Opinion of Tatiana Chernihivskaya on information in the modern world
Humanity has rapidly entered the age of information technology. Until a few decades ago, people were reading paper books, paying with paper money, doing hard work with the help of mechanics.
Now everything lies on the shoulders of computer technology, and information is stored in virtual space. How do you get used to it? For children who are just coming into the world, this is easy. But older people have some difficulties.
What dangers the age of information technologies brings and how to deal with them, said Chernihiv Tatiana Vladimirovna.
Chernihiv Tatiana Vladimirovna Chernihivskaya is engaged in research in the fields of neuroscience, psycholinguistics and the theory of consciousness. He is Honored Worker of Sciences of the Russian Federation, Corresponding Member of RAO, currently works on the basis of St. Petersburg State University.
More information from Tatiana Chernihivskaya and tips on self-development read in our next articles. Follow the links.
Now everything lies on the shoulders of computer technology, and information is stored in virtual space. How do you get used to it? For children who are just coming into the world, this is easy. But older people have some difficulties.
What dangers the age of information technologies brings and how to deal with them, said Chernihiv Tatiana Vladimirovna.

Chernihiv Tatiana Vladimirovna Chernihivskaya is engaged in research in the fields of neuroscience, psycholinguistics and the theory of consciousness. He is Honored Worker of Sciences of the Russian Federation, Corresponding Member of RAO, currently works on the basis of St. Petersburg State University.

- Technology has become a sign of civilization. “We have entered another world altogether. It is fluid, transparent, unstable, superfast, hybrid. Everything in him collapsed. The autonomous life of the digital world is in full swing: the Internet of things, the self-organization of networks. Digital reality is already a sign of social selection. If you imagine a country that cannot afford to enter the digital world, you can assume that it does not exist at all. She's not a player. People can live there, knit baskets, but they are not participants in the common cause, says Tatiana Chernihivskaya.
Information technology has made our lives easier. Now, even to make purchases, you can not leave the house. Studying at a good university can also be done remotely. Pay bills via the Internet and fully work on its sites, getting money for it.
These are obvious advantages that can turn into disadvantages only for those who do not know how to benefit from the development of information technologies. Development is very rapid, and those who want to keep up with it must constantly learn. Like he says. Tatiana Chernihivskaya, children They learn new things faster than anyone else.
But adults have to force themselves literally weekly to read all the news in the field of IT. Otherwise, you can't stay afloat.
DepositPhotos - The information age has produced unverified information. “Another interesting feature is the growing distrust of information. I've been thinking about that a lot lately. Now the attitude to information is the same as it used to be to gossip: “Well, who said what?” Why should I believe? But the trick is that this attitude now turns to the real sources of information. People have not yet learned to navigate the growing flow of information and prefer not to believe anything.
If Listen to Tatiana Vladimirovna ChernihivskayaNow we can agree that anyone can throw information on the Internet. Any person, not checking it for reliability, but presenting it as valid. Therefore, absorbing information, you should be more selective and analyze everything yourself.
The abundance of information gives freedom of choice and the ability to compare. If earlier the information of a single author presented in a book was considered true, now there are many truths and it is not so easy to impose only one opinion on the whole society.
DepositPhotos - The virtual world is slowing down. “There is such a thing as delayed life syndrome. People live as if there is a draft. Moreover, this is how children are raised: while you do this and this, and then when you begin to live... But he began to live at the moment when the father's and mother's cell joined. It's not a draft. You can’t keep a person for 20 years so that he starts something there later, says Chernihivskaya.
What do I do? Communicate with living people, walk, live in the present moment. It is difficult when there is a temptation to escape into the virtual world. But the reward will be worth it - real emotions, dating, relationships.
More information from Tatiana Chernihivskaya and tips on self-development read in our next articles. Follow the links.