How to properly wear large earrings

Every woman wants to always look stunning, whether it’s her own wedding, a friend’s birthday, a business meeting or a walk on a spring day. In any situation, we enjoy receiving attention and compliments from others, which is why most of us try so hard to follow fashion trends and choose the best things to create the perfect image.

For a true lady, even small details are important, because she must charm everyone every day and everywhere. This is not an easy mission, and accessories should be selected as carefully as clothes or shoes. Some people don’t even realize that sometimes beautiful earringsCorrectly selected to the outfit and appearance of the girl, affect the course of events in her life.

Editorial "Site" It gives you the opportunity right now to determine which earrings that have become fashionable in 2019 will work best for you.

Fashion earrings 15 options earrings, fashionable in 2019
  1. This year, fashionistas choose bright and catchy jewelry. Big earrings - an undeniable trend of the spring season, and there is reason to believe that such accessories will not go out of fashion until the end of 2019.

  2. Stylists urge to wear such earrings as carefully as possible. You should not overload your image with an unimaginable variety of bright accessories. If you wear massive gold earrings with leather inserts, a catchy necklace or too colorful outfit can look ridiculous in combination with them. As for other jewelry, you can afford to wear a large gold ring to massive earrings, provided that the makeup and clothing are neutral.

  3. When you are going to an exquisite event, do not miss the opportunity to shine brightest! For solemn moments, be sure to purchase big-earring with rhinestones.

  4. Blonde stylists are advised not to overdo it with a rich color. Blonde girls are more suitable for gentle pastel tones.

  5. But brunettes can safely experiment with both form and color scheme. The main thing is that the decoration corresponds to your character and mood.

  6. It is very important that the earrings are not too heavy if you know that the meeting you are going to have will last more than three hours. You do not need to torment your ears and stretch your lobes in order to once show off in new earrings. For a long time out of the house, even on a holiday, give preference to jewelry. Firstly, such earrings are much easier than with precious stones and metals, and secondly, jewelry is again in fashion and many designers at the shows of their collections complement the images of models with earrings made of plastic and other inexpensive materials.

  7. By the way, especially popular began to use earrings with fringe. They go well with both casual clothes and evening outfits.

  8. As for earrings made of expensive metals with natural stones, it is just right to wear them for a photo shoot or for events where you are one of the main people.

  9. Do not be afraid of the original shapes in jewelry. Earrings in the form of butterflies will not look funny or ridiculous on a mature woman. On the contrary, such accessories will emphasize your romantic nature and also help to visually get rid of several years.

  10. Very stylish look large earrings round shape. Ladies with a triangular face shape, they will suit better than others.

  11. If you have a short haircut, you do not need to tuck your hair behind your ears or mess with your hair, because your amazing earrings will be visible to everyone. But if you are the lucky owner of a luxurious stack of long hair, then be kind to remove them in the tail or pick up any other way to open your ears. Otherwise, there is no point in wearing jewelry if they remain unnoticed.

  12. Picking up for yourself earringsBe guided not only by the advice of stylists, but also by your own sense of taste. Disharmony in the image is visible to the naked eye, and it can only push away, so jewelry must necessarily correspond to your internal state.

  13. Take note: monochromatic jewelry under the color of clothes look especially elegant and perfect for both young ladies and women who have reached a respected age.

  14. If you have ring earrings from adolescence, take them out of the box and put them on. Such earrings almost always look good with a striped outfit and bright lipstick.

  15. Girls, attention! Good news for silver lovers: silver things are fashionable to wear now in all variations. The most relevant decorations for 2019 are made in the style of minimalism.

We hope you managed to choose the most successful option for yourself with earrings that will look irresistible.

We offer you to make 12 simple hairstyles that will decorate any image, and one of the first to learn the secrets of beauty of oriental beauties.

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