What is useful cottage cheese with honey
In the first place in proper nutrition are products that undergo minimal heat treatment. In this form, they retain their nutritional value and vitamin composition. And the combination cottage cheese This combination of products is recommended for use when weakening the body and dietary nutrition. And in spring and autumn, this treat should be on every table!
Nutritionists recommend using cottage cheese and honey mass to digest and saturate the body with useful substances - proteins, essential amino acids, vitamins, trace elements. This dessert contains all the necessary substances to strengthen immunity and support it in a “combat-ready” state.
Benefits of honey with cottage cheese
Another universal breakfast of people who monitor their health is cottage cheese with sour cream. This is a delicious and very hearty dish that allows you to enjoy a delicate taste without harming the figure. The calorie content of the dish is largely dependent on the fat content of cottage cheese and sour cream and can range from 70 to 150 calories per 100 grams.
If you are afraid to buy cottage cheese in the store or in the market, try to prepare this dairy product from fresh milk at home. For the recipe, you will need very few ingredients, the main of which is the desire to eat fresh cottage cheese.
Did you like the article? Then tell your friends why. cottage cheese It is useful to eat everyone, even those who lose weight.

Nutritionists recommend using cottage cheese and honey mass to digest and saturate the body with useful substances - proteins, essential amino acids, vitamins, trace elements. This dessert contains all the necessary substances to strengthen immunity and support it in a “combat-ready” state.

Benefits of honey with cottage cheese
- Benefits of cottage cheese with honey It's visible to the naked eye. The cottage cheese is rich in protein, calcium and lactobacilli, which improve the work of the intestines. And honey is a huge multivitamin complex! And even natural, without synthetic dyes and preservatives.
- Protein in cottage cheese, nutritional value is not inferior to the protein contained in eggs, meat, poultry and fish.
- These foods can and should be eaten together. Even being on a diet, do not be afraid of honey because of high calorie content, the main thing is not to abuse. Do not give up such a healthy product, unless you are allergic to beekeeping products.
- Honey contains special enzymes that contribute to the proper breakdown of fats. When you lose weight, you can use low-fat (low-calorie) cottage cheese. In addition to low calorie content, it is also rich in calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamins of group A, B, E and easily digestible protein.
- Honey curd recipe Very simple. For one portion, 250 g of fresh cottage cheese and 1 tbsp of honey is enough. If there are no health problems, in one day (but not in one reception) you can eat no more than 400 g of cottage cheese and 3 tbsp. l. honey.
- It doesn’t matter what time of day the dish is. If you like it every day, you're welcome! If you do not overeat, the combination of cottage cheese with honey does not harbor any danger.
- The dish is absorbed in the stomach in 20 minutes. Neither the liver nor the pancreas suffer. Therefore, cottage cheese with honey is recommended for weakening immunity and after illness.
- You can eat cheese with honey at least for breakfast. lunchtime. In the latter case, the meal should be 2 hours before bedtime.
- In addition to the fact that honey replenishes the vitamin reserve, improves gastrointestinal functionThis product has anti-stress properties. If you eat it at night, it calms the nervous system, treats insomnia and improves sleep.
- The honey and cottage cheese duo restores the intestinal microflora and normalize metabolism. To get the most benefit, eat this dish without tea, coffee, juice. You can drink any liquid 30 minutes after eating.
- If you do not have a goal to lose weight, you can add a handful of berries or nuts to cottage cheese with honey.
Another universal breakfast of people who monitor their health is cottage cheese with sour cream. This is a delicious and very hearty dish that allows you to enjoy a delicate taste without harming the figure. The calorie content of the dish is largely dependent on the fat content of cottage cheese and sour cream and can range from 70 to 150 calories per 100 grams.
If you are afraid to buy cottage cheese in the store or in the market, try to prepare this dairy product from fresh milk at home. For the recipe, you will need very few ingredients, the main of which is the desire to eat fresh cottage cheese.
Did you like the article? Then tell your friends why. cottage cheese It is useful to eat everyone, even those who lose weight.
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