What kinds of apples to plant in the summer cottage
Human rumor has long awarded apples with numerous medicinal properties. There is a saying: “An apple for dinner and a doctor is not needed.”
Magic rejuvenated apples are quite often found in Russian fairy tales. There they miraculously cure diseases and prolong the life of fairy tale heroes.
But few people know that thanks to the Ural breeder Leonid Ivanovich Vigorov, this folk dream came true. "Site" He will acquaint readers with the properties of real rejuvenating apples and tell you how to grow them in your garden.
It all began in 1950, when an employee of the Department of Botany and Dendrology of UGLTU (Ural State Forestry University) Leonid Vigorov began to create an educational and experimental garden at the Institute, now the Garden of Medical Cultures named after L. I. Vigorov.
Following the precepts of Michurin, Leonid Ivanovich dreamed of bringing health-ballIt cures many diseases and prolongs life. The first thing the scientist drew attention to is the presence of natural antibiotics, vitamins and useful compounds in apples.
It turned out that in most common varieties of apples (“white pouring”, “papering”, “melba”, “brown striped”, “pepin saffron”, “pepin Moscow”) there is a lack of essential vitamins C and P for health, and for this reason they are difficult to consider an effective preventive agent.
So with the daily need of our body in 60-100 mg of vitamin C (without it we are susceptible to infections) in ordinary apples it is very little (2-7 mg in every 100 g). According to estimates of Professor Vigorov, apples of the popular varieties "Jonathan" or "Golden Delicious" for therapeutic purposes would have to consume at least 4-5 kilograms every day.
Professor Vigorov set out to reduce this number to 1-2 pieces. The desired results did not come soon. It took more than forty years and a surge of interest in healthy lifestyles around the world to new varieties of apples received recognition in the scientific community and the general public.
Leonid Ivanovich foresaw the triumph of the idea of therapeutic and preventive gardening, when he wrote in the book “The Garden of Medical Crops”: “And the gardener of the distant future will recall with surprise those times incomprehensible to him, when the value of fruits and berries was judged only by their taste, size and aroma, regardless of their real importance for health, maintaining high efficiency and prolonging human life.”
Today we can say that apples really exist. In the best of them, the content of vitamins, vital trace elements and natural antibiotics is 10-15 times higher than average values.
For the middle strip of Russia, this group can include such varieties as "filling scarlet", "chernenko"Grandmother," "Isaev's vitamin." For Siberia and the Urals – “long”, “zoreka”, “dessert racket”, “grushovka Omskaya”.
The pinnacle in the creation of high-vitamin varieties was “fun”, “Zaeltsov”, “Siberian souvenir”, “Siberian blush”, “dauria”, “divo”, “golden valley”. They contain up to 45 mg per 100 g, and vitamin P - up to 1,300 mg. Such fruits are much more useful than oranges!
Gardeners are increasingly planting multivitamin varieties of apples (“filling scarlet”, “grandmother” and others) at their sites and were able to clearly see that their fruits strengthen immunity and reduce blood pressure. This has made miracle apples popular among medical professionals, who in some cases prescribe them as a preventive agent.
Planting material for growing rejuvenated apples in their garden, those who wish can acquire in the Botanical Garden of Moscow State University and Michurinsky Garden in Moscow. Eat young apples every day, saturate the body with vitamins and no pain!

Magic rejuvenated apples are quite often found in Russian fairy tales. There they miraculously cure diseases and prolong the life of fairy tale heroes.

But few people know that thanks to the Ural breeder Leonid Ivanovich Vigorov, this folk dream came true. "Site" He will acquaint readers with the properties of real rejuvenating apples and tell you how to grow them in your garden.
It all began in 1950, when an employee of the Department of Botany and Dendrology of UGLTU (Ural State Forestry University) Leonid Vigorov began to create an educational and experimental garden at the Institute, now the Garden of Medical Cultures named after L. I. Vigorov.

Following the precepts of Michurin, Leonid Ivanovich dreamed of bringing health-ballIt cures many diseases and prolongs life. The first thing the scientist drew attention to is the presence of natural antibiotics, vitamins and useful compounds in apples.

It turned out that in most common varieties of apples (“white pouring”, “papering”, “melba”, “brown striped”, “pepin saffron”, “pepin Moscow”) there is a lack of essential vitamins C and P for health, and for this reason they are difficult to consider an effective preventive agent.

So with the daily need of our body in 60-100 mg of vitamin C (without it we are susceptible to infections) in ordinary apples it is very little (2-7 mg in every 100 g). According to estimates of Professor Vigorov, apples of the popular varieties "Jonathan" or "Golden Delicious" for therapeutic purposes would have to consume at least 4-5 kilograms every day.

Professor Vigorov set out to reduce this number to 1-2 pieces. The desired results did not come soon. It took more than forty years and a surge of interest in healthy lifestyles around the world to new varieties of apples received recognition in the scientific community and the general public.

Leonid Ivanovich foresaw the triumph of the idea of therapeutic and preventive gardening, when he wrote in the book “The Garden of Medical Crops”: “And the gardener of the distant future will recall with surprise those times incomprehensible to him, when the value of fruits and berries was judged only by their taste, size and aroma, regardless of their real importance for health, maintaining high efficiency and prolonging human life.”
Today we can say that apples really exist. In the best of them, the content of vitamins, vital trace elements and natural antibiotics is 10-15 times higher than average values.
For the middle strip of Russia, this group can include such varieties as "filling scarlet", "chernenko"Grandmother," "Isaev's vitamin." For Siberia and the Urals – “long”, “zoreka”, “dessert racket”, “grushovka Omskaya”.
The pinnacle in the creation of high-vitamin varieties was “fun”, “Zaeltsov”, “Siberian souvenir”, “Siberian blush”, “dauria”, “divo”, “golden valley”. They contain up to 45 mg per 100 g, and vitamin P - up to 1,300 mg. Such fruits are much more useful than oranges!

Gardeners are increasingly planting multivitamin varieties of apples (“filling scarlet”, “grandmother” and others) at their sites and were able to clearly see that their fruits strengthen immunity and reduce blood pressure. This has made miracle apples popular among medical professionals, who in some cases prescribe them as a preventive agent.

Planting material for growing rejuvenated apples in their garden, those who wish can acquire in the Botanical Garden of Moscow State University and Michurinsky Garden in Moscow. Eat young apples every day, saturate the body with vitamins and no pain!