What New Parents Need to Know
A newborn gives parents as much joy as it does. day-care. New parents go through a long thorny path, which includes lack of sleep, constant feeding of the child and all sorts of care for him.
Today we have gathered in one list the most important points you need to know about a newborn baby. In it, you can find the basics that every mother should know.
Newborn care and development closely related. It is thanks to proper care that you can not only avoid all sorts of troubles, but also help your baby better and faster adapt to the world around him.
Development of a newborn child It's happening very quickly. Before you even blink an eye, the baby will start talking and running around the house.
That is why it is advisable to master the norms of child care even before his birth, so that immediately be fully equipped.
The most important skills of caring for a newborn baby
It is very important to know everything about your baby’s sleep and how to put him to sleep.
Healthy sleep is the key to the calm behavior of the child during the day. Often, the baby wakes up because he did not sleep well.
The basics of raising a child and the features of its socialization with other children and the world around it is desirable to know every young mother.
Today we have gathered in one list the most important points you need to know about a newborn baby. In it, you can find the basics that every mother should know.
Newborn care and development closely related. It is thanks to proper care that you can not only avoid all sorts of troubles, but also help your baby better and faster adapt to the world around him.
Development of a newborn child It's happening very quickly. Before you even blink an eye, the baby will start talking and running around the house.
That is why it is advisable to master the norms of child care even before his birth, so that immediately be fully equipped.
The most important skills of caring for a newborn baby
- How to Keep a Baby
It's very scary to hold your child for the first time. It's very scary to do something wrong. The most important thing in this case is to remember that the newborn cannot hold his head, so one hand must be placed under the neck and head. - How to take care of yourself in the first month after birth
It is important not only to take care of the child, but also about yourself. The first month is the most difficult, because a new stage begins in your life, full of both joys and worries.
Only by taking good care of yourself can you fully take care of your child. The most important thing is to eat right and sleep while your baby is sleeping. - How to properly swaddle a child
Having a well-sealed child, you can calm him down and lull him. First, fold the diaper in the shape of a diamond, turn the upper corner and put the baby on the diaper.
Throw the left corner of the diaper through the baby's chest and tuck it under the baby's handle. Now tuck in the lower corner of the diaper by the shoulder, and the remaining right push from the bottom. Hold the baby to your chest. Now you'll fall asleep much faster. - How to breastfeed
It is very important to breastfeed the baby, because at first it is the only source of nutrients for the baby. Ask a specialist carefully how to do this. Make sure your baby doesn’t fall asleep with an empty stomach. - How to help a child cope with belching
A good belching is the key to the calm behavior of the child in the first months of his life. In order for the child to regurgitate air, keep it on his chest so that his chin is on your shoulder. Pat him lightly on the back until he burps. - How to give a child a massage
A newborn needs massage to make his muscles and bones stronger. The most important rule is not to massage before or immediately after feeding. Get a massage with a special oil. Start with the legs, then move to the arms, chest and end with the back of the baby. - How to bathe a baby
The most important thing in bathing is to check the water temperature. In the first weeks, the baby needs a light washing with a soft sponge. - How to help your baby sleep
In order for the baby to fall asleep easily, he needs to learn the difference between night and day in the first weeks. To do this, try to light the room well during the day and avoid light at night.
Another tip: even if your almost asleep child seems insanely cute and you want to kiss him before bed, we strongly advise not to do so. For him, it could mean you're ready to play and he's definitely not going to sleep now. - How to properly change the diaper
Changing a diaper is not difficult. However, it is important to remember that you should not put pressure on the navel area in any case. - How to get close to a baby
Try to contact the child as much as possible. Contact works especially well when the skin is in contact with the skin. Talk to the baby, talk to him, smile more.
The area of vision in children is not very large, so try to lean towards the child more often.
It is very important to know everything about your baby’s sleep and how to put him to sleep.
Healthy sleep is the key to the calm behavior of the child during the day. Often, the baby wakes up because he did not sleep well.
The basics of raising a child and the features of its socialization with other children and the world around it is desirable to know every young mother.