Funny characteristics by date of birth

Millions of people are born on the planet, whose character traits, motives and stereotypes of behavior are very similar. Astrologers explain this similarity by the date of birth and the influence of the position of celestial bodies on the fate of a person. You can believe in horoscopes, or you can not believe. But the fact that people born under the same sign, have a very similar character, it is difficult to argue.

And while Virgo starts resort romances, Pisces dream, and Aquarius entertains friends, Aries make plans with all their might. Yes, Aries? Editorial "Site" gathered the most interesting and punchline from the Internet about all the signs of the zodiac, in which everyone recognizes himself. Bullshit!

Interesting statements of Aries
  1. “It is said that the most stubborn people are Taurus, Capricorns and Scorpions. Have you ever tried to argue with Aries?
  2. “Aries are not selfish; they simply know how to live for themselves. They are not arrogant, they just don’t want to smile at everyone. Not daring - just do not go for the word in your pocket. Not jealous, just used to be the only ones.”
  3. “Aries woman is a book written for a man. If you don’t understand, it’s not written for you.
  4. “Many people wait all week for Friday, all month for the holiday, all year for summer, and all their lives for happiness. Aries believe that you should enjoy every day and enjoy every moment.”
  5. “Aries’ trust is like nerve cells: it hardly recovers.”
  6. “Aries should be hugged when sad, kissed when dumb, and fed when hysterical.”
  7. “It is amazing how Aries have not yet died out with their boundless trust in people and excessive honesty.”
  8. “Aries have never been perfect, from appearance to character. But they have always been themselves.”


  1. Paradise for Taurus is any place on Earth where there are no alarm clocks, Mondays and bosses!
  2. “Men think women need tough guys with money. But 90% of Taurus women would choose a bear from a Masha cartoon.
  3. In women-Tauruses amazingly can combine the one without which you can not live, and the one with which it is impossible to live.
  4. “If Taurus want chocolate, they go and eat chocolate. Because if they eat fruit, vegetables, salad or fish instead, they'll still eat chocolate.
  5. Happiness for Taurus is to travel a lot, eat and sleep with a loved one.
  6. “Tauruses are so faithful that they do not look to the left even when crossing the road.”
  7. If life turns to Taurus in one place, they will find beautiful lace panties on it.
  8. “Tauruses are terrible owners. If something belongs to them, it is theirs and nobody else’s. What Taurus consider their own, they love more than anything in the world.”

DepositPhotos Geminis
  1. “Twins are not candy to be everyone’s taste. They are a nut that not everyone can handle!
  2. “Twins’ motto: if you can’t, but you really want to, you must!”
  3. If Gemini decides to make someone happy, nothing will save the person.
  4. “You know what the Geminis want? They want the summer, warm, breath-taking wind of change to blow out of their lives.
  5. “Twins can only be surprised by love. Real, sincere, without deception and betrayal. The rest has already been seen.”
  6. “Twins love everyone who treats them well. Even if Gemini doesn’t talk to you often, don’t think they don’t value you.
  7. “Twin women love confident men. Bold, endowed with brains, not chewing cotton. Men who decide, take responsibility, think quickly, do not doubt, create, do not destroy, think and lead.”
  8. “You will never know what Gemini has in your heart unless they want to. But if they trust you, know that you are a true friend.


  1. Cancers don’t have time to hate those who hate them because they’re too busy loving those who love them.
  2. “When Cancers are happy, they cannot stop talking. When they are sad, there is no word out of them.”
  3. Cancers do not take to heart the criticism that comes from a person who has achieved nothing in this life.
  4. “When the patience of Cancers comes to an end, then complete lawlessness begins.”
  5. “The best thing in the world is that Cancers can live in a family. They put their hearts into it. It seems that the family was invented by Cancer!
  6. “Sometimes a 90-year-old old woman moves into Cancer. She taunts and hates everyone.”
  7. If you are asked what you would like more, Cancer or a million euros, answer: Cancer! Because they won't give you money anyway, and Cancer is cozy.
  8. “Cancer has a great memory! When Cancers say “I don’t remember,” they just don’t want to talk about it.


  1. “A lion is never alone! To him constantly come inspiration, appetite, laziness, then ...
  2. The strong character of the Lions is usually built from bricks thrown at him.
  3. “For some, Lions are sunshine, for others, sunstroke! And someone does not shine at all.
  4. “It’s amazing how little time it takes for Leos to go from ‘how worried I am’ to ‘Oh, go to the forest’.”
  5. Before you play with a Leo, make sure the Leo is not playing with you.
  6. “Huggling is probably one of the most passionate forms of love for Lions. So they feel safe and close to the person, feel that all the sorrows are gone. This is one of the most amazing feelings in the world!
  7. “Many women are concerned about how to keep a man. But female lions know that if you want to be really happy, you don’t have to live with a man to hold.
  8. “Lions do not want life to be like a zebra. They want it to be as bright as a parrot!


  1. “Virgin is not a ratio of weight and height!” It is the ratio of intelligence, taste and self-confidence.”
  2. “Virgins sometimes just hate themselves for taking everything to heart.”
  3. The wisdom of Virgos, combined with cunning, gives an effect that no higher education can give.
  4. “Value the Virgos who give you a second chance. It means that their love is so strong that the heart has the strength to give you another try.”
  5. “When the Virgin asks something, it is better to answer the truth. It is likely that she already knows the answer.”
  6. “The best end to an argument with a virgin is to pretend to be dead.”
  7. “A virgin never really cares that her fate is very difficult. Like everything in her life, she uses them to move forward.
  8. “Savvy and meticulous Virgos are able to exert a serious influence on those who are empowered to make responsible decisions. They are being used successfully.”


