★ Beauty Secrets of Japanese women.
Light, literally porcelain, delicate skin of Japanese women, their tiny, though chiseled body - the subject of admiration throughout the world. No coincidence that in Japan the institution of a geisha - a woman who knows how to captivate and fascinate at the mere glance at her. How did manage to maintain its Japanese youth, what is the secret of their longevity and harmony?
1. Japanese facial cleansing - a wonderful procedure. Steamed face using warm-compresses with bergamot and tea tree oil. Should be removed from the pores completely painless.
2. To prepare the rice mask for the face half a cup of rice grind in a coffee grinder, 2 tablespoons of the resulting rice flour mixed with warm milk until creamy mass. On the face first, apply a few drops of any vegetable oil and let soak, then rice mask, after 10 minutes, remove it with a damp cloth on the massage lines and apply a light moisturizer.
3. Face Mask.
In white clay, add crushed into powder and oats, rice bran, finely shredded seaweed, chamomile flowers. This also add 1 tsp jojoba, rosehip, chamomile and a little water (to make mass density paste), gently rub the mask into the skin of the face and leave on for ten or fifteen minutes. Rinse with cool mineral water (without gas).
4.Yablochny vinegar.
Japanese adds it to the prevention of dandruff shampoos, degreasing of the hair roots, stimulate their growth, added to the bath to keep your skin young and healthy, a makeup remover, add a few drops of a camellia oil, chamomile, lavender, rosemary, mixed with an extract marshmallow root, nettle - and wipe these lotions face.
5. Sea salt.
Sea salt mixed with aloe juice, dirt, algae and rub these compounds with water body procedures. Excellent helps with cellulite.