best thing is that it can be bought at any pharmacy for pennies. This is simply an indispensable tool for a home first aid kit, because the medicine has a very wide range of applications.
Editorial "Site" He will tell you how to use chlorhexidine at home. After all, it is also useful in everyday life, and not only for disinfecting wounds.
chlorhexidine bigluconate solution
Also, chlorhexidine can be wiped wounds in children instead of alcohol and peroxide. This is an excellent antiseptic, which even your hands can be rinsed before eating, if you can not wash them. So with all confidence we advise you to take a look at this cheap and effective tool.
There are a lot of useful inexpensive pharmacy products that have many uses. If you know about them, tell them in the comments. And don’t forget to share the possible uses of chlorhexidine with your friends on social networks!
Photo by depositphotos preview.

Editorial "Site" He will tell you how to use chlorhexidine at home. After all, it is also useful in everyday life, and not only for disinfecting wounds.
chlorhexidine bigluconate solution
- Treatment of an inflamed throat
If the throat hurts, chlorhexidine will help to cure it. First, rinse your throat with a glass of warm, in no case hot, water. Mix 1 tablespoon 0.05% solution of chlorhexidine and 2 tablespoons of water. Rinse the obtained throat solution for 3-5 minutes. Do not eat or brush your teeth for 2 hours. - Prevention of oral diseases
If your gums are inflamed, prepare the same solution as for the throat. Only rinse your teeth in the morning and evening. Also, this tool neutralizes bad breath and helps prevent the appearance of caries. But if there are no problems with the gums, then we do not advise you to rinse your mouth with a solution of chlorhexidine often so as not to spoil your microflora. Also, doctors recommend rinsing this tool with stomatitis. - Prevention of sexually transmitted diseases
Venerologists advise men after unprotected sexual intercourse with a random partner to wipe the penis with a cotton swab dipped in a solution of chlorhexidine and try to wash the urethra with the same solution. This should be done within 2 hours after sexual contact. Women can use this tool only in extreme cases, so as not to kill their microflora. - Animal Eye Treatment
Chlorhexidine can be washed with inflamed eyes in your favorite pets. But keep in mind that it should not be dripped in the eye, namely, wipe the closed eyes with a moistened disk to remove pus. - Eliminating the unpleasant smell of the feet
In order to get rid of the unpleasant odor from the shoe, simply wipe it from the inside with a cotton disc soaked in chlorhexidine. Similarly, you can treat the legs themselves, focusing on the space between the fingers. It's a kind of deodorant. - Application to the person
Since chlorhexidine is a powerful antiseptic, cosmetologists advise all women to stock up on it. Rub their face after cleaning or injections until the wounds are healed and crusted. And also after peeling the first 2 days and each time before you want to moisturize your face or apply panthenol. And of course, if your hands itch to squeeze out a pimple, first wipe it and the place around it with a solution of chlorhexidine, and after removing pus, treat the wound. - Disinfection of objects
Wipe your phone screen every night with a cotton disc moistened with chlorhexidine. That's how you keep your cheeks from pimples. Also, chlorhexidine solution can be used for effective disinfection of the evaporator in automotive and household air conditioners and split systems. To do this, the solution using a sprayer that gives a thin suspension is sprayed near the inlet of the air conditioner in an amount of 200-300 ml. He leaves absolutely no trace.
Also, chlorhexidine can be wiped wounds in children instead of alcohol and peroxide. This is an excellent antiseptic, which even your hands can be rinsed before eating, if you can not wash them. So with all confidence we advise you to take a look at this cheap and effective tool.
There are a lot of useful inexpensive pharmacy products that have many uses. If you know about them, tell them in the comments. And don’t forget to share the possible uses of chlorhexidine with your friends on social networks!
Photo by depositphotos preview.
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