Why does the universe test us and why does it suffer?
Anything. trial We take it personally and often with resentment. It seems to us that the universe will never tire of mocking us, constantly sending a variety of adversity. We are suffering, we cannot understand anything. Why are we doing this? Is it possible to live happily and peacefully?
Editorial "Site" They will look at the problem through the eyes of the universe. Let’s imagine that we are children, and the universe is a teacher, a parent, just a more experienced and sophisticated person. She does not give a test in order to put us a mark in the diary, they say, coped. But so that we can develop.
The Trial of Life Even adultA person who has achieved something in life does not stop dreaming and making plans. What about the kids? However, in order to apply new skills and approaches, they need to be developed. Just as a child is taught to write and read, so the universe teaches us new skills. And we think it happens through pain and suffering.
Of course, we are not in a hurry to leave the comfort zone (although some believe that they did not enter it, but the reluctance to change something in life is the zone), because everything has already been calculated and built. However, new horizons They only open up through stress. Alas, it's inevitable. Experience is needed and can only be gained by rebuilding oneself.
You may wonder why the universe decides for you and wants to give you something. magickick Under your ass to give you a boost you don't really need? Wouldn't it be better to leave you alone and let you live in peace? Not without reason. Although the universe is far more perfect than us, it still has room to grow and evolve.
And since we are part of it, are included in this multi-level, complex and harmonious system, it develops through us. For her in that way. There's nothing surprising.In our coordinate system, this is perceived as a problem. One way or another, but experience can not be obtained without trial, error and work on yourself. That's how it works here.
It seems to us that life itself is testing us. But sometimes it is enough just to expand your perception. If life seems to be full of obstacles, then something must change. Best advice.It is to find something that is enjoyable and enjoyable, and then the design of the universe will be understood. You just have to accept and rejoice.
It is important to understand that development does not occur in a vacuum. Your personal restructuring will influence others, increase their demand for life, form another quality and create new ones. window. It’s your own development, and so is the universe. Getting a link?
Some people believe that the universe works so-called law. You have to believe in yourself and your desires. In this regard, it is quite difficult for intellectuals, since they are subject to all sorts of doubts. It is their course to overcome themselves. But not that. For example, if you believe that money will easily appear in your life, then it will. The power of this belief has not yet been explored, but it is said to work.
It is difficult to say at what point something clicks and the universe suddenly begins to pour blessings on you. It is important to answer a complex internal question of character. "Am I worthy?" Do you have to prove to the universe that you are really good? It can be a contradiction because we attract what we are. The universe knows everything about us because we are part of it.
Why the Universe is Testing Us We Think We pass the test., exam. We act as if we are not part of this world: either we prove to ourselves and to everyone around us that we are worthy, or we must be held in our hands and unconditionally surrender everything that our infinite self demands. But because the universe knows everything about us, it shakes us when we need to. There's nothing we can do about it.
A kind of grounding that aims to make us look around and try from another point. situation. No one wants to be wrong and then be responsible for those mistakes. The easiest way is to give up introspection and blame the universe for being indifferent to us. But the truth is, you have to deal with your mistakes on your own.
If you can’t do it now, the universe will take it to the next life. It has infinity in store, so you can run endlessly from “problems.” Yes, it all looks very strange, but for us it is better Make your point clear. Life seems neutral, but it can have the attitude we give it.
We may need to learn some difficult lesson, but why not believe that the universe is actually benevolent and cares about us? It may look very specific to us, but we can accept it, right? Not all lessons are desirable, but they are all important. The best version of yourself.That's what the universe offers.
We will assume that our editorial staff just spoke to you on behalf of the Universe. Imagine that this is true and let the words that have been said here seem encouraging. Whatever happens in life, It's happening to you. And with your permission. Think about it and decide what you really want. The universe already knows what to do.
It is not always necessary to evaluate trial Only from a negative point of view. The universe knows better how and when to throw us another test. Read our article on why we think that we are not alone in the universe and what can lead to such thoughts. Thank you for staying with us!

Editorial "Site" They will look at the problem through the eyes of the universe. Let’s imagine that we are children, and the universe is a teacher, a parent, just a more experienced and sophisticated person. She does not give a test in order to put us a mark in the diary, they say, coped. But so that we can develop.
The Trial of Life Even adultA person who has achieved something in life does not stop dreaming and making plans. What about the kids? However, in order to apply new skills and approaches, they need to be developed. Just as a child is taught to write and read, so the universe teaches us new skills. And we think it happens through pain and suffering.

Of course, we are not in a hurry to leave the comfort zone (although some believe that they did not enter it, but the reluctance to change something in life is the zone), because everything has already been calculated and built. However, new horizons They only open up through stress. Alas, it's inevitable. Experience is needed and can only be gained by rebuilding oneself.
You may wonder why the universe decides for you and wants to give you something. magickick Under your ass to give you a boost you don't really need? Wouldn't it be better to leave you alone and let you live in peace? Not without reason. Although the universe is far more perfect than us, it still has room to grow and evolve.

And since we are part of it, are included in this multi-level, complex and harmonious system, it develops through us. For her in that way. There's nothing surprising.In our coordinate system, this is perceived as a problem. One way or another, but experience can not be obtained without trial, error and work on yourself. That's how it works here.
It seems to us that life itself is testing us. But sometimes it is enough just to expand your perception. If life seems to be full of obstacles, then something must change. Best advice.It is to find something that is enjoyable and enjoyable, and then the design of the universe will be understood. You just have to accept and rejoice.

It is important to understand that development does not occur in a vacuum. Your personal restructuring will influence others, increase their demand for life, form another quality and create new ones. window. It’s your own development, and so is the universe. Getting a link?
Some people believe that the universe works so-called law. You have to believe in yourself and your desires. In this regard, it is quite difficult for intellectuals, since they are subject to all sorts of doubts. It is their course to overcome themselves. But not that. For example, if you believe that money will easily appear in your life, then it will. The power of this belief has not yet been explored, but it is said to work.

It is difficult to say at what point something clicks and the universe suddenly begins to pour blessings on you. It is important to answer a complex internal question of character. "Am I worthy?" Do you have to prove to the universe that you are really good? It can be a contradiction because we attract what we are. The universe knows everything about us because we are part of it.
Why the Universe is Testing Us We Think We pass the test., exam. We act as if we are not part of this world: either we prove to ourselves and to everyone around us that we are worthy, or we must be held in our hands and unconditionally surrender everything that our infinite self demands. But because the universe knows everything about us, it shakes us when we need to. There's nothing we can do about it.

A kind of grounding that aims to make us look around and try from another point. situation. No one wants to be wrong and then be responsible for those mistakes. The easiest way is to give up introspection and blame the universe for being indifferent to us. But the truth is, you have to deal with your mistakes on your own.
If you can’t do it now, the universe will take it to the next life. It has infinity in store, so you can run endlessly from “problems.” Yes, it all looks very strange, but for us it is better Make your point clear. Life seems neutral, but it can have the attitude we give it.

We may need to learn some difficult lesson, but why not believe that the universe is actually benevolent and cares about us? It may look very specific to us, but we can accept it, right? Not all lessons are desirable, but they are all important. The best version of yourself.That's what the universe offers.
We will assume that our editorial staff just spoke to you on behalf of the Universe. Imagine that this is true and let the words that have been said here seem encouraging. Whatever happens in life, It's happening to you. And with your permission. Think about it and decide what you really want. The universe already knows what to do.

It is not always necessary to evaluate trial Only from a negative point of view. The universe knows better how and when to throw us another test. Read our article on why we think that we are not alone in the universe and what can lead to such thoughts. Thank you for staying with us!
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