Commentators admit that they had to do it for the first time in adulthood
Fear of one moment to irrevocably grow old affects every person, this is normal. Why are we afraid? Probably because we are constantly putting off our dreams for later. And it turns out that there is no “later”. There is only today and only now. A full life takes away the fear of the unknown. So the question is, what am I going to do when I'm 60 or 70? Yeah, probably the same as people 25, 40. Desire has no age.I'll prove it to you with real people's comments.
Do not limit yourself to stereotypes about age. You cannot forbid yourself to do what you want. Some people say that old age is a gift. Especially for a woman. After all, she spent her whole life taking care of her children, her husband, and her parents. And it's only when she's 50 that the kids are grown and the husband isn't that bad, so you can devote time to what you've wanted all these years.
With age comes the understanding that products grown with their own hands, much tastier and healthier than those that lie in the store. And work near the ground calms and becomes a kind of meditation.
“I grow a lot of flowers – both garden and room – for sale (at least some pension supplement). Selling locally, now mastered the sale over the Internet (I will be 65 this year), I like, however, a lot of trouble with packaging, but it is nice to receive words of gratitude from satisfied customers. And it is nice to know that the plants I grew now live all over my country, says Elena.
Being inspired to be yourself means sometimes you have to refuse requests. As long as you do good to other people, you’re wasting your life. This does not mean that you should stop helping your family and friends. It means being able to tell the difference between when people need help and when they can do without it.
I learned to say no by the time I was 60. Most of my life has already been lived, and now I want to live for myself. I feel happy and no longer burden my life with other people’s problems, do not try to impose my help, as it was before. Now I do everything as I want, and not as it is convenient for others, says Olga.
To find yourself in art - why not? Just as you learn in school, you can learn in adulthood. But more consciously and with pleasure. It's never too late to learn. Someone barely finishes school, and someone at 44 years old gets their first major in university. Isn't that beautiful?
I have been working in an art studio for five years. I paint in oil, paint in watercolor and pastel. I also bought a weaving machine. Trying to weave a tapestry. But I realized one thing: do not throw away, and then a lot of unfinished work on drawing and weaving. I still can't finish the embroidery. The knitting is going well. In the evening, in a chair before a good movie, says Lena.
Taking care of your health Getting in shape means taking care of your health and improving your quality of life. Some people manage to take care of themselves all their lives. Someone constantly lacks time, and after childbirth, extra pounds become constant companions. But when you no longer have to take care of young children, you can take time for yourself. Love yourself, learn to eat quality and tasty. Learn to cook in such a way that you can not drag by the ears, and then you will not shamefully grab your sides.
“Years of caring for the family have passed very quickly. I looked at myself in the mirror and started crying. I was stared at by a fat sad woman who saw happiness in chocolate cake. This woman sat quietly at home, watching TV shows with a bucket of ice cream and hated herself. That woman's gone. I totally changed my attitude. I got a dog, started to go to yoga and solved problems with a psychologist that I ate with sweets. At 50 I like myself more than at 38, Inna smiles.
To live in the moment, to allow oneself to do stupid things and what one really wants is not happiness? Don’t stop loving yourself, learning new facets of your personality. And then you just won’t have any questions about whether it’s okay to paint, Pilates, or dance at your age. It’s not about age, it’s about what we dare to do, how dependent we are on others’ opinions, and what we are willing to sacrifice for our own happiness. It's all in your head.

Do not limit yourself to stereotypes about age. You cannot forbid yourself to do what you want. Some people say that old age is a gift. Especially for a woman. After all, she spent her whole life taking care of her children, her husband, and her parents. And it's only when she's 50 that the kids are grown and the husband isn't that bad, so you can devote time to what you've wanted all these years.

With age comes the understanding that products grown with their own hands, much tastier and healthier than those that lie in the store. And work near the ground calms and becomes a kind of meditation.
“I grow a lot of flowers – both garden and room – for sale (at least some pension supplement). Selling locally, now mastered the sale over the Internet (I will be 65 this year), I like, however, a lot of trouble with packaging, but it is nice to receive words of gratitude from satisfied customers. And it is nice to know that the plants I grew now live all over my country, says Elena.

Being inspired to be yourself means sometimes you have to refuse requests. As long as you do good to other people, you’re wasting your life. This does not mean that you should stop helping your family and friends. It means being able to tell the difference between when people need help and when they can do without it.

I learned to say no by the time I was 60. Most of my life has already been lived, and now I want to live for myself. I feel happy and no longer burden my life with other people’s problems, do not try to impose my help, as it was before. Now I do everything as I want, and not as it is convenient for others, says Olga.

To find yourself in art - why not? Just as you learn in school, you can learn in adulthood. But more consciously and with pleasure. It's never too late to learn. Someone barely finishes school, and someone at 44 years old gets their first major in university. Isn't that beautiful?

I have been working in an art studio for five years. I paint in oil, paint in watercolor and pastel. I also bought a weaving machine. Trying to weave a tapestry. But I realized one thing: do not throw away, and then a lot of unfinished work on drawing and weaving. I still can't finish the embroidery. The knitting is going well. In the evening, in a chair before a good movie, says Lena.
Taking care of your health Getting in shape means taking care of your health and improving your quality of life. Some people manage to take care of themselves all their lives. Someone constantly lacks time, and after childbirth, extra pounds become constant companions. But when you no longer have to take care of young children, you can take time for yourself. Love yourself, learn to eat quality and tasty. Learn to cook in such a way that you can not drag by the ears, and then you will not shamefully grab your sides.

“Years of caring for the family have passed very quickly. I looked at myself in the mirror and started crying. I was stared at by a fat sad woman who saw happiness in chocolate cake. This woman sat quietly at home, watching TV shows with a bucket of ice cream and hated herself. That woman's gone. I totally changed my attitude. I got a dog, started to go to yoga and solved problems with a psychologist that I ate with sweets. At 50 I like myself more than at 38, Inna smiles.

To live in the moment, to allow oneself to do stupid things and what one really wants is not happiness? Don’t stop loving yourself, learning new facets of your personality. And then you just won’t have any questions about whether it’s okay to paint, Pilates, or dance at your age. It’s not about age, it’s about what we dare to do, how dependent we are on others’ opinions, and what we are willing to sacrifice for our own happiness. It's all in your head.
Wise trucker showed why he had bottles in the wheels of the truck
Stopped wearing clothes that make me twice as big, cavaliers looking around in the street