The doctor warns: “Do not eat tomatoes with skin!” Do not put tomatoes in the same bag with bread or cheese.
One: please, don't eat tomatoes with skinNever! The thin red shell of tomatoes is not digested, it sticks to the walls of the intestine and can contribute to the formation of ulcers under it. Colorless and transparent, resembling polyethylene, it often stays inside, remember. Skin is easy to remove, why not make it a habit? Now you will learn more about tomatoes, get ready!
The homeland of the tomatoes we love is South America, but the product came to us only in the XVIII century. But today we can hardly imagine life without this juicy and bright vegetable. Skillful hostess tomatoes fry, stew, marinate, use fresh for salads, make juices and pastes ...
Tomato has become one of the most popular and versatile products. But Are tomatoes useful?What do you think? Are there any pitfalls in this benefit that we do not even know about?
The harm of tomatoes is incredible, but tomato It can cause significant harm.
DepositPhotos When tomatoes should be excluded from the diet
In addition, some researchers say that for smokers tomatoes It is fraught with aggravation of nicotine dependence.
Separately, we will talk about the dangers of unwashed tomatoes, cracks on which can be a haven for pathogens of intestinal infections, dysentery, salmonellosis or ascariasis.
That's why tomatoes You should not just wash, but pour boiling water.. And before washing, vegetables should be separated from other foods that are not cleaned before consumption (cheese, bread, cookies) so that bacteria do not accidentally get onto other foods. Never put tomatoes in one bag with the rest of your food.
It should not be forgotten that benefits of tomatoes It is very expensive, so it is impossible to abandon a wonderful product in any case. Tomatoes contain vitamins A, B2, B6, PP, E, rare vitamin K. They are a storehouse of other useful substances - magnesium, zinc, manganese, sodium, iron. We have already described in detail the benefits of tomatoes.
Therefore, approach the use of any useful products wisely. Remember that even the healthiest food in excessive doses or after improper processing will bring harm. Earlier we told you what to combine tomatoes to get most useful combination of products.
How do you feel about tomatoes?
The homeland of the tomatoes we love is South America, but the product came to us only in the XVIII century. But today we can hardly imagine life without this juicy and bright vegetable. Skillful hostess tomatoes fry, stew, marinate, use fresh for salads, make juices and pastes ...
Tomato has become one of the most popular and versatile products. But Are tomatoes useful?What do you think? Are there any pitfalls in this benefit that we do not even know about?
The harm of tomatoes is incredible, but tomato It can cause significant harm.
DepositPhotos When tomatoes should be excluded from the diet
- With hypertension and diseases of the cardiovascular system. Consuming canned, salted or pickled tomatoes can only exacerbate the problems.
DepositPhotos - With ulcers or increased stomach acidity.
- With pancreatitis, the use of unripe or green tomatoes should be limited.
- With problems with the musculoskeletal and apparatus and joints, because oxalic It only aggravates the painful sensations.
DepositPhotos - With gallstone disease, because tomatoes cause a choleretic effect.
- Kidney problems. You can not eat boiled and canned tomatoes, because oxalic acid, which is contained in them, disrupts water-salt metabolism.
In addition, some researchers say that for smokers tomatoes It is fraught with aggravation of nicotine dependence.
Separately, we will talk about the dangers of unwashed tomatoes, cracks on which can be a haven for pathogens of intestinal infections, dysentery, salmonellosis or ascariasis.
That's why tomatoes You should not just wash, but pour boiling water.. And before washing, vegetables should be separated from other foods that are not cleaned before consumption (cheese, bread, cookies) so that bacteria do not accidentally get onto other foods. Never put tomatoes in one bag with the rest of your food.
It should not be forgotten that benefits of tomatoes It is very expensive, so it is impossible to abandon a wonderful product in any case. Tomatoes contain vitamins A, B2, B6, PP, E, rare vitamin K. They are a storehouse of other useful substances - magnesium, zinc, manganese, sodium, iron. We have already described in detail the benefits of tomatoes.
Therefore, approach the use of any useful products wisely. Remember that even the healthiest food in excessive doses or after improper processing will bring harm. Earlier we told you what to combine tomatoes to get most useful combination of products.
How do you feel about tomatoes?