Instructions for a young mother, which the husband left with the child in his arms
“My husband distanced himself from me after my son was born. We became parents too quickly, that's probably the problem. Yura and I dated for six months until I found out I was pregnant. I always knew he wanted a son and everything was fine at first. And then I gave birth and was left alone with a baby in my arms, says Olya.
The birth of a child is a long-awaited joy and a great test for a young married couple. At this time, you need to be as patient and understanding as possible. We need to support each other and take care of the baby together. But, unfortunately, it often happens that the husband shifts the care of the child to the wife. And then she wonders why she is exhausted and has a headache in the evening. I still don't understand how people who want children leave them to fend for themselves. Oli's story is very typical, sad as it is.
When I found out that I was pregnant, I did not doubt for a second that Yura would be happy. We only dated for six months, but when he found out, he immediately proposed to me. We spent a crazy honeymoon on the sea, and when we came back, we started doing renovations in the apartment. Yura really wanted a son, he told me this before the wedding. The most interesting thing is that he knew for sure that he would have a son, even chose his name. When I asked him what we would call the baby if a girl was born, he told Dima because he wanted a son.
When I gave birth, my new dad was proud and happy. And then came the hardest test for both of us. And Jura couldn't bear it. Mountains of dirty diapers, sleepless nights and restless cries of the baby knocked the husband out of his rut. After work, he could not hear the baby crying. I was on duty around the clock at his bedside.
I was very tired, falling on the bed without strength. Sometimes I fell asleep from fatigue so tightly that I did not even hear the baby cry, and then Yura had to calm him down. My husband didn’t realize that I couldn’t even take a shower sometimes. So he drifted away from me gradually, didn't help with the baby, stayed late at work. I'm tired of being the only one in the family who pulls everything on me. It was obvious that my husband did not need a child or a wife who was no longer passionate and attractive. When Yuri told him about it, he did not even argue. So I packed my things and went with the baby to my mom’s.
One day I began to replay my life in my head, to remember that once men went crazy for me. And I remembered my former classmate who really liked it. Later, I found him on social media and began to communicate. It turned out that he was not married and quite successful. We met a couple of times at the cafe to chat. I realized he still had sympathy for me. I felt like a woman again, beautiful and charming.
A year later, a classmate asked me to get married. We have been married and happily married for 7 years. My son loves his stepfather very much and calls him Dad. It’s good that I didn’t regret my divorce or doubt my decision. You must take your destiny into your own hands and not wait for the good life to find you.”
Olya is one of those women who do not sacrifice their happiness for the sake of a dysfunctional family. What can an unloving father give to his child? And what does it matter if he lives with his mother separately from his biological father or in the same apartment with someone who does not care about the life of a child? Olya decided to arrange her life, become happy and did a great service to her son. Now Dima will grow in love and care, which he did not receive from his own father. What do you think about that?

The birth of a child is a long-awaited joy and a great test for a young married couple. At this time, you need to be as patient and understanding as possible. We need to support each other and take care of the baby together. But, unfortunately, it often happens that the husband shifts the care of the child to the wife. And then she wonders why she is exhausted and has a headache in the evening. I still don't understand how people who want children leave them to fend for themselves. Oli's story is very typical, sad as it is.

When I found out that I was pregnant, I did not doubt for a second that Yura would be happy. We only dated for six months, but when he found out, he immediately proposed to me. We spent a crazy honeymoon on the sea, and when we came back, we started doing renovations in the apartment. Yura really wanted a son, he told me this before the wedding. The most interesting thing is that he knew for sure that he would have a son, even chose his name. When I asked him what we would call the baby if a girl was born, he told Dima because he wanted a son.

When I gave birth, my new dad was proud and happy. And then came the hardest test for both of us. And Jura couldn't bear it. Mountains of dirty diapers, sleepless nights and restless cries of the baby knocked the husband out of his rut. After work, he could not hear the baby crying. I was on duty around the clock at his bedside.

I was very tired, falling on the bed without strength. Sometimes I fell asleep from fatigue so tightly that I did not even hear the baby cry, and then Yura had to calm him down. My husband didn’t realize that I couldn’t even take a shower sometimes. So he drifted away from me gradually, didn't help with the baby, stayed late at work. I'm tired of being the only one in the family who pulls everything on me. It was obvious that my husband did not need a child or a wife who was no longer passionate and attractive. When Yuri told him about it, he did not even argue. So I packed my things and went with the baby to my mom’s.

One day I began to replay my life in my head, to remember that once men went crazy for me. And I remembered my former classmate who really liked it. Later, I found him on social media and began to communicate. It turned out that he was not married and quite successful. We met a couple of times at the cafe to chat. I realized he still had sympathy for me. I felt like a woman again, beautiful and charming.
A year later, a classmate asked me to get married. We have been married and happily married for 7 years. My son loves his stepfather very much and calls him Dad. It’s good that I didn’t regret my divorce or doubt my decision. You must take your destiny into your own hands and not wait for the good life to find you.”

Olya is one of those women who do not sacrifice their happiness for the sake of a dysfunctional family. What can an unloving father give to his child? And what does it matter if he lives with his mother separately from his biological father or in the same apartment with someone who does not care about the life of a child? Olya decided to arrange her life, become happy and did a great service to her son. Now Dima will grow in love and care, which he did not receive from his own father. What do you think about that?
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