Budget renovation of the interior with the help of unnecessary dust collectors

I have repairs in my apartment, and not cosmetic! And so I'm clearing my house at lightning speed. And then the day before yesterday, I got to the stand where they were. paperbackWhich, in fact, no one has listened to for a long time. At first I decided to throw them away, but my friend, a decorator, who came to me for tea in the evening, and at the same time threw a couple of design ideas, stopped me.

It turns out that with the help of a “dust collector”, which is at home for each of us, you can save a lot on the finishing materials of the kitchen. And today's edition. "Site" I have an interesting idea for you: as cool as possible and at the same time very budget-wise using old CDs. The result will delight everyone!

Crafts of discs with their own hands
  1. CDs are a great material for creating beautiful and useful products. And if you have a lot of them, get involved in the creative process. Below are examples that will cheer up the imagination and help to be born already your unique ideas.


You need the right thing first. chip. The best for this case are scissors for plastic. However, if you do not have them, you can use garden or ordinary stationery. At the same time, the latter should be very well sharpened.

The most important thing is not to damage the magnetic film! Since it gives the very “cosmic” overflow-rainbow, with the help of which such an interesting effect is obtained. Well, so that the film does not burst, here is a life hack: miss each disc from the outside with ordinary glue. When the glue is completely dry, you can cut. The fragments will be smooth, and the film will remain unharmed.

Cut the disc as you please! The size and shape of the fragments depend only on your imagination and sleight of hand.

To get started, you need to skin the walls. Place disc fragments in any pleasant order, using glue for creativity or even ordinary PVA.

Then move on to the primer. The ground can be absolutely anything! Following the instructions, try to fill all the gaps between the disks as much as possible. After half an hour, when the soil dries, with a wet sponge remove its remains and polish the discs to a mirror shine.

That's it, the wall is ready! It wasn’t a kitchen, it was just a spaceship from sixties movies! Beautiful, original and quite budgetary. And on the shelves became much less unnecessary things, which is even from an energy point of view great. And after watching the movie “Life is the Exciting Magic of Cleaning” recently, I was finally convinced of this!

And the remaining discs can decorate the frame for the mirror.

Or a living table!

What about these unusual ideas?

I really like this cute owl. Wonderful, isn't it?

Well, this creation just struck me with its originality. Fish from disks is an art object!

Another very practical solution.

I didn't even expect such a turn! It turns out. needlessly You can make a new fashionable design of your old but favorite boots.

Often during repairs, we are so passionate about the choice of design that we forget about practicality. It is especially important to take this into account when renovating the kitchen, because fast and safe cooking requires certain conditions.

Here are 10 common mistakes people make when renovating a kitchen. It's worth paying attention to!

Old CDs! How many creative ideas can be implemented with these round and shiny (reflecting light) objects. With their help, you can update the interior of the kitchen or bathroom, they can be useful for making beautiful and / or useful crafts that can be used at home or give to friends.

So dial it. plentifulBe patient and start creating! And don’t forget to share these great ideas with your friends on social media.


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