My kids were the smartest in the class because I wasn’t too lazy to do them.
Whatever you say, baby-mat - useful thing. How many flaps can be placed on it, how many colors and inserts to use, beauty! And children, or rather babies, are just what they need. Warm and soft, but also fascinating. They do not part with this mat all day long.
There are a huge number of shops with goods for the smallest. Some of them make their products better, and some do not try very hard. It is especially scary to order goods from China. Not only do you not know what exactly will come, but the delivery time is such that the child will go to school by this time. Class is like 7th.
Educational mat for children Why? The benefits of such a mat for the baby is difficult to overestimate. Pure, full of surprise consciousness tries to study the whole world. The child does not yet know what signals his body can give him. Tactile perception at this age is very important. What is hot is hot, and what is sour is sour, he will learn with time. But you need to start immediately and preferably with something simple.
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A post shared by Educational Mats for Kids (@lemonland_)
Therefore, the material of the mat should be antiallergenicIf possible natural and pleasant. soft-texture. Constant washing at sparing speeds. This will save the mat from premature wear and loss of brightness of colors. And besides, there is nothing for the baby to crawl on a dirty piece of fabric. Purity is the key to success. We also recommend using air conditioning so that even the baby’s sense of smell develops in the right direction.
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A post shared by Thermomats Children's Mats (@krosh_ka38)
As a result, we come to the conclusion that this seemingly primitive invention contributes to much better development of children than alternative options. For example, many parental couples suffer from this attack. tablet. Give the child an electronic toy on which fish swim or mice run and go about their business. Now the baby knows what this box is and what you can poke into it with your fingers. Let’s not talk about how this affects vision, let everyone draw their own conclusions.
Which mat to choose? Buy a rug in storehouse or make by their own efforts? The choice is up to you. We talked about the purchase option above. In general, if you do not have time or you simply do not know how to do anything with your hands, it will do. For a long time, rugs and rag parts for them have been sold separately. Combine all the elements you want, it will be quite good at least.
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A post shared by Interactive books (@8mng8)
If you want to make a mat yourself, you will have to run through different shops of creativity for pictures of fabric, beads, buttons and all the like. Your imagination will not be limited to the standard set, and perhaps you will create your thoughtful masterpiece. Why thoughtful? For such a mat, you need to clearly understand what functions one or another of its parts performs. So that it is not too small, sharp or toxic. For your child you need to do the highest level.
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A post shared by DEVELOPMENT BOOKS, CUBICS (@viktoria_baby_books_)
Tips for creating a mat
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A post shared by Educational Mats for Kids (@lemonland_)
Children’s rugs are well established around the world. They can be different designs, it does not matter much. Of course, no toy or product will fully replace parents. But for the development of a child with someone older, this mat will definitely be useful.

There are a huge number of shops with goods for the smallest. Some of them make their products better, and some do not try very hard. It is especially scary to order goods from China. Not only do you not know what exactly will come, but the delivery time is such that the child will go to school by this time. Class is like 7th.
Educational mat for children Why? The benefits of such a mat for the baby is difficult to overestimate. Pure, full of surprise consciousness tries to study the whole world. The child does not yet know what signals his body can give him. Tactile perception at this age is very important. What is hot is hot, and what is sour is sour, he will learn with time. But you need to start immediately and preferably with something simple.
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A post shared by Educational Mats for Kids (@lemonland_)
Therefore, the material of the mat should be antiallergenicIf possible natural and pleasant. soft-texture. Constant washing at sparing speeds. This will save the mat from premature wear and loss of brightness of colors. And besides, there is nothing for the baby to crawl on a dirty piece of fabric. Purity is the key to success. We also recommend using air conditioning so that even the baby’s sense of smell develops in the right direction.
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A post shared by Thermomats Children's Mats (@krosh_ka38)
As a result, we come to the conclusion that this seemingly primitive invention contributes to much better development of children than alternative options. For example, many parental couples suffer from this attack. tablet. Give the child an electronic toy on which fish swim or mice run and go about their business. Now the baby knows what this box is and what you can poke into it with your fingers. Let’s not talk about how this affects vision, let everyone draw their own conclusions.
Which mat to choose? Buy a rug in storehouse or make by their own efforts? The choice is up to you. We talked about the purchase option above. In general, if you do not have time or you simply do not know how to do anything with your hands, it will do. For a long time, rugs and rag parts for them have been sold separately. Combine all the elements you want, it will be quite good at least.
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A post shared by Interactive books (@8mng8)
If you want to make a mat yourself, you will have to run through different shops of creativity for pictures of fabric, beads, buttons and all the like. Your imagination will not be limited to the standard set, and perhaps you will create your thoughtful masterpiece. Why thoughtful? For such a mat, you need to clearly understand what functions one or another of its parts performs. So that it is not too small, sharp or toxic. For your child you need to do the highest level.
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A post shared by DEVELOPMENT BOOKS, CUBICS (@viktoria_baby_books_)
Tips for creating a mat
- Colour - the main part, that is, the mat itself should be a pleasant calm shade. Beige options are ideal. But you can also take white, pastel blue or light green. Red or black is not recommended. They serve as a bad background, and just too aggressive colors.
- Flatters. - any one will do. The main thing is to take high-quality fabric, or better its different types. The baby will feel different textures. This will be useful for the sensitivity of his fingers.
- Ropes. It is exactly the same purpose as the flaps. However, they should not be too long for safety reasons.
- Buttons - preferably different shape, size and material. In addition to being pleasant to touch, you can also walk on them. This develops the sensitivity of the feet, which will only benefit the little one.
- Fabric pictures - can serve as characters of fairy tales. The child needs to visualize what is said. So that he can at least remotely understand what is being said. In addition, colorful pictures attract a lot of attention.
- Beads - only the largest sizes. So that the baby does not have the opportunity to stuff them in the nose or ears. They are securely attached to the ropes and emit small clicks, affect the hearing.
- Pockets They are convenient to climb with pens, to figure out how to use them. You can make one large pocket to make a mini-tent. It's great to develop imagination and just like kids at that age.
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A post shared by Educational Mats for Kids (@lemonland_)
Children’s rugs are well established around the world. They can be different designs, it does not matter much. Of course, no toy or product will fully replace parents. But for the development of a child with someone older, this mat will definitely be useful.
The grief of the mother that lets his son stuff cones with his daughter-in-law
She waved to Italy and was taken aback by the way the hot Italians behaved.