Eating plan after COVID-19 to clear your mind

The post-covid organism It needs comprehensive recovery. And you have to spend a lot of time to fully strengthen. It is especially difficult for those who are faced with a severe form, and therefore must remain under the supervision of specialists during the recovery period.

And if recovery from mild and medium forms of covid takes about 4 weeks, then more severe consequences will have to get rid of 6 months, and a year, and even more. The problem has not yet been fully studied, and therefore scientists and doctors are not yet able to give accurate answers to all questions. But some points are already clear.

Doctors assure that none of those patients who faced a severe form of covid came out of the hospital completely healthy. Everyone has at least a slight ailment, which persists for weeks and even months. This condition is called postcoid syndrome (or simply postcoid).

It is worth listing the most common consequences of covid. Here you can call insomnia, and excessive drowsiness, and constant fatigue, coupled with weakness, and a decrease in overall productivity. Concentration may decrease (it is difficult to concentrate on doing some work), memory deteriorates.

The consequences of covid can manifest themselves in violation of blood pressure, can lead to the appearance of arrhythmia, tachycardia, bradycardia. Things are no better with the respiratory system, because a person may have shortness of breath and other breathing problems.

There are cases of sharp deterioration of vision, the beginning of difficulties with the gastrointestinal tract. It is not surprising that against the background of the above and other problems, as well as the general decline in strength, depression often develops. Therefore, you should not be frivolous. And after a person can again communicate with others and leave the house, it is necessary to conduct high-quality restoration work.

The overall goal is simple - to return the body to the "predictable" state, as much as possible. Therefore, we are talking about restoring the respiratory system, and raising immunity, and improving digestion.

It is equally important to restore normal sleep, normalize blood pressure and stabilize the heart rhythm. It is also necessary to minimize vision impairment or even completely restore it, as well as increase your own performance and normalize your mental state. The more competently built rehabilitation, the faster everything will go well.

So far, medicine does not have one for all programs of rehabilitation measures. However, it is clear that there are several important components. First, there should be a balanced diet without sweets, but with an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Secondly, you should perform physical exercises to strengthen the muscles, as well as to restore respiratory functions. Sleep 7-8 hours a day and follow all the recommendations of the attending physician.

  1. First of all, experts advise aerobic loads that can be performed in a sitting and even lying position. Exercise "Bicycle", where the hands are loaded. When performing any exercises, it is better to follow the principle: less load, but more repetitions.
  2. Active cardio is best postponed. Start with normal walking, and later you can use a bicycle. But still, walking in the fresh air is the most acceptable and safe way to rehabilitation.

  3. In the evening, the room should be aired, and it is better to complete the meal two hours before going to bed. Any physical activity should be stopped 2-3 hours before bedtime. It is great if before going to bed it was possible to walk in the fresh air.
  4. Modern man is difficult to do without gadgets, but during the recovery of the body after a covid should minimize the work with your favorite smartphone or laptop before bedtime. In bed, gadgets should not be taken, because working with them will only excite the brain, which will prevent you from getting enough sleep.
  5. You will also have to give up hard drinks. The thing is that with a covid, the cardiovascular system is already under attack. Therefore, loading it additionally is too risky.

Proper nutrition is the key to a quick and successful recovery. Therefore, the food basket will have to pay special attention. What micronutrients are needed here?

  1. selenium
    For his sake, it is worth adding sunflower seeds, mackerel, herring, mussels, liver or turkey heart to the diet.
  2. yode
    Please yourself with shrimp, turkey meat, tuna, kelp, cod, prunes or fresh strawberries.
  3. zinc
    Don't forget about seafood and beef. A lot of zinc is also in pumpkin seeds.
  4. Copper.
    Treat yourself to dark chocolate or squid. This trace element is also present in cashew nuts and sunflower seeds.
  5. taurine
    In the diet should be eggs, fish, meat and milk.
  6. Vitamins
    First of all, we are talking about vitamins A (liver, eggs), B12 (liver, fish, seafood), D (fish, meat, eggs). It is important to eat a variety and with pleasure, then food will be the greatest benefit.

Separately, we note that even those people who easily suffered a covid later faced stress. Therefore, a depressed state and exaggeration of small household problems is one of the consequences for which you need to be prepared. By the way, recently Dr. Komarovsky explained how close people should behave in this situation.


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