How to store plastic bags
In the kitchens of many housewives, you can find the same package with packages that so many joke about. Package is a large plastic bag, which stores already used, but still suitable plastic bags smaller.
It is a pity to throw them away, although they are cheap, but they are completely new. Here are the hostess and put them off until the occasion. An excellent ergonomic place to store these things was invented by Olga Papsueva.
How to use the package Where to store packages? Package organizer is another wonderful invention that makes life easier. It looks much more aesthetic than a package with packages, and is more convenient to use.
You can make it yourself from the usual grille for washing. Of course, unused, clean. Such a grille can be purchased in the store of household goods, it costs a penny.
Progress of work
Over time, you'll notice that you're using less polyethylene. This will be an undoubted plus, because it is unsafe and environmentally friendly. Polyethylene decays over a period of 700 to 1,000 years.
About 6 million tons of garbage, most of which is plastic, is dumped into the world’s oceans every year.
Therefore, many developed countries have already introduced a ban on the use of at least plastic bags. What can please in this sense in our country, is the appearance in some supermarkets of alternatives to plastic bags in the form of fabric, paper and others.
A new product has also emerged: biodegradable bags that decompose completely into carbon dioxide and water within four years.
It is a pity to throw them away, although they are cheap, but they are completely new. Here are the hostess and put them off until the occasion. An excellent ergonomic place to store these things was invented by Olga Papsueva.

How to use the package Where to store packages? Package organizer is another wonderful invention that makes life easier. It looks much more aesthetic than a package with packages, and is more convenient to use.
You can make it yourself from the usual grille for washing. Of course, unused, clean. Such a grille can be purchased in the store of household goods, it costs a penny.
Progress of work
- The grille is quite elastic. You can easily twist it into a cylinder. Do that and connect the edges with a needle thread.
- For convenience, you can put your structure on a jar. With a glue gun, glue the edge of the grille.
- Then apply the bottom to the cylinder. To do this, take a regular capron cover, it is ideal in size. To make everything look organic, find a lid the same color as the grille. 3807070730
- The edges of the cover are also attached to the cylinder with hot glue. Organizer ready. Put your bags inside, you can tamp them.
- If necessary, pull the package through any opening of the container you have made for storing packages. Where to store bags in the kitchen? So that the organizer does not disturb anyone in the kitchen and is invisible, use another life hack. Attach a hook or holder to the inside of the kitchen cabinet door. Put your organizer on it.
Over time, you'll notice that you're using less polyethylene. This will be an undoubted plus, because it is unsafe and environmentally friendly. Polyethylene decays over a period of 700 to 1,000 years.
About 6 million tons of garbage, most of which is plastic, is dumped into the world’s oceans every year.
Therefore, many developed countries have already introduced a ban on the use of at least plastic bags. What can please in this sense in our country, is the appearance in some supermarkets of alternatives to plastic bags in the form of fabric, paper and others.
A new product has also emerged: biodegradable bags that decompose completely into carbon dioxide and water within four years.