Rules for remembering loved ones on their birthday
After a person leaves this world, it is the duty of relatives to keep a bright memory of him. Having experienced the pain of loss, many wonder how when And what to do on the birthday of a loved one, if the Lord called him to himself?
Holding a memorial today "Site" He will tell you the rules for remembering loved ones on their birthday. And at the end of the article, see the prayer that you need to read on the name day.
In the Orthodox Church accepted commemorate on the day of the funeral, 9 and 40 days after the event and on the anniversary. There are also special days in the year when every believer should remember loved ones who have passed away. These days in the church calendar are called parental Saturdays. There are several of them in the year, and all except one (May 9 – commemoration of the departed soldiers) have a passing date.
The Holy Fathers say that on the birthday of a loved one, and on other memorable days of his life (baptism, the day of the angel, the day of disappearance), living relatives should remember the one who flew to heaven. This can be done in several ways.
First of all, go to the temple and pray for the soul of a loved one. Prayer will be more effective if you take communion and confess on this day. You can. memorialize Or to submit a note to the proskomedia for commemoration at the liturgy. After visiting the temple, if you wish, go to the grave.
You should not bring bright artificial flowers with you, priests ask you to refuse them. Plastic quickly loses its appearance and harms the environment. Give preference to a live bouquet or plant a living plant on the grave.
Some believers ask the priest to go with them to the churchyard and read there special prayer. After visiting the shrine, it is appropriate to organize a memorial meal.
Wake table It should be modest or lean (according to the day of the week), without a lush feast. The main thing on this day is to remember your loved one, his good deeds and pray for peace of mind.
Commemorative lunch This is an optional condition. To share the memory of your loved one, give alms to those in need after visiting the cemetery. Try not to cry on this day, but to remember a person with kind words. The soul of a loved one feels excessive sorrow and repents in the next world, not finding peace.
Do not follow the superstitions that call for leaving food and drink in the cemetery or at home. Some "knowing" grandmothers say that on the birthday of a person who flew to heaven, a special ritual should be held - "dinner for the departed." They put their favorite dishes on the table and ask the soul to come to visit.
Such rituals should not be performed. They have nothing to do with Orthodoxy, besides it is a great sin. Those who fly to heaven don’t need food and drink, they only need yours. prayer.
If birthday You can not visit the temple, mentally almost the memory of a loved one, and after a while come to church and put a candle for the rest of his soul. In your free time, recite a prayer.
Pray for your loved ones not only on memorable days, but as often as possible. Our Lord is merciful to those who pray for forgiveness.
Remember, O Lord our God, in the faith and hope of eternal life, your dead servant (name), and as the Good and Man-loving one who forgives sins and iniquities, let go and forgive all his free sins and involuntary ones, deliver him from the eternal torments and fire of Gehenna, and grant him (her) communion and enjoyment of your eternal blessings prepared for those who love You: for although he sinned, he did not even renounce his Trinity and confessed to You, even to the Holy Spirit, and to the One God.
Therefore be merciful to him, and trust in you instead of works of imputation, and with your saints as generous, rest: for there is no man who lives and does not sin. But you are one sinless, and your righteousness is eternal, and you are one God of mercy and generosity and humanity, and we send glory to you, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever. Amen.
“Peace, O Lord, the soul of Your servant, the newly-reposed, and forgive him all his sins, free and involuntary, and grant him the Kingdom of Heaven.” In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Do not blame yourself if on the birthday of the deceased you are restless. Those buried on the churchyard now have a different house, everything is fine with them. Do not forget to go to the temple, turn to the Lord in daily prayer, and it will help you find a way out of any, even the most hopeless situation.
Remember that the remembrance of the deceased means the desire to help the soul and alleviate its suffering. Pray for the living, and may God bless your family.
Did you like the article? Then tell your friends what's up. memorial On the birthday of the deceased, because here is exactly the information that everyone should know.

Holding a memorial today "Site" He will tell you the rules for remembering loved ones on their birthday. And at the end of the article, see the prayer that you need to read on the name day.
In the Orthodox Church accepted commemorate on the day of the funeral, 9 and 40 days after the event and on the anniversary. There are also special days in the year when every believer should remember loved ones who have passed away. These days in the church calendar are called parental Saturdays. There are several of them in the year, and all except one (May 9 – commemoration of the departed soldiers) have a passing date.

The Holy Fathers say that on the birthday of a loved one, and on other memorable days of his life (baptism, the day of the angel, the day of disappearance), living relatives should remember the one who flew to heaven. This can be done in several ways.
First of all, go to the temple and pray for the soul of a loved one. Prayer will be more effective if you take communion and confess on this day. You can. memorialize Or to submit a note to the proskomedia for commemoration at the liturgy. After visiting the temple, if you wish, go to the grave.
You should not bring bright artificial flowers with you, priests ask you to refuse them. Plastic quickly loses its appearance and harms the environment. Give preference to a live bouquet or plant a living plant on the grave.

Some believers ask the priest to go with them to the churchyard and read there special prayer. After visiting the shrine, it is appropriate to organize a memorial meal.
Wake table It should be modest or lean (according to the day of the week), without a lush feast. The main thing on this day is to remember your loved one, his good deeds and pray for peace of mind.

Commemorative lunch This is an optional condition. To share the memory of your loved one, give alms to those in need after visiting the cemetery. Try not to cry on this day, but to remember a person with kind words. The soul of a loved one feels excessive sorrow and repents in the next world, not finding peace.

Do not follow the superstitions that call for leaving food and drink in the cemetery or at home. Some "knowing" grandmothers say that on the birthday of a person who flew to heaven, a special ritual should be held - "dinner for the departed." They put their favorite dishes on the table and ask the soul to come to visit.
Such rituals should not be performed. They have nothing to do with Orthodoxy, besides it is a great sin. Those who fly to heaven don’t need food and drink, they only need yours. prayer.

If birthday You can not visit the temple, mentally almost the memory of a loved one, and after a while come to church and put a candle for the rest of his soul. In your free time, recite a prayer.
Pray for your loved ones not only on memorable days, but as often as possible. Our Lord is merciful to those who pray for forgiveness.

Remember, O Lord our God, in the faith and hope of eternal life, your dead servant (name), and as the Good and Man-loving one who forgives sins and iniquities, let go and forgive all his free sins and involuntary ones, deliver him from the eternal torments and fire of Gehenna, and grant him (her) communion and enjoyment of your eternal blessings prepared for those who love You: for although he sinned, he did not even renounce his Trinity and confessed to You, even to the Holy Spirit, and to the One God.
Therefore be merciful to him, and trust in you instead of works of imputation, and with your saints as generous, rest: for there is no man who lives and does not sin. But you are one sinless, and your righteousness is eternal, and you are one God of mercy and generosity and humanity, and we send glory to you, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever. Amen.

“Peace, O Lord, the soul of Your servant, the newly-reposed, and forgive him all his sins, free and involuntary, and grant him the Kingdom of Heaven.” In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Do not blame yourself if on the birthday of the deceased you are restless. Those buried on the churchyard now have a different house, everything is fine with them. Do not forget to go to the temple, turn to the Lord in daily prayer, and it will help you find a way out of any, even the most hopeless situation.
Remember that the remembrance of the deceased means the desire to help the soul and alleviate its suffering. Pray for the living, and may God bless your family.
Did you like the article? Then tell your friends what's up. memorial On the birthday of the deceased, because here is exactly the information that everyone should know.