Why clean up after a dog on the street?
Having a furry four-legged friend is just fine. But it's also very responsible. You have to alternate pleasant moments of playing with your pet and cleaning after him. This is especially true when walking your beloved dog, because passers-by are unpleasant to step into the surprises left over from your pet. But in the post-Soviet countries, the practice of cultural dog walking has not yet developed.
Some dog owners believe that the lack of special urns, machines with bags and walking areas, relieve them of cleaning duties. Editorial "Site" It will tell you why it is important to clean your pet’s excrement and what will help you with it.
Biologists argue that dog excrement is a danger to society, especially children who run on lawns, stadiums and other places. According to statistics, 60-80% of pets are carriers of worms, and adult dogs often do not have any symptoms. Other pets are also at risk: they can catch parasites by sniffing or eating excrement.
Coccidia, nematodes, steam viruses, larvae of tapeworms and tapeworms - all this can be in the excrement of even a well-groomed animal. Getting into the body of another dog or person, parasites cause a lot of ailments and diseases: anemia, gastric disorders, diarrhea, headaches and muscle pain, salmonellosis.
Of course, the situation is not as critical as it sounds, but this does not relieve the owner of the duty to clean up after his pet in public places. And who is happy to walk on feces or feel their aroma?
There are laws that require owners to clean up after dogs in public places, and there are penalties for violating them, but so far many people ignore the rules. You can not clean only in forests and other areas remote from people.
Yes, we do not have infrastructure, but we do not pay tax, as, for example, in Germany - 40-700 euros per year depending on the size of the dog for creating special urns. Therefore, it is important to start with respect for yourself and passers-by. In addition, there are many devices for cleaning animals.
What will help when cleaning for pets
So far, not every owner cleans up after his pet, but good examples, which are already in almost every yard, gradually motivate other dog owners. Cleaning after the dog will only take one minute.
We also talked about the rating of easily trained dogs.
Tell us in the comments if you clean up after your dog while walking. Share this article with your friends on social media!
Photo by depositphotos preview.

Some dog owners believe that the lack of special urns, machines with bags and walking areas, relieve them of cleaning duties. Editorial "Site" It will tell you why it is important to clean your pet’s excrement and what will help you with it.
Biologists argue that dog excrement is a danger to society, especially children who run on lawns, stadiums and other places. According to statistics, 60-80% of pets are carriers of worms, and adult dogs often do not have any symptoms. Other pets are also at risk: they can catch parasites by sniffing or eating excrement.

Coccidia, nematodes, steam viruses, larvae of tapeworms and tapeworms - all this can be in the excrement of even a well-groomed animal. Getting into the body of another dog or person, parasites cause a lot of ailments and diseases: anemia, gastric disorders, diarrhea, headaches and muscle pain, salmonellosis.

Of course, the situation is not as critical as it sounds, but this does not relieve the owner of the duty to clean up after his pet in public places. And who is happy to walk on feces or feel their aroma?
There are laws that require owners to clean up after dogs in public places, and there are penalties for violating them, but so far many people ignore the rules. You can not clean only in forests and other areas remote from people.

Yes, we do not have infrastructure, but we do not pay tax, as, for example, in Germany - 40-700 euros per year depending on the size of the dog for creating special urns. Therefore, it is important to start with respect for yourself and passers-by. In addition, there are many devices for cleaning animals.
What will help when cleaning for pets
- Polyethylene or biodegradable paper bags
For dog-cleaning You can use regular disposable or garbage bags, but it is better to purchase special biodegradable and flavored bags of small sizes. In order to clean up after the pet, the package is put on the hand, take feces and the other hand, turning the package inside out, remove it from the hand.
DepositPhotos - cleaning scoop
Sometimes. dog Take homemade disposable scoops from cardboard with them for a walk. You just need to cut a piece of cardboard rectangular shape and bend it a little. But such can be bought in the pet store.
DepositPhotos - Hygienic tongs
Forceps are a small device on which you need to wear a disposable bag. Most often, packages are included.
DepositPhotos - Clipper
There are special devices in this area: a pinch on the tail of a dog with a bag. After a well-known case, the owner is enough to remove a pinch with a bag from the tail so as not to climb the bushes in search of processed food.
So far, not every owner cleans up after his pet, but good examples, which are already in almost every yard, gradually motivate other dog owners. Cleaning after the dog will only take one minute.
We also talked about the rating of easily trained dogs.
Tell us in the comments if you clean up after your dog while walking. Share this article with your friends on social media!
Photo by depositphotos preview.