Kebab recipe at the bank

The weather outside the window, as they say in the people, is flightless, and kebabs passion as you want! Especially since everything is already planned and the meat in the pan is looking forward to your active actions. There is no need to adapt to the weather and deny yourself pleasure - this is a great thing. kebab recipeIt can be used as a substitute for an open fire.

Editorial "Site" Goes a step further and gives you a real challenge - try cooking. meat according to our recipe Not to save the pickled, but just so as not to go out again on a rainy street. Especially if you have a piece of pork in your freezer. Cutlets in the bath, we're making barbecue!

It is clear that you did not have the opportunity to prepare for this action adequately, but there is definitely no reason for sadness. If you happen to have a burnt fire. cherry-twig Or charcoal, know - they will definitely be useful to you. But about that a little later. Let's systematize all the parts we need and turn them into a whole, which is an edible result. Honestly, it's already drooling. Oh, yeah! Check it out, or you have a pair of free three-liter cans.

The ingredients
  • 0.5 kg of pork (if the neck, it is perfectly double)
  • 1 bulb
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 50 ml of carbonated mineral water
  • salt and pepper
  • barbecue

If there is previously harvested meat that can not wait for more positive weather, you can skip the points about pickling and immediately get to the point. We want to warn you that preparation Not fast, but it will be more pleasant to enjoy the ready meal. All right, all set, let's go!

  1. Cut the meat in small pieces (should freely pass into the neck of the cans), onions with rings, put everything in a bowl, add salt, pepper, spices, mix. Then add water and lemon juice. Let the meat lie in the marinade for an hour.

  2. While the meat is soaked, prepare the swords. They should be wooden so that they can be easily cut or broken in height three-liter jar.

  3. While you look out the window at the bad weather and look at what is on Facebook, an hour will fly by quickly, you can string meat on your swords. Everything is normal here, like a standard barbecue. A piece of meat, a ring of onions, repeat.

  4. According to our instructions, one can should be enough for you, but keep the second one in reserve - we do not know how much you have. If you do as we do, then the onion should remain: put it on the bottom of the jar and here those cherry coals or twigs will come in handy. Put them there, they will give the meat the smell of an open grill.

  5. Put the barbecue vertically in the jar, but so that it is not very crowded there. Three or four swords will do just fine. Now cover your neck with foil.

  6. Keep in mind, the jar should be put in a cold oven and only then heat it. Fry the barbecue at a temperature of 180 degrees for about an hour and a half, then turn off the oven and slightly open it so that the jar cools, otherwise it may burst. Now get it all out, look for the ketchup, and take the sample, it's done!

This day will certainly not seem cloudy and rainy. Not only do you enjoy a nice meal from the comfort of your home, but now you know How to cook kebabs in the oven. Don't tell anyone, or Uncle Vano from the next barbecue will be out of work!


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