How to clean the bathroom with home remedies

Every good hostess ensures that the apartment is always clean and cozy. And most of the problems in this regard arises with the toilet and bathroom, because there cleanliness must be maintained constantly. Olga Papsueva, as an experienced hostess, is well aware of this, and she also has a couple of effective ways to cope with any pollution.

And tonight. "Site" He says, how to clean the toilet using home remedies.

Someone will say, they say, why reinvent the wheel, if long ago invented cleaning products. Yes, there are such means, and they are even very effective, but, firstly, it is chemistry, contact with which is hardly useful for a person, and secondly, the price of such means sometimes bites.

And why go to buy a cleaner, if no less effective is at hand? Olga Papsueva believes that there is no such need and proposes to use flushing means at hand. All you need is 2 packs of citric acid, warm water, baking soda and a brush or washcloth.

Take citric acid and dilute it in a small amount of warm water. Liquid pour into the sprayer and shake well. Now sprayed on the surface of the toilet, paying special attention to the most contaminated areas. Leave it for 10-15 minutes.

Now put on your gloves and walk with a brush or sponge on the surface, removing all the dirt. To make the toilet white and fix the result of cleaning, Olga recommends adding baking soda. Put it right in the toilet, the soda is activated and will start to foam. With this foam, treat the entire surface.

Now several times drain the water in the toilet, and then wipe the rest of the surface with a wet clean sponge. Now the toilet is shining clean! This comprehensive tool will help to get rid of any pollution, even old.

Papsueva also tested the method of cleaning the toilet with vinegar. To clean the tank and toilet at the same time, there is another tool. You need to pour half a bottle of ordinary table vinegar into the toilet bowl and leave it for several hours. Then flush it off a few times. That way you can get rid of the contaminants inside the tank.

Look how easy it is to do.


The tools are very simple, besides, there is no fuss with them. We’ve already tried this method, it really works. What do you say?


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