  1. All Libras have two lives: one is seen by all those around them, the other they live alone.
  2. “Libra are amazing people! They can find something good in anyone.
  3. “There is no story sadder in the world than the story of Libra-owls who have to play larks.”
  4. “Libra very rarely tries to remove masks from people. They are well aware that they are often not masks but muzzles.”
  5. Libra would really like to press the button “do not think” and just enjoy life.
  6. “Libra, more than anyone else, needs the absolute certainty that they are loved. Confidence, backed up more than once by action.”
  7. Libra should learn not to hide from their problems, but to choose a solution and immediately do what is decided.
  8. Libra should periodically try to look at their relationships with people from the point of view of these very people: imagine themselves for a second as them, and them as themselves, and think whether everything likes, whether everything is happening correctly and as we would like.


  1. “99% of Scorpios’ problems would be solved if they calmed down and stopped thinking too deeply about them.”
  2. The strength of their character is due to those who, instead of extending their hand when they began to fall, also put a bandage.
  3. In each Scorpio there are two people: one calm and silent, and the second appears when the first is offended.
  4. “Scorpios rarely show aggression at once. They warn, hint, give signs. Don’t wait until they have had enough patience.
  5. “The Scorpio likes people who are simple in communication, simple, sincere and not concealing feelings.”
  6. “Scorpions may pretend not to notice the spit in the soul, but that does not mean they have forgotten it. The rage of the Scorpions is ineradicable.”
  7. Scorpios are people who desperately need to find a balance between calmness and high energy.
  8. It is about Scorpions that we can say that they are still “black cats”: if they cross the road, then no “too-tooth” will help.


  1. “Shooters love with their hands. They need to touch you, stroke you, touch you, point your finger on your side or tickle you. He doesn't, he doesn't.
  2. “Sagittarius are not weak enough to tolerate insults, not strong enough to forgive them, but not so vicious as to take revenge. Most often, they just turn their back on the offender. Forever.
  3. Very often, the circumstances of Sagittarius are such that you can hope for anything, but really count on yourself.
  4. “Sailors are not afraid to confess anything. They fear that their confessions will be misunderstood, because that is what happens most often.”
  5. “99% of Sagittarius were born so that the main meaning of their existence in one way or another became the road.”
  6. “Sometimes friendship just ends. Without betrayal, without quarrels and without reason, you just become different and everyone goes their own way. Over the years, the circle of friends becomes narrower. But those who remain, for Sagittarius, are not just friends, but relatives.”
  7. “Sagittarius women have learned many useful things from men: to kick a wedge, to avoid answering, not to call back, to choose the best and to have fun. But the same men blame them for it.
  8. “The Sagittarius loves cozy people, without thorns and deep swirls in character. He likes to talk to people about anything without questioning. Such people become a part of Sagittarius’ life and he cares for them as much as for himself.”


  1. “True Capricorns will never smile at people they dislike. But they will behave politely towards everyone; their upbringing will not allow them to become rude.”
  2. Do you know why Capricorns are sometimes called strange and on your mind? Because they want to live as they want, not as many people are accustomed to.”
  3. If there is a Capricorn among your loved ones, then you are not afraid of any enemies and problems.
  4. “The Capricorn is not afraid of time, distance, or difficulty. After all, they help Capricorn realize their power, become themselves and respect themselves as a person.
  5. “Most Capricorns believe that there is age discrimination: the older Capricorn is, the more he is a child. “So what, I’m not 9 years old!” I also want to jump on the trampoline.
  6. Capricorns love strange people.
  7. “Capricorns don’t like to be touched for nothing: either there’s something between you, or you’re a cat, or don’t touch me, please.”
  8. “If you want to like Capricorn, be sincere, do not laugh now and then, and do not hurl words: simply, clearly and reasonably said comes to Capricorn the fastest and he likes the most.”


  1. “Sometimes people think they have some special power over the Aquarius. That's not true.
  2. If Aquarius behaves like a child, then he is happy.
  3. Aquarius are not surprised by someone's strangeness - they can not always explain their own.
  4. “The reality of Aquarius women is that it’s not so important to have a man around as there’s no idiot who pulls all the vitality out of you.”
  5. “True Aquarius has some kind of... Alien intelligence!
  6. Most people resent Aquarius because they cannot and do not want to meet their personal expectations.
  7. “For Aquarius, very often aftertaste decides everything. Everything. It all depends on how you feel afterwards. After communication, after a kiss, after an argument, after coffee, after a look. This “after” is in many ways defining.
  8. “When Aquarius want to get away from reality, they go into themselves.”


  1. “It is good that no one can read Pisces’ thoughts, otherwise the image of shy and shy people would go to hell.”
  2. “In a quiet pool there are devils – it’s about Pisces.”
  3. “Fish are not afraid to feel, they are afraid to drown in feelings.”
  4. “For Pisces, one man can truly become the whole world.”
  5. “Suddenly” is the middle name of Pisces! Suddenly sad, suddenly laughed, suddenly offended.
  6. If it is necessary to choose, instead of secular and beautifully speaking Pisces will choose economic and silently doing.
  7. “Fishes have excellent memories and never forget to treat themselves well. The bad can be forgiven and thrown out, and the good will warm the soul in years. Pisces will never forget those who were with them in difficult times.”
  8. It is a fish woman who is seriously able to ask the question: “Why do I need this man in the house, if I solve all my problems myself?”


You agree with these amusing statements that reveal zodiac signs People born under the same star? I'm sure you have something to add! And if you still have not figured out what is prepared for you in the coming year, open the veil of the future and rather study the Chinese horoscope for 2019 for your sign!


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