What feelings should not be kept silent
Love is the most beautiful feeling on earth. They sing about it, they admire it and all dream about it, and if they find it, they protect it. But there are times when this sweet feeling is more of a problem than a happiness. Especially if she can destroy someone else’s family, friendship.
Very often, women with a similar problem turn to psychotherapists: fell in love with friend's son. One of these stories will tell the editors. "Site" The story of a woman who is in a difficult situation and does not know what to do: to talk about your feelings or to be silent and cry quietly in the evening.
Unrequited love for the guy "I'm 50 years old." I have been divorced for a long time and raised two children. Now the eldest daughter is married, and the youngest is receiving higher education in the capital. I cannot call myself a single woman who lacks attention. I've had different romances, and men still don't mind inviting me for a cup of coffee. But recently I fell in love like a girl - naively and strongly.
But the trouble is that I fell in love with the son of my close friend - a 22-year-old handsome. Larissa and I have been friends for 14 years. We worked in the same organization for a while and have been communicating ever since. We always help each other, like to gossip over a glass of wine, often went on vacation with children. Naturally, I often saw her son, knew what kind of girls he dated, and Larissa and I repeatedly jokingly outlined her future as “mother-in-law.”
2 months ago I met her son at the supermarket and he kindly gave me a ride home. And I was stunned: I looked at him, listened to his voice and thought how beautiful and courageous he was. Since then, I think of him before bed, in the morning and at work. But I'm afraid to admit my feelings. Larisa sees my strange state, but I can't.
I understand that I am an adult woman and should clearly understand that, most likely, there is no future in this relationship. But I can't extinguish that feeling. I can't be normal with my friend's son or herself. I'm kind of ashamed of Larissa. And I don't know if I should tell her about it or not if she'll understand me or despise me. Should I tell her son that?
What if my love isn't unrequited? You can meet in secret, right? Either way, our friendship is over. I can't come to her house in peace anymore. And I think if I share my secret with her, she'll want to protect her young son from me. I would make him the happiest man in the world. What do we do? ?
When there are experiences, our focus is on them. And for the hundredth time, we wonder if we could have done something different. But there's a fact that happened. That's where we start. In such a situation, you need to prioritize: friendship, love, children, work, the opinion of others - everything needs to be put on shelves.
If you understand that there is no future, it is better to abandon it and not hurt other people. In this situation, a friend and her son. You can also go from afar, for example, jokingly tell a friend that you would be the perfect wife of her son. A friend's reaction will say a lot. But it is best to switch: take a vacation and get distracted, and after a while the feeling will fade or another man will appear on the horizon. That's what psychologists advise.
We also talked about how to overcome love for a married man.
Tell us in the comments what you would do on the spot. lover. Share this article with your friends on social media!
Photo by depositphotos preview.

Very often, women with a similar problem turn to psychotherapists: fell in love with friend's son. One of these stories will tell the editors. "Site" The story of a woman who is in a difficult situation and does not know what to do: to talk about your feelings or to be silent and cry quietly in the evening.
Unrequited love for the guy "I'm 50 years old." I have been divorced for a long time and raised two children. Now the eldest daughter is married, and the youngest is receiving higher education in the capital. I cannot call myself a single woman who lacks attention. I've had different romances, and men still don't mind inviting me for a cup of coffee. But recently I fell in love like a girl - naively and strongly.

But the trouble is that I fell in love with the son of my close friend - a 22-year-old handsome. Larissa and I have been friends for 14 years. We worked in the same organization for a while and have been communicating ever since. We always help each other, like to gossip over a glass of wine, often went on vacation with children. Naturally, I often saw her son, knew what kind of girls he dated, and Larissa and I repeatedly jokingly outlined her future as “mother-in-law.”

2 months ago I met her son at the supermarket and he kindly gave me a ride home. And I was stunned: I looked at him, listened to his voice and thought how beautiful and courageous he was. Since then, I think of him before bed, in the morning and at work. But I'm afraid to admit my feelings. Larisa sees my strange state, but I can't.

I understand that I am an adult woman and should clearly understand that, most likely, there is no future in this relationship. But I can't extinguish that feeling. I can't be normal with my friend's son or herself. I'm kind of ashamed of Larissa. And I don't know if I should tell her about it or not if she'll understand me or despise me. Should I tell her son that?

What if my love isn't unrequited? You can meet in secret, right? Either way, our friendship is over. I can't come to her house in peace anymore. And I think if I share my secret with her, she'll want to protect her young son from me. I would make him the happiest man in the world. What do we do? ?

When there are experiences, our focus is on them. And for the hundredth time, we wonder if we could have done something different. But there's a fact that happened. That's where we start. In such a situation, you need to prioritize: friendship, love, children, work, the opinion of others - everything needs to be put on shelves.
If you understand that there is no future, it is better to abandon it and not hurt other people. In this situation, a friend and her son. You can also go from afar, for example, jokingly tell a friend that you would be the perfect wife of her son. A friend's reaction will say a lot. But it is best to switch: take a vacation and get distracted, and after a while the feeling will fade or another man will appear on the horizon. That's what psychologists advise.
We also talked about how to overcome love for a married man.
Tell us in the comments what you would do on the spot. lover. Share this article with your friends on social media!
Photo by depositphotos preview.