If we talk about inflammatory processes, flatulence indicates ...
Pooh, detained inside, so that it hurts even if the ori, can rupture the womb and cause death!
Gas formation is a normal physical function. But the confusion that arises after an awkward release is always accompanied by disapproving glances, laughter and snide jokes. From birth, children are taught to release gases. badmouth. And harmless, at first glance, farts, for many people become a real curse. But how do you keep "it" within yourself?
The cure for bloating Editorial "Site" It is not recommended to tolerate painful colic. And for those who witnessed this awkward moment, we advise you to master yourself and hold back ridicule. Any of us could be in that situation.
We prepared for you. 8 prescription medicineswhich is recommended by the Ayurveda. And at the end of the article, see the black list of prohibited products for flatulence and symptoms that can not be ignored.
DepositPhotos Medicines for Bloating
General. bloating simple: do not overeat (the maximum amount of the portion eaten is up to 350 g), slowly drink water, chew food thoroughly, eat silently with your mouth closed and do not chew gum for a long time. During severe anxiety, fear or excitement, try to breathe through your nose, so the amount of air swallowed is significantly reduced.
Avoid eating raw vegetables and fruits, cold foods and drinks, refined sugar, yeast baked goods, legumes, fatty and fried foods. If you have a tendency to increased gas formation, try to exclude the following products.
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If everything is good with nutrition, but vet products do not help, then flatulence is symptom. This can be intestinal obstruction, acute intestinal infection, parasites, diseases of the upper gastrointestinal tract.
Low physical activity also provokes increased gas formation. Yoga has special asanas that facilitate the release of gases. Do them if there are no medications on hand.
To help your intestines, do 1-2 times a week fasting days or fasting on water.
But, if it does not work, use dairy products, baked apples, stewed vegetables, bread with bran, boiled meat and porridge (buckwheat and millet). Give up tea and coffee, replace them with mint, chamomile. Such nutrition will relieve fatigue, spasms, intestinal irritation and normalize digestion.
We believe that our readers are experts. Please let us know in the comments which bloating Helps without fail. We would be very grateful for the recommendation.
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Gas formation is a normal physical function. But the confusion that arises after an awkward release is always accompanied by disapproving glances, laughter and snide jokes. From birth, children are taught to release gases. badmouth. And harmless, at first glance, farts, for many people become a real curse. But how do you keep "it" within yourself?

The cure for bloating Editorial "Site" It is not recommended to tolerate painful colic. And for those who witnessed this awkward moment, we advise you to master yourself and hold back ridicule. Any of us could be in that situation.
We prepared for you. 8 prescription medicineswhich is recommended by the Ayurveda. And at the end of the article, see the black list of prohibited products for flatulence and symptoms that can not be ignored.

DepositPhotos Medicines for Bloating
- To relieve the symptoms of flatulence, immediately after eating, eat 1 tsp. of grated fresh ginger mixed with 1 tsp. lemon juice.
- Mix in equal proportions the seeds of chira, fennel and ajwan (white cumin, or wild celery) and lightly roast them in a dry pan. Take immediately after eating 0.5-1 tsp. l., chewing thoroughly.
- Gas formation decreases if after a meal to drink lemon drink with soda. To prepare it, in 1 glass of water mix 0.5 tsp. soda and 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice. Drink immediately, freshly prepared.
- Eat before bedtime 2 tsp. flax flour, washing down 1 glass of warm water.
- If the gases are accompanied painPrepare a decoction that will relax the muscles of the intestine and improve digestion. Mix 1 tbsp. l. anise, fennel, cumin and pour them 1 liter of cold water. Bring the mixture to a boil and boil for 10 minutes. Cool and take 0.5 glasses 3 times a day after eating.
- Make a strong infusion of mint: pour 100 g of dried mint 1 liter of boiling water. Let it brew and take 100 ml each time after eating.
DepositPhotos - Very powerful. gaseous This is a mixture of 1 tsp. roasted cumin seeds, 1 tsp. celery seeds, 1 tsp. dry ginger powder and 1/4 tsp. black salt. Take half a teaspoon of this mixture 2 times a day, washed down with warm water.
- Asafetida is a little familiar to us, strongly smelling spice, which in small doses cures many ailments. Possesses very strong wind power. Therefore, a small pinch is recommended to be added to food for chronic bowel diseases and for the prevention of flatulence. In an acute attack of colic, take a little asafetid (at the tip of the knife), mix with 0.5 cups of warm water and drink. Relief will come very quickly.
General. bloating simple: do not overeat (the maximum amount of the portion eaten is up to 350 g), slowly drink water, chew food thoroughly, eat silently with your mouth closed and do not chew gum for a long time. During severe anxiety, fear or excitement, try to breathe through your nose, so the amount of air swallowed is significantly reduced.
Avoid eating raw vegetables and fruits, cold foods and drinks, refined sugar, yeast baked goods, legumes, fatty and fried foods. If you have a tendency to increased gas formation, try to exclude the following products.

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- Shop sweets and muffins. Sugar increases fermentation in the intestines.
- Beans and nuts. Before use, be sure to soak them in water for 6-12 hours.
- Raw cabbage of any kind.
- Bone fruits (plums, cherries, cherries, apricots and others).
- Dry fruits.
- Spices: black and red pepper, curry, chili pepper, cloves, nutmeg.
- High-carbohydrate products (baking, pasta).
- Salt in high doses retains water and leads to strong gas formation.
- Fresh milk is best avoided altogether. Replace it with dairy products, which should be consumed in moderation and separately from other products. As people age, the number of enzymes that break down milk protein decreases.
- Carbonated drinks, beer, fresh juices, coffee.
- Artificial sweeteners.
If everything is good with nutrition, but vet products do not help, then flatulence is symptom. This can be intestinal obstruction, acute intestinal infection, parasites, diseases of the upper gastrointestinal tract.
Low physical activity also provokes increased gas formation. Yoga has special asanas that facilitate the release of gases. Do them if there are no medications on hand.

To help your intestines, do 1-2 times a week fasting days or fasting on water.
But, if it does not work, use dairy products, baked apples, stewed vegetables, bread with bran, boiled meat and porridge (buckwheat and millet). Give up tea and coffee, replace them with mint, chamomile. Such nutrition will relieve fatigue, spasms, intestinal irritation and normalize digestion.
We believe that our readers are experts. Please let us know in the comments which bloating Helps without fail. We would be very grateful for the recommendation.
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