Useful tricks for the home
January 31 is considered the birthday of Russian vodka, because it was on this day in 1865 that the young chemist Dmitry Mendeleev defended his doctoral thesis on the topic “On the connection of alcohol with water”.
Vodka, of course, appeared in Russia many centuries before Dmitry Ivanovich, but the term was officially enshrined only in the decree of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna of June 8, 1751. Before that, the alcoholic drink was called “bread wine”, “half-gar”, “official wine”.
Vodka is a controversial product, it has many defenders and even more ardent opponents. As an alcoholic beverage, it is not very healthy, but, due to its disinfectant and cleaning properties, it can be successfully used in everyday life, treatment and cooking.
"Site" It offers you 20 ways to use vodka for other purposes. Some of them would surprise even Mendeleev.
Best tricks.
Experienced baking housewives have their own secret ingredient. To make cakes and cakes delicious, they add a little vodka to the dough.
"Site" It will tell you how to make drunken dough for amazingly soft and tender cakes.
Baking soda is an indispensable and inexpensive queen of purity. This will prove our collection of 22 ways to use it. Just stock up on a couple of packages, and any old dirt will not be scary for you.

Vodka, of course, appeared in Russia many centuries before Dmitry Ivanovich, but the term was officially enshrined only in the decree of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna of June 8, 1751. Before that, the alcoholic drink was called “bread wine”, “half-gar”, “official wine”.

Vodka is a controversial product, it has many defenders and even more ardent opponents. As an alcoholic beverage, it is not very healthy, but, due to its disinfectant and cleaning properties, it can be successfully used in everyday life, treatment and cooking.

"Site" It offers you 20 ways to use vodka for other purposes. Some of them would surprise even Mendeleev.
Best tricks.
- Make the dough lush.
The alcohol contained in vodka begins to evaporate at a sufficiently low temperature, so vodka-dough It is filled with air and becomes more lush. To achieve this effect, one tablespoon of vodka is enough.
DepositPhotos - Remove stains from the fabric
Vodka acts as a solvent and can be used to effectively remove stains from red wine, grass and vomiting. Wet the stain with a rag soaked in vodka. After that, wash the place with clean water and repeat the procedure several times until the spot disappears.
DepositPhotos - Get rid of dandruff.
Add two teaspoons of rosemary to a glass of vodka and let the remedy brew for a couple of days. Then strain and use the resulting infusion as a hair rinse. It will help get rid of dandruff and is useful for people with dry scalp.
DepositPhotos - Clean the jewelry.
Give the silver a beautiful shine by throwing it in vodka for a few minutes.
DepositPhotos - Take the Band-Aid off carefully.
Moisten the Band-Aid with vodka so it dissolves the glue. After that, it can be removed completely painless.
DepositPhotos - Reduce toothache
Rinse your mouth with vodka to reduce pain and get rid of bacteria.
DepositPhotos - Remove the mold in the bathroom
Alcohol in vodka kills fungi, mold and other microorganisms. Apply vodka to the surface with mold and soap divorces. After 10 minutes, wipe the surface with a cloth, you will see that there is nothing left on it!
DepositPhotos - Live the flowers.
Do you want the bouquet to look longer? Add a teaspoon of sugar and vodka to the water. Sugar will prolong the life of your flowers, and alcohol will kill bacteria that multiply in water.
DepositPhotos - Get rid of insects.
Sprayed vodka on the skin to scare off insects. For flavor, add your favorite essential oil to the mixture. For example, lavender oil or basil oil.
DepositPhotos - Clean your face.
Vodka can clear your pores of fat. Just add a quarter teaspoon of vodka to a cup of green tea and wash your face.
DepositPhotos - Prepare a mouthwash.
To prepare mouthwash, you will need 200 grams of vodka and 10 tablespoons of cinnamon powder. Pour this mixture into a bottle and insist for 2 weeks, shaking the bottle in the morning and evening. After that, strain and transfer to the storage container. To get rid of bad breath, take half a glass of warm water and dilute half a teaspoon of cinnamon tincture in it. Systematically rinse the mouth with this solution after brushing the teeth.
DepositPhotos - Use vodka after shaving.
Alcohol is the main ingredient in most aftershaves. It is needed to disinfect and soften the skin, preventing inflammation. Vodka contains enough alcohol, and it can replace aftershave lotion.
DepositPhotos - Get rid of the unpleasant smell of shoes and feet
The smell of the feet is a problem that can cause a lot of inconvenience. Vodka perfectly kills the bacteria that are its source. Use this property! Rub your feet in the morning and evening with vodka. If the bacteria die, the smell disappears.
DepositPhotos - Help your muscles relax.
Tincture of vodka and lavender oil is perfect after a hard workout! Just rub it into your skin.
DepositPhotos - Make herbal tinctures.
Tincture is an alcohol extract from a therapeutic drug. Alcohol is an excellent solvent and very effectively “sucks” all useful components from the source material. Therapeutic tinctures in vodka You can cook at home, especially since the process of their preparation does not require large material costs and expensive equipment.
DepositPhotos - Get rid of the sore throat.
Vodka will help kill bacteria and soothe sore throat. To do this, mix lemon juice with honey and two tablespoons of vodka.
DepositPhotos - Save food and improve its taste
Vodka is added to pickles and other homemade billets because it helps them last longer. So that the pickles do not mold and remain crispy, 20 ml of vodka per liter of brine is enough. If the jam is moldy, safely remove the mold, grabbing part of the normal mass, and pour a teaspoon of vodka on top. Jam saved!
DepositPhotos - Check the quality of the honey
One of the non-standard ways to use vodka is to check the quality of honey. Heat a tablespoon of honey and mix with vodka. If the honey is natural, then it will completely dissolve, if of poor quality, sediment will appear or vodka will become cloudy.
DepositPhotos - Clean the windows and glasses
Window cleaning products mainly consist of alcohol. With a spray filled with vodka, you can wash windows just as easily as you would with a regular detergent. Vodka and microfiber fabric can also be used to remove fat and dirt from glasses.
DepositPhotos - Save the world!
At various times, many thinkers and philosophers have wondered: “What can save the world?” Martin Luther King, like Vera Brezhnev, knew that love would save the world. Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky believed that only beauty could do it. But the heroes of the movie “Invasion of Living Steel” (Iron Invader) saved the world from the invasion of alien bacteria with the help of vodka. A fairy tale, as they say, is a lie, but there is a hint in it. Vodka is really a fierce enemy of all bacteria, and if not the world, then your health with it can be saved absolutely for sure.
Vodka perfectly disinfects a variety of wounds, cuts, abrasions. If you need to quickly disinfect your hands, then a vodka spray is a great solution.
Experienced baking housewives have their own secret ingredient. To make cakes and cakes delicious, they add a little vodka to the dough.
"Site" It will tell you how to make drunken dough for amazingly soft and tender cakes.
Baking soda is an indispensable and inexpensive queen of purity. This will prove our collection of 22 ways to use it. Just stock up on a couple of packages, and any old dirt will not be scary for you.