The secret of harmony Anna Mikhalkova

All the women who are losing weight are delighted to note how much Anna Mikhalkova lost weight In just six months. But many do not even realize that the decision to lose 15 kg in 6 months was a forced measure, and not his own initiative. The actress had to lose weight due to health problems, because this process was accompanied by tremendous stress.

At first, it was not easy to lose weight, however, Anna was able to pull herself together: she began to exercise and began to follow a special diet. Now the Russian celebrity does not promote a healthy lifestyle and eats what she wants. However, to anyone who wants to achieve the same result as her, Mikhalkova gives a couple of tips.

Editorial "Site" I couldn't help but tell you the secret of the movie actress' wonderful transformation, so get comfortable and let's get started!

Advice to the slimming
  1. You should not resort to starvation, but you need to learn to limit yourself in something. Fatty, fatty and sweet foods, alas, should disappear from your daily menu. Mikhalkova diet includes lean meat, eggs, cereals, fruits, vegetables, nuts, low-fat cheeses and lots of greens.

  2. Eating should be organized and well thought out. Foods that contain the most calories should be consumed before 15:00. For breakfast, you can afford porridge, dried fruits, vegetable soup, natural yogurt and 50 g of boiled meat.

  3. After three hours of the day, the food should be light, and portions should not exceed 150 g. This can be a green salad, grilled vegetables or low-fat kefir.

  4. Once a week you need to arrange a “fasting day”. Food intake should be limited to 300 g of fruit pulp and water, or green tea without sugar.

  5. New products, stopping the diet, should be added to the diet gradually so as not to overload the body weaned from them.

  6. As for sports, jogging is an effective remedy against fat deposits. Especially honed with their help waist and thighs.

From nutritionists diet Anna Mikhalkova received positive feedback, because it is quite well balanced. During the day, the body is provided with all the necessary elements for active life, and restriction in nutrition during the evening contributes to a smooth and comfortable weight loss.

Share these tips on social networks with everyone who is now on a diet! And don't forget to leave comments. Perhaps you know what will help to cope with fat many times faster?

And if you are already starting to make a menu for weight loss, you will certainly need a recipe for diet chicken soup.


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