What is hinted at by gastronomic preferences
Everyone has their own gastronomic preferences. Some people don’t eat sugar and some people don’t eat milk. It’s quite a normal situation, but did you think that maybe all this is not for nothing? Dr. Olivier Soulier developed a theory that preference Food is not a matter of chance, but originates in our subconscious.
Editorial "Site" I'll tell you about the psychological decoding of the gastronomic preferences of Dr. Soulier.
Each product that we exclude from the diet has a specific symbolic meaning. That is, the rejection of products occurs at the subconscious level and is directly related to our psychological problems. Let's figure it out.
Dr. Soulier says, “To those who hope to escape the meaning of the psychological codes, I say it’s okay, just admit to yourself that you are escaping from reality without realizing it.” How much can we learn from our habits and other little things?
Perhaps it is time to analyze your gastronomic preferences, get to their essence and find your psychological problems. It is very important to detect these problems and fears in advance, because they often cause health problems. So next time you suddenly give up a product, think, maybe it’s not just that!
What do you think about that? Share with us in the comments.

Editorial "Site" I'll tell you about the psychological decoding of the gastronomic preferences of Dr. Soulier.
Each product that we exclude from the diet has a specific symbolic meaning. That is, the rejection of products occurs at the subconscious level and is directly related to our psychological problems. Let's figure it out.
- vegetarianism
Refusing meat on a psychological level means a desire to avoid your own aggression, and also indicates a fear of death. It's an attempt to hide from death. Thus, vegetarianism indicates a fear of aggression. Instead of looking at things soberly and doing something, a person closes his eyes to the problem.
DepositPhotos - Giving up milk
Milk is the first food we know right after birth. In each person, it is associated with the mother, and the refusal of dairy products is a subconscious desire to get rid of maternal control. The same thing with sugar, because it is also a symbol of the mother. If a person replaces milk with soy or other plant-based milk, it signals a reluctance to see the problem.
DepositPhotos - Mom's milk, Dad's bread.
If milk refers to the image of the mother, then bread refers to the image of the father. All patriarchal civilizations were formed around the cultivation of crops. Giving up bread symbolizes the desire to settle scores with their parents, get rid of bonds. If there is a simultaneous refusal of milk and bread, then this indicates great problems in relations with relatives.
DepositPhotos - Seignalet
This diet was very popular in the 80s. It shows the great role of family conflicts in the origin of diseases. The nutritionist who developed this diet died of pancreatic cancer. Namely, this organ symbolizes family relations and suffering associated with the lack of love in the family.
DepositPhotos - Vegetable oil
There was another popular diet prescribed to dietitian Kuzmina. She suggested limiting the use of milk and grains, but at the same time eating a lot of vegetable oils. Olive oil largely reproduces the structure of mother’s milk. Dr. Soulier believes that this diet is suitable for those who seek to find their roots and establish contact with family.
DepositPhotos - Protein diets
These diets refer us to our own proteins, the carriers of our memories and emotions. They take us away from addiction. That is, protein diets are a subconscious desire to get rid of the addiction that pulls us back.
DepositPhotos - Monodiet
Any monodiet refers us to a particular food. Here you need to look at what product the choice falls on. For example, a grape diet means the desire for abundance.
DepositPhotos - Blood type diet
Such diets are the most eloquent. They refer to the topic of blood and blood. Those who choose blood type diets are looking for an opportunity to strengthen their faith, find their roots, and learn something about their origins. In addition, it can indicate that a person is trying to find his identity.
Dr. Soulier says, “To those who hope to escape the meaning of the psychological codes, I say it’s okay, just admit to yourself that you are escaping from reality without realizing it.” How much can we learn from our habits and other little things?
Perhaps it is time to analyze your gastronomic preferences, get to their essence and find your psychological problems. It is very important to detect these problems and fears in advance, because they often cause health problems. So next time you suddenly give up a product, think, maybe it’s not just that!
What do you think about that? Share with us in the comments.