A month later I realized that I was many years younger! Treat your face 2 times a week.
Oatmeal, banana, rice, walnuts, cream - it's like a recipe for cereal for breakfast, isn't it? This is partly true, since these ingredients saturate the body with useful substances not only from the inside, but also from the outside! All these components have a unique effect on the skin of the face, prolonging youth and beauty.
We will talk about a face mask with an amazing rejuvenating effect. It contains all the substances that are needed to restore tired, faded and fading skin. You can use it at any age and as often as you want. The beauty is that the products for this mask is always at home!
Rejuvenating face mask at home Ingredients
Preparation and application
The mask according to this recipe should be used every other day to achieve the desired effect. It is convenient to prepare dry components in advance, and add fresh banana immediately before application.
So. rice-mask Does not float or fall off the face during application. So you can safely go about your business while the skin is saturated with benefits. It is a pleasure to sit with such a mask while watching your favorite movie and series.
Nut oil slowly penetrates the layers of the skin, strengthens blood vessels, preventing the appearance of a red capillary mesh on the face. Rice is a chic component: it grinds the skin, narrows the pores. The antioxidants in rice remove toxins. Biologically active substances in cream increase the strength of skin cells, maintain normal moisture levels in the subcutaneous layers. Oatmeal lightens the skin, removes roughness.
With prolonged and constant use, the skin will become cleaner, smoother, smoother and silky. Fatigue will disappear, faded skin will be revived, and its tone will increase. Cosmetics strongly recommend the use of such face masks after 50 years.
In the intervals between applying the rice mask make masks from wrinkles with starch.
Make it a habit to do these. Effective face masks It’s natural because your skin deserves better. In order not to lose the recipe, share an article on Facebook!
We will talk about a face mask with an amazing rejuvenating effect. It contains all the substances that are needed to restore tired, faded and fading skin. You can use it at any age and as often as you want. The beauty is that the products for this mask is always at home!
Rejuvenating face mask at home Ingredients
- 1 tsp milk or cream
- 1 tsp ground rice
- 1 tsp ground oatmeal flake
- 1 tsp ground walnuts
- 1/3 ripe banana
Preparation and application
- Grind separately rice, oatmeal and walnuts in a coffee grinder to a state of flour. Ask them through a small sieve.
- Cut 1/3 of a banana in puree with a fork. Add milk or cream.
- Pour ground rice, oatmeal and walnuts. If the mass is liquid, just add a little more oatmeal.
- Clean the skin with scrub, wash with warm water. Then hold a clean towel dipped in hot water for 5 minutes on your face to open the pores.
- Put the mask on your face for 15-20 minutes. When the mixture dries and you feel the tightening of the skin, wash with warm water.
- Finish the procedure with your favorite face cream.
The mask according to this recipe should be used every other day to achieve the desired effect. It is convenient to prepare dry components in advance, and add fresh banana immediately before application.
So. rice-mask Does not float or fall off the face during application. So you can safely go about your business while the skin is saturated with benefits. It is a pleasure to sit with such a mask while watching your favorite movie and series.
Nut oil slowly penetrates the layers of the skin, strengthens blood vessels, preventing the appearance of a red capillary mesh on the face. Rice is a chic component: it grinds the skin, narrows the pores. The antioxidants in rice remove toxins. Biologically active substances in cream increase the strength of skin cells, maintain normal moisture levels in the subcutaneous layers. Oatmeal lightens the skin, removes roughness.
With prolonged and constant use, the skin will become cleaner, smoother, smoother and silky. Fatigue will disappear, faded skin will be revived, and its tone will increase. Cosmetics strongly recommend the use of such face masks after 50 years.
In the intervals between applying the rice mask make masks from wrinkles with starch.
Make it a habit to do these. Effective face masks It’s natural because your skin deserves better. In order not to lose the recipe, share an article on Facebook!
Remember the last time you looked behind an old battery. Careful cleaning will certainly not hurt.
Preparation of cauliflower cutlets