Easy daily exercise for home mode

The modern way of life puts us in a rigid framework and creates deadlines. We are always in a hurry, desperately trying to get there. There is very little time left to work on ourselves and our bodies. When life rushes at a rapid pace, problems change one another, and the body begins to lose ground, yoga comes to the rescue. It seems that the best way to restore vitality and bring the body to tone has not yet been invented. In addition, it is a sure way to health and longevity.


The oldest practice of people who have learned to overcome the laws of gravity by performing asanas. About one of these miraculous asanas editorial "Site" He'll tell you.

The muzzle-down Adho mukha schwanasana or face-down dog is perhaps one of the most popular asanas in yoga. Many yoga practitioners have added it to the mandatory list. And for good reason, asana goes beyond the usual exercise. First of all, it is a spiritual practice that can heal the soul and body.

What do you get by doing the exercise every day? First, immediately after performing the asana, you will feel a surge of vivacity. Adho mukha svanasana refers to yoga poses that relieve fatigue and restore lost energy. It also helps to get rid of stress and balance emotional state.


It's just as good for the body. The posture develops speed and lightness of the legs, relieves pain and stiffness in the heels, strengthens the ankles, giving the calf muscles beautiful outlines. Asana perfectly stretches the muscles of the back of the thigh, develops flexibility. In the long term, exercise will help strengthen the cardiovascular system, help prevent arthritis and arthrosis. This is just a small list of the benefits of performing asanas.

Are you already amazed at the benefits of exercise? Then let's learn to do it right. Below will be a training video in which a beautiful girl will show the correct technique of execution. Be sure to look for fixing!

Here we go. It is best to perform the exercise after a small warm-up, so that the muscles are warmed up, so the chance of injury will be lower. After warm-up, you can start the exercise. Just remember, like any asana, this one requires accuracy and smoothness of movements, no jerks and sudden movements.

Implementation technique
  1. The starting position is kneeling. Hands should be under the shoulders, fingers open. The emphasis should be on the whole palm, up to the pads of the fingers and in no case on the wrist. Keep your back straight, your hips perpendicular to the floor, your feet fixed to the floor, your heels looking up and your face looking down.


  2. Hold a little in this position, breathe and clear your head of thoughts. Now we can move on to the next stage. Next, you need to complete the bar, but only as a transitional stage of the exercise. You can do without the bar, but with it the transition will be more smooth.

  3. From the bar, raise the pelvis vertically up, without taking your hands off the floor. The main point is to stretch your back absolutely straight, so that an angle of 60 degrees is formed between the retracted abdomen and the hips (from the side it looks like an inverted letter V). Hold in this position for a minute, and then return to the original position, or better in the position of the child.


And here is the promised video, which shows even more subtleties of performing an asana.


Home yoga classes It has a beneficial effect on the state of the body. They bring to tone not only the body, but also the soul. If you learn to clear your head of thoughts and not think about anything during the exercise, it will be even more useful. Thanks to simple exercises, you can get rid of pain and feel much better.

Now you can perform an exercise that gives youth, calmness and excellent physical shape. You just need to develop the habit of doing it every day. And it would be good to introduce a few simple rules into your life that will change it for the better. Despite all the busyness, rush and problems, try to make time for yourself, because there is nothing more important than health. Take care of yourself and do not forget to perform a wonderful asana!

